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Syringomyelia testimonials

Between October 1993 and July 2017, more than 1000 patients affected by the Neuro-Cranio-Vertebral Syndrome and/or the Filum Disease with Arnold-Chiari I, Syringomyelia and Scoliosis (in different diagnostic combinations) have been treated according to the guidelines of the FILUM SYSTEM®.

In the majority of cases a positive evolution was obtained, with a high patient satisfaction rate.

For some years now, patients in the follow-up postoperative phase have been invited to write testimonials about their clinical history for our website.

We highly appreciate their open-hearted and selfless involvement by expressing their views on our exclusive treatment methods.

NOTE: The opinions expressed in the testimonials are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona.

Andressa Regina Eger. Neuro-cranio-vertebral Syndrome. Filum disease. Idiopathic syringomyelia. Multiple disc disease.

Published by on 17 March, 2023 with the patient's consent

Surgery date: 14/7/2016 Date of patient testimonial: 16/2/2023 Brazilian patient Andressa Regina Eger contacted the ICSEB team in February 2023, quite surprised after having her last MRI scan. “I went to my doctor in Brazil, who told me that my last tests did not show Syringomyelia,” she said. After a detailed study by the ICSEB…  

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Yeomhwang Kim. Neuro- Cranio-Vertebral Syndrome. Filum Disease. Impacted cerebellar tonsils. Intramedullary cyst. Deviation of the spine. Left hand side disc herniation L5-S1. Disc protrusion C5-C6.

Published by on 26 November, 2021 with the patient's consent

Update: 19/10/2021 Hi everyone, I’m writing to update my testimonial. It’s been already 5 years since my surgery in October 2016. In general, the symptoms I suffered from before the intervention – dizziness, pain in my arms and legs – almost disappeared, except when I’m tired or sick. Very occasionally I feel pain in my…  

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Olga Belova. Neuro-Cranio-Vertebral Syndrome. Filum Disease*. Descent of the Cerebellar Tonsils (Arnold-Chiari I Syndrome). Idiopathic Syringomyelia. Idiopathic Scoliosis.

Published by on 20 September, 2021 with the patient's consent

  Surgery: 06/02/2020     Olga Belova (Russia). We went to the Institut Chiari de Barcelona to receive help and treatment for our daughter’s intramedullary cyst. In Russia we were offered only an invasive treatment with incision of the cyst. Then we decided to follow a less invasive way. Many told us not to go…  

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Maria Maddalena Crabolu. Cord Traction Syndrome. Descent of the Cerebellar Tonsils. Idiopathic Syringomyelia.

Published by on 7 March, 2018 with the patient's consent

Surgery date: 03/12/2013 The patient had a magentic resonance imaging check up of the spine for her 5 year post-op follow up of the Sectioning of the Filum Terminale according to the Filum System® method. Here we can see the comparison betwenn the pre- and current post-op MRI scans with the relevant decrease of the…  

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Larisa Kuznetsova. Neuro-cranio-vertebral syndrome. Filum Disease. Arnold-Chiari I syndrome. Idiopathic Syringomyelia.

Published by on 29 January, 2018 with the patient's consent

Surgery date: February 2016 THE STORY OF MY DISEASE AND RECOVERY I remember that since I was 3-4, I used to see vibrations of colours that moved and, at the same time, I had the sensation that I was flying upwards. I was a quiet child, I didn’t like active play and preferred quietness, silence…  

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Dayse Aparecida Ferreira. Neuro- Cranio-Vertebral Syndrome. Descent of the Cerebellar Tonsils (Arnold-Chiari Syndrome Type I). Intramedullary cyst (idiopathic Syringomyelia).

Published by on 11 January, 2018 with the patient's consent

Surgery date: March 2017     My name is Dayse, I am 34 years old and have had on and off pain since I was 28 years old, the cause of which was not discovered. These pains intensified in July 2014 and I had to go to the emergency room because they were really bad….  

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Abdallah Faisal Aljohani. Neuro-Cranio-Vertebral Syndrome, Filum Disease. Idiopathic Syringomyelia. Arnold-Chiari Syndrome I. Idiopathic Scoliosis. Multiple disc disease.

Published by on 23 December, 2016 with the patient's consent

Surgery date: April 2016 My name is Faisal, I am Abdallah’s father, he a fifteen-year-old boy from Saudi Arabia. I allow myself to tell you my son’s story, as it has been his mother and myself who have experienced his suffering in flesh and blood. Abdallah’s probleme started with the atrophy of his left hand…  

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Barbara Blache. Cord Traction Syndrome with Scoliosis and Idiopathic Syringomyelia. Thoracic herniated disc T6-T7.

Published by on 23 January, 2015 with the patient's consent

Date of surgery: February 2009 I am 41 years old, I am French and I am suffering from Syringomyelia, Idiopathic Scoliosis with herniated disc D6/D7. Some years ago, in France, I was proposed only one solution for my problem on a condition that if I had been a little more “affected” and it was an aggressive…  

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Oleg Li. Cord Traction Syndrome. Idiopathic Syringomyelia, Descent of the cerebellar tonsils and idiopathic Scoliosis. Polydiscopathy.

Published by on 18 February, 2014 with the patient's consent

Surgery date: December 2013 Hello! Happy New Year! My name is Oleg, I am 36 years old, I live with my family in Almaty, Kazakhstan, and I would like to express my immense gratitude towards the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona team for their work, especially Doctor Royo and Nina! I had…  

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Violetta. Idiopathic Syringomyelia, Cord Traction Syndrome. Arnold Chiari I Syndrome and Idiopathic Scoliosis.

Published by on 12 September, 2013 with the patient's consent

Surgery date: October 2011 Good day. At the age of six years our daughter started having health problems: some trouble with the left foot, she wasn’t able to walk on it entirely, the heel would always be “hanging” in the air, then the scoliosis appeared, one shoulder was higher than the other, she wasn’t able…  

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Paolo Buscemi. Idiopathic Syringomyelia. Cord Traction Syndrome. Mild thoracic scoliosis.

Published by on 5 March, 2013 with the patient's consent

Date of surgery: July 2011 My name is Paolo Buscemi, I am 27 years old and I’m Sicilian. I am writing to tell my story about how I discovered my disease and Dr. Royo’s surgery. It all started in 2011. I started feeling strange sensations towards January: stiff hands, loss of strength and grip (often…  

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María. Thoracic syringomyelia and idiopathic scoliosis. Cord Traction Syndrome.

Published by on 25 October, 2012 with the patient's consent

Surgery date: June 2011 It all began in 2008, when I was only 18 years old. I started to have strange pains, vertigo, loss of balance, muscle spasms, weakness of the limbs, and I’m probably not remembering all of it. Without understanding what was happening to me, I quickly approached a doctor. He immediately thought…  

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Anna Adell Querol. Idiopathic Syringomyelia. Cord Traction Syndrome.

Published by on 17 October, 2012 with the patient's consent

Surgery date: July 2012 About ten years ago, I started to get some aches in my arms. The doctors said that it was tendonitis, a wrong movement, …but the pain was always the same and I was gradually losing strength. Last year I had an electromyogram done, because I virtually couldn´t hold a pen in…  

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Joaquina Herrezuelo. Idiopathic Syringomyelia. Cord Traction Syndrome. Multiple discopathy, especially C6-C7 and D9-D10.

Published by on 25 July, 2012 with the patient's consent

Surgery date: June 2012 Hello, my name is Joaquina, I´m 54 years old and I am from Valladolid. My problems started in 2008, when I broke my shoulder in a work accident. At the insurance they already found the syringomyelia through a resonance, but they didn´t give any importance to it. From when I had…  

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Letter to Dr. Royo from Giovanni Lanzoni, husband of a patient.

Published by on 18 November, 2011 with the patient's consent

Querido amigo te escribo… Dear friend, I write to you… Dear Dr. Miguel Royo Salvador: I would like to allow myself to call you simply Miguel. I am writing this short letter to you to express my gratitude and recognition, being one of the few lucky people in the world who have been able to…  

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Elvina Evseeva. Idiopathic Syringomyelia. Medullary Traction syndrome.

Published by on 17 February, 2011 with the patient's consent

Date of the surgery: January 2010. My health problems began when I was 7 years old, in November 2003. After a cesarean I lost 17 kilograms in just one day. At first, I was happy to leave the hospital looking thinner but when I started to walk, I noticed my body balancing towards the right…  

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Anna Maria Bernardi. idiopathic Syringomyelia, Scoliosis and Medullary Traction Syndrome.

Published by on 15 February, 2011 with the patient's consent

Date of the intervention: November 2010 My name is Anna Maria Bernardi and I would like to share my testimonial for other patients to understand how hard it is to live with such a rare pathology and for others to find the strength to fight against an unknown disease in Italy, my country: the Arnold…  

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Rosanna Biagiotti. Idiopathic Syringomyelia and Scoliosis. Medullary traction syndrome. D8-D9 and D9-D10 Discopathy.

Published by on 1 May, 2010 with the patient's consent

Date of intervention: May 2010 Buenos días a todo el mundo, Me llamo Rosanna Biagiotti, tengo 35 años y vivo en Umbría, precisamente en la provincia de Perusa. Quería contar brevemente mi historia, esperando de esta forma poder ser de ayuda a todos aquellos que, como yo, han tenido la mala suerte de tener una…  

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Cristina Pascale. Mielopathy of Traction. Dorsal and Lumbar Hydrosyringomyelia

Published by on 3 April, 2009 with the patient's consent

Date of intervention: April 2009 My name is Cristina Pascale, I am 30 years old, I live in Bucharest, Romania and I am Dr. Royo´s patient who diagnosed me with “Mielopathy of Traction. Dorsal and Lumbar Hydrosyringomyelia”. My symptoms appeared in April 2008 and were present like pain in the left foot that stopped only…  

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Rose-lys Trujillo. Syringomyelia

Published by on 22 January, 2008 with the patient's consent

Date of intervention: January 2008 Rose-lys, 53 year old, French, with Syringomyelia since 7 years old from C5 to D1. Strong worsening after 3 months. Symptoms: migraines, loss of muscular mass, discoordination in hands, difficulty in swallowing, in eating, dizziness, lack of balance, lack of heat and cold sensitivity. Strong back pain, limbs, jaw, etc……  

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Reinaldo Andrés Yegres Ruiz. Thoracic Syringomyelia and Idiopathic Scoliosis.

Published by on 13 September, 2007 with the patient's consent

Date of intervention: September 2007 Reinaldo Yegres López C.I. 5.083.465 and Carmen Ruiz de Yegres C.I. 5.081.971, from Venezuela, parents of 11-year-old Reinaldo Andrés Yegres Ruiz, want to tell about what we have gone through when we discovered the illness my son had. It all started in the month of July of 2006 from an…  

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Francesco Mauro. Cervicodorsal Syringomyelia

Published by on 12 July, 2007 with the patient's consent

Date of intervention: July 2007 I was born on the 3/10/1973 in Crotone, I´m 33 years old, married and father of a 13 year old girl. Until 1997 I worked in the field of construction, leading a normal life, from the physical point of view. Unfortunately, in 1997 I started having health problems which manifested…  

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