Between October 1993 and July 2017, more than 1000 patients affected by the Neuro-Cranio-Vertebral Syndrome and/or the Filum Disease with Arnold Chiari I, Syringomyelia and Scoliosis (in different diagnostic combinations) have been treated according to the guidelines of the FILUM SYSTEM®.
There are no published studies to date about the Filum Disease with regards to genetic inheritance. Nevertheless, due to the abovementioned conditions that the Filum Disease is made up of and our own studies about our clinical experience that are in course of publication, we know that there is a clear hereditary component. Also, if we add the high frequency of the disease with 20% of the world population, it is understandable that in many families there is more than one affected person.
At ICSEB we give relatives of patients advise or an early detection of the Filum Disease so that the FILUM SYSTEM® can be applied as soon as possible also in their cases.
In this Family Testimonials section, operated patients have offered their availability share their experience together as to show an example of how the disease can affect several members of the same family.
We highly appreciate their open-hearted and selfless involvement by expressing their views on our exclusive treatment method.
NOTE: The opinions expressed in the testimonials are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona.
Published by ICSEB on 22 September, 2017 with the patient's consent
Dates of the 3 surgeries: 2014 and 2016 Hello everyone! We are the parents of three wonderful children who unfortunately were born with Arnold Chiari I malformation. We did not imagine that this disease could even exist. It all started in the first years of our oldest daughter’s life. She had cyclic vomiting and then,…
Published by ICSEB on 29 April, 2016 with the patient's consent
MR images of Melaine Before the SFT After the SFT Video Testimonio de Asibe Asibe Asllani. Cord Traction Syndrome. Descent of the cerebellar tonsils (DCT). Idiopathic Scoliosis. Melanie Ambrogi. Cord traction syndrome. Descent of the cerebellar tonsils (DCT). Idiopathic Syringomyelia. Jennifer Ambrogi. Cord Traction Syndrome. Descent of the cerebellar tonsils (DCT). Idiopathic Scoliosis. Valentina…
Published by ICSEB on 2 June, 2012 with the patient's consent
Giulio Valente. Cord Traction Syndrome. Descent of the cerebellar tonsils. Hello, my name is Giulio Valente, I’m 25 years old and in February 2012 Dr. Royo performed surgery on me in Barcelona because of Arnold Chiari I. I only found out in November 2011 that I had Chiari, because I did a check up MRI due…
Published by ICSEB on 13 December, 2011 with the patient's consent
Sònia Asín. Medullary Traction Syndrome. Idiopathic scoliosis. Surgery date: October 2000 My name is Sònia Asín and I am Dr. Royo´s patient, more specifically his 12th case. My life had always been tied to scoliosis since I was diagnosed when I was nine years old. The diagnosis was made because I was always complaining…
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The contents of this website are a non-official translation of the original content of the website in Spanish. The translation is courtesy of the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona with the purpose of facilitating comprehension for anyone who wishes to Access the website.