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SFT after suboccipital craniectomy (SOC)

Between October 1993 and July 2017, more than 1000 patients affected by the Neuro-Cranio-Vertebral Syndrome and/or the Filum Disease with Arnold-Chiari I, Syringomyelia and Scoliosis (in different diagnostic combinations) have been treated according to the guidelines of the FILUM SYSTEM®.

In the majority of cases a positive evolution was obtained, with a high patient satisfaction rate.

For some years now, patients in the follow-up postoperative phase have been invited to write testimonials about their clinical history for our website.

We highly appreciate their open-hearted and selfless involvement by expressing their views on our exclusive treatment methods.

NOTE: The opinions expressed in the testimonials are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona.

Deborah Wilson. Neuro-Cranio-Vertebral Syndrome. Filum Disease, Arnold-Chiari syndrome type I, Suboccipital Craniectomy (decompressed).

Published by on 12 January, 2024 with the patient's consent

Surgery date 04/07/2023 A few years ago, I was diagnosed with Chiari 1.  Like many of you I tried everything to reduce my symptoms, particularly the constant pain in my head. When nothing else helped I was urged toward decompression surgery. I felt that it was my final and only option left. I was confident…  

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Nieves Wang, Cord-Traction Syndrome. Arnold-Chiari Syndrome Type I, cervical disc disease.

Published by on 4 September, 2017 with the patient's consent

Surgery date: June 2011 Hi everybody! I want to share an article with you that I wrote in 2010 where I describe my difficult journey trying to find a physician who would heal me. Back then I did not know if what was being offered in Spain was the truth or not, so to get…  

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Leonardo Coutinho, Neuro-Cranio-Vertebral Syndrome with a Descent of the Cerebellar Tonsils.

Published by on 26 May, 2017 with the patient's consent

Surgery date: July 2015 My son started to have symptoms at the age of three. We saw different paediatricians and neurologists and they ordered magnetic resonance scans of the skull and brain. Nothing indicated the diagnosis. He was treated as a boy with headaches and asthma, but there was something that told that that was…  

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Kazuko Suzuki: Neuro-Cranio-Vertebral Syndrome. Filum Disease. Descent of the cerebellar tonsils, syringomyelia, Scoliosis, Disc Disease.

Published by on 19 January, 2017 with the patient's consent

Surgery date: March 2016 We are writing this testimonial hoping that others with the same conditions as our daughter Kazuko who have found the Institut Chiari de Barcelona website will consider a foreign medical centre as an alternative to treat. We can only thank the team at the Institut Chiari de Barcelona. When our daughter…  

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Luz Belliard. Cord traction syndrome, Idiopathic Scoliosis, Descent of Cerebellar Tonsils (DCT)

Published by on 5 February, 2015 with the patient's consent

Date of Surgery: January 2013   Hello, My name is Luz Belliard. I am 53 years old. I am from Dominican Republic and l live in Boston, MA. 4 years ago (16/12/2010), I was operated for “Arnold Chiari Syndrome” at Mass General Hospital in Boston. It was a very risky brain surgery that lasted 7…  

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Emil. Cord Traction Syndrome. Arnold Chiari I Syndrome. Idiopathic Syringomyelia.

Published by on 2 April, 2014 with the patient's consent

EMIL, 5 years old Date of surgery: November 2012 Emil (born November 2008) fell ill in August 2010: he stopped walking; he was completely flaccid (his development had been normal before). The doctors did not know what was going on. They carried out different exams and reached the conclusion that he probably had myelitis. They…  

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Maria Cristina Zucchetti: Cord Traction Syndrome, already operated Arnold-Chiari I Syndrome, Idiopathic Syringomyelia, Idiopathic Scoliosis

Published by on 1 June, 2013 with the patient's consent

Surgery date: March 2011 My name is Maria Cristina. I am 27 years old and I live in Italy. Since I was 9 years old, I started to suffer from headaches and the doctors treated me for sinusitis, migraine and headache, with no results. In October 1999 I had a bad episode of headache that…  

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Carmen, Cord Traction Syndrome, Arnold Chiari I. Syringomyelia, Idiopathic Scoliosis

Published by on 26 July, 2012 with the patient's consent

Surgery date: January 2011 My story is long and painful however I will share small details with you as my personal testimony. Apparently, I was born healthy and strong but at 8 years I began to have rare sensations as if I had received a strong hit in the chest, dizziness, sciatica, neck stiffness, severe…  

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Diego Tasca. Medullary traction myelopathy. Arnold Chiari I Syndrome. Thoracic scoliosis. Paramedian cervical central cord ischemia.

Published by on 9 November, 2011 with the patient's consent

Date of surgery: May 2009 My name is Diego Tasca and I am a patient with a diagnosis of a rare disease called Arnold Chiari Syndrome (ACHI). I discovered all this in 2003, when I suffered a cardiorespiratory arrest. I was taken to the E.R. of Piove Di Sacco hospital, and, after a cardiopulmonary resuscitation,…  

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Victoria Elena Estrada. Medullar Traction Syndrome. Arnold Chiari I Syndrome, Idiopathic Scoliosis.

Published by on 20 October, 2011 with the patient's consent

Date of surgery: February 2011 Life testimonial My name is Victoria Elena Estrada, I am Colombian, from Medellín, I am 51 years old, and I was diagnosed with Arnold Chiari I syndrome four years ago and I had a decompression, which did not work. I felt relatively well for six months and then the symptoms…  

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Paula Gonçalves Fernández, Medullar Traction Síndrome, Arnold Chiari I Síndrome. Platybasia; Basilar Impression, Reverse odontoid. Medullar cervical Edema.

Published by on 19 April, 2011 with the patient's consent

Date of surgery: May 2010 Andorra 10th of April 2011 Hi, my name is Paula Gonçalves Fernández, I am 36 years old. After many years of consulting, thousands of tests of all kinas and without any result, in the month of July 2009, Dr. Miralles from Andorra, after seeing all the tests I was told…  

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Kerrin Allen. Arnold Chiari I Syndrome, Syringomyelia C4, Idiopathic Scoliosis

Published by on 10 December, 2008 with the patient's consent

Date of intervention: December 2008 Hello my name is Kerrin Allen and I am from Sydney, Australia. I am very fortunate to have found Dr Royo and his team at the Chiari, Syringomyelia & Scoliosis Institute of Barcelona. It helped me a great deal reading other patients stories, and I am happy to share details…  

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Rosalia Mocciaro. Arnold Chiari I Syndrome, Cervical Syringomyelia and Idiopathic Scoliosis

Published by on 31 August, 2008 with the patient's consent

Date of intervention: January 2008 My name is Rosalia Mocciaro, I´m a 59 year old woman, born in Sicilia and a resident of Palermo. I´m a graduate of biology and my profession is teaching. Until the age of 55, I didn´t know that I was suffering from a rare disease called Arnold Chiari Syndromeand Siringomelia….  

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