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Published by at 23 January, 2018

Belgian patient Lilou van Dyck (9 years old) and the Italian sisters Aurora (9 years) and Alice Negrini (11 years) decided to contribute to the cause of the Filum Disease. All three sent in videos of their art displays that were shown during the 2nd Cultural Event of the Chiari & Scoliosis & Syringomyelia Foundation that was held in Rome (Italy), in October 2017.



Lilou van Dyck expresses her creativity through her drawings and painting since she was 3 years old. It is a real passion that fills her life with colour!



Aurora, 9 years old, read a poem that she wrote herself, especially for this event, as she wanted to share her won experience with other children. Alice, Aurora’s bigger sister played two pieces of classical and traditional music on her guitar.

CSSf, ICSEB and AI.SAC.SI.SCO would like to wholeheartedly thank the girls’ parents for having them allowed valued participation of their daughters in the event.

Lilou van Dyck: [email protected]

Aurora and Alice Negrini: [email protected]

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