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VII Meeting “Chiari & Scoliosis & Syringomyelia Foundation” for patients. Bari. Italy.

Published by at 16 February, 2013

The international association AI.SAC.SI.SCO Onlus presents the VII Meeting Chiari & Scoliosis & Syringomyelia Foundation

Bari, 16 February 2013

In cooperation with Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona

Filum System®: Outcomes in Arnold Chiari I Syndrome, Idiopathic Syringomyelia and Scoliosis.





H08.30 Opening

–    Introduction President of AI.SAC.SI.SCO Onlus Mrs. Cristiana Cattaruzza.

–    Acknowledgements Contact person for Apulia, Mr. Nicola Iacobbe.

H09.45 Coffee break

H10.15 Lecture by Dr. Miguel B. Royo Salvador, neurosurgeon y neurologist, director of the ICSEB.

Filum System®: Outcome for the filum disease.

H12.15 Lecture by Mrs. Gioia Luè, Psychologist, Surgical Patient Care at  ICSEB. Filum System®, clinical cases: the patientsquality of life before and after the implementation of the guidelines.

H13.15 Lunch break


H14.45 Dr. Giacomo Caruso, neurosurgery specialist.

H15.15 Dr. Roberto Mantia, physiotherapy and osteopathy specialist.

H15.45 Dr. Florio, general practitioner.

H16.00 Mrs. Rita Presbulgo –  Patient support

H 16.15 Mrs. Estelle Lussiana, president of A.M.I.S. des M.O.M., France.

H16.30 Round Table:

Arnold Chiari I Syndrome, Idiopathic Syringomyelia and Scoliosis and the Sectioning of the filum terminale: from the pathology, through treatment, to rehabilitation.

H 17.15 Conference closing remarks- President of the San Nicola Committee Mr. Matteo Siciliano.

DIAGNOSTIC ORIENTATION AT DISTANCE: Interested participants will have the opportunity to bring along their clinical documentation (copies of CDs with Magnetic Resonance Images and copies of medical reports – originals will not be accepted) and leave it with the ICSEB team. Once back in Barcelona, the team will inform as soon as possible of Dr. Royo Salvador ‘s  and his medical staff’s findings.

NOTE: The program may be subject to change.

Place of the Meeting:
Hotel Oriente
Corso Cavour 32
70122 Bari – Italia



In order to ensure a smooth organization, we would like to ask you to confirm your assistance. Conference attendance is free of cost.
In order to participate in the coffee break, the lunch buffet and the dinner, it is necessary to make a reservation and pay the inscription fee by bank transference until the 31 January 2013.

1. To confirm attendance to the reunion and the meals, it is required to send the inscription form to the following email address:
[email protected]

Download forms:

For the meeting         – For the meals


For any doubts, the following telephone numbers will be available:

Cristiana Cattaruzza: tel. 0039 3291737551 (Italian)

Marie-Therèse Alunno Ieranò: tel. 0033 493279052 (French)

Laura Ieranò: tel. 0036 68337066 (French and English)

Opening hours

Monday to Thursday: 9-18h (UTC +1)

Friday: 9-15h (UTC +1)

Saturday and Sunday closed

[email protected]

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