Published by ICSEB at 13 September, 2014
VIII Meeting “Chiari & Scoliosis & Syringomyelia Foundation”
In Mâcon (Burgundy, France), on Saturday 13 September 2014.
Filum System®: Outcomes in Arnold Chiari I Syndrome, Idiopathic Syringomyelia and Idiopathic Scoliosis.
8.30 h. Opening.
Introduction Mrs. Estelle Lussiana, president of A.M.I.S d M.O.M together with supporting associations: Cœur Solidaire, Philippe Barth; Apotropaïque, Joanna Gall. And the participation of AI.SAC.SI.SCO from Italia, Marisa Toscano and Dr. Francesco Crocè.
10.45 h. Coffee break.
12.15 h. Debate and questions.
13.15 h. Lunch break.
15.00 h. Consultations (diagnostic orientation for new cases). Interested participants will have the opportunity to bring along their clinical documentation (copies of CDs with Magnetic Resonance Images and copies of medical reports).
Place of the Meeting::
We kindly ask you to confirm your registration (limited availability). Attendance is free of charge.
To join lunch, dinner and to book a hotel stay, it is necessary to make a reservation and pay the registration fee to cover expenses before 21 August 2014 by bank transfer.
1. Registration forms can be found under the following links:
2. Please send the registration form to attend the meeting and the meals to the following e-mail address: [email protected]
For further information please contact:
In French: Mrs. Estelle Lussiana: +33 6 07 44 66 68
In Spanish, Catalan, Italian, English and other languages: +34 932066406 / +34 932800836.
Monday to Thursday: 9-18h (UTC +1)
Friday: 9-15h (UTC +1)
Saturday and Sunday closed
Toll-free from the US: +18882012544
+34 932 800 836
+34 932 066 406
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Pº Manuel Girona, nº 32
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