Published by ICSEB at 19 October, 2009
“Filum.tomizados”, Arnold Chiari I Syndrome, Syringomyelia and Idiopathic Scoliosis.
17 de octubre de 2009
09:00am to 09:45am- Gioia Lué. Psychologist.
Arnold Chiari, Syringomyelia and quality of life.
Index of satisfaction in operated patients with the section of the Filum Terminale (SFT).
09:45am to 10:00am – coffee break
10:00am to 11:00am, Dr. Royo Salvador. Neurosurgeon and neurologist.
Presentation of the results of the first 250 patients operated with the section of the filum terminale (SFT). Commenting in detail the patient´s interests:
1. The known signs of Arnold Chiari I, Syringomyelia and Idiopathic Scoliosis known
2. Little known signs of Arnold Chiari I, Syringomyelia and Idiopathic Scoliosis; neuropsychological alterations, spasticity, sexual dysfunctions and the union of many diseases.
3. Advantages and disadvantages of the Classic Surgery:
a) Craniectomy.
b) Syringomyelic opening cavity.
c) Vertebral Arthrodesis in Scoliosis.
d) Valve and shunt of CSF.
4. Advantages and disadvantages of the SFT.
5. Evolution and future after the SFT.
¿Why are there so may different evolutions?
Clinical cases.
6. Purposeses: Investigation. Teaching. Social help. Chiari & Scoliosis & Syringomyelia Foundation.
11:00am to 11:30am – Questions and Comments.
11:30am to 13:30pm – Consultations
13:30pm – Lunch/Buffet.
Reunion location:
Centro de Congressi Conte de Cavour
00184 Via (street) Cavour, 50/ A Roma (Italia)
Monday to Thursday: 9-18h (UTC +1)
Friday: 9-15h (UTC +1)
Saturday and Sunday closed
Toll-free from the US: +18882012544
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