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Family videos


From October 1993 to the present, more than 2100 patients affected by the Neuro-Cranio-Vertebral Syndrome and/or the Filum Disease with Arnold-Chiari I, Syringomyelia and Scoliosis (in different diagnostic combinations) have been treated according to the guidelines of the FILUM SYSTEM®.

In the majority of cases a positive evolution was obtained, with a high patient satisfaction rate.

For some years now, patients in the postoperative follow-up phase have been invited to record a video of their testimony about their medical history. We thank you very much for your candid and disinterested involvement in expressing your opinions regarding our exclusive treatments.

NOTE: The opinions expressed in the testimonials are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona.


Opening hours

Monday to Thursday: 9-18h (UTC +1)

Friday: 9-15h (UTC +1)

Saturday and Sunday closed

[email protected]

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Pº Manuel Girona, nº 32

Barcelona, España, CP 08034