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Vertebral Column Operated Patients testimonials

NOTE: The opinions expressed in the testimonials are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona.

Carmen Reyes Barranco. Right cervicobrachialgia secondary to right cervical C5-C6 disc herniation

Published by on 14 May, 2012 with the patient's consent

Surgery date: March 2012 Hello to everyone. My name is Carmen Reyes, I am 32 years old and I live in Cartagena, Murcia. I have to tell you that I have undergone surgery for a Herniated Disc in the C5-C6 vertebrae with irradiation to the arm (right Cervicobrachialgia) and I have the need to tell…  

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David Mirete. Herniated disk in left L5-S1.

Published by on 7 July, 2009 with the patient's consent

Date of the intervention: July 2009 Hi, my name is David Mirete, I am 43 years old (42 when I was operated on), I live in Barcelona and I hope my experience will help you. Approximately, a year ago before the surgery, I had pain in my back, which affected my left leg. As I…  

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Ramón Borras Iserta. Discal Protrusion in left L5-S1, discal Protrusion in C5-6 and D12-L1, Scoliosis.

Published by on 13 October, 2007 with the patient's consent

Date of intervention: October 2007 Hi my name is Ramon, a 42-year-old patient living in Botarell situated in the province of Tarragona, Spain. During all my life I have practiced different sports (mountain motorbike, bicycle, etc) and in the year 2005 I suddenly started having trouble with my lumbar and strong pain in the sciatic…  

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Sandra Lucas. Disk herniation Lumbar L5-S1.

Published by on 15 June, 2007 with the patient's consent

Date of intervention: June 2007 Hello, my name is Sandra and I’m 39 years old. I work as a truck driver and that is how my spinal cord became damaged. I went to the insurance company and they didn’t pay any attention to me. They told me that it was from a wearing away of…  

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Oriol Royo Obregón. Luxation and Listesis C6-C7

Published by on 27 March, 2007 with the patient's consent

Date of intervention: March 2007 My name is Oriol Royo Obregon, I’m 21 years old and I live in Altafulla (Tarragona). I’ll tell you my experience which will hopefully be of help to you. The 6th of August 2006, I had a traffic accident and was admitted to the Hospital of Mora d’ Ebre, where…  

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Dolores Castillo. Bilateral Lumbo Sciatica, paresis of the right dorsal foot flexion. Bilateral Radicular compression in L4-L5.

Published by on 18 October, 2006 with the patient's consent

Date of intervention: October 2006 I am 58 years old, I live in the outskirts of Barcelona and since I had surgery done on the 18th of October 2006 I started to be a new person. It all happened at the end of the year 2005, the back pains happened periodically, medical visits and diagnosis…  

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Pepi Fernández Sola. Herniated cervical disk in C4-5.

Published by on 17 October, 2006 with the patient's consent

Date of intervention: October 2006 My name is Pepi Fernández Sola, I am 41 years old, live in Almería and I am going to tell you about my experience about the details that took me to Dr. Royo Salvador´s hands so that he would practice surgery on my herniated cervical disk: Approximately two years ago…  

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Carmen Becerra Barranco. Stenosis of the vertebral lumbar canal and Lumbosciatica

Published by on 19 September, 2006 with the patient's consent

Date of intervention: September 2006 We have taken some time before writing our experience to the forum about the intervention. As she does not know how to use the Internet, she asked me if I could write it for her, I am her daughter Maria del Mar. You cannot imagine how happy we are and…  

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Dr. Antonio Victoria. Herniated disc, Cervical disectomy in C5-6 and Arthrodesis with titanium box.

Published by on 1 September, 2006 with the patient's consent

Date of intervention: September 2006 From right here I wish to thank Dr. Royo. My name is Antonio Victoria, I am 47 years old and I am a doctor as a profession. I work in a service emergency general hospital, with a frenetic and intense activity. Since a couple of months ago I started to…  

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José Juan Jiménez Torres. Laminectomy at L5, partial at L4 and bilateral foraminotomy

Published by on 24 March, 2001 with the patient's consent

Date of intervention: March 2001 Hello everybody, my name is Jose Juan Jimenez Torres and I live in Cartagena, Spain. Dr. Royo (whom I call affectionately Mister Miguel), operated on me in two occasions. I would like to thank Dr. Royo and his team for their professionalism and their way of treating me. I think…  

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