Published by ICSEB at 28 January, 2015
The city of Palermo dresses up for the presentation of an important event:
“La storia della malattia del Filum Terminale dalla diagnosi al trattamento.
Correlazioni cliniche con Scoliosi, Siringomièlia, Síndrome di Arnold Chiari e Sindrome Fibromialgia”
Renown specialists will be contributing to the ceremony, without doubt the presence of Dr Roberto MANTIA, Dr Marco DI GESÙ and that of the Spanish Neurosurgeon and Neurologist Dr Miguel B. ROYO SALVADOR stands out especially.
“…What we have here today is a great example of the outcomes offered by international cooperation in scientific research. The Filum Disease has revealed itself to be a new paradigm in the aetiology and treatment of a ensemble of diseases that were considered until now as idiopathic or of unknown origin. Dr Roberto Mantia’s and his team of researchers’ talent and work contribute another step towards understanding this disease…” commented Dr Miguel B. ROYO SALVADOR our editorial’s questions.
We will shortly provide information on the outcomes of this scientific encounter.
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