Published by ICSEB at 31 October, 2014
At the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona (ICSEB), we soon realised that we could not live with our back to the Russian Federation. This is why Olga Lobanova, a contact person who left an important mark at the ICSEB and who would be an entrance gate for this great nation, so near as distant at the same time, joined the team in 2008.
The years went by and Russian speaking patients from different countries arrived at the ICSEB; Olga’s tireless commitment and talent were of great assisstence to all of them, as we are all aware, the tasks of a contact person are not limited to translating documents, but goes far beyond this.
Olga was very enthusiastic about becoming an English teacher for children one day, and soon her dreams would come true; this is why in 2011 she passed on her post to Nina Arutiounouva, a contact person who in spite of her youth showed great linguistic abilities: she speaks perfectly Russian, French, English, Catalan and Spanish, and even if she is shy to admit it, she also does very well with Italian.
Nina has a discrete and observing personality. Entering her world is not easy, but once you start to get to know her you start to see a passionate person that will leave nobody indifferent.
Which are her two well kept secretes? The first is dancing; more specifically tango…who would have thought?
She does not stop talking about her other great passion, and we can only reveal that it has to do with cats…
Let us share another little secret: Nina tells us that for Russian patients the direction in which they enter the surgery room on the stretcher is very important. They should never leave the induction room with their feet up front!! Do not worry, Nina, who knows her fellow-countrymen well, has already informed the doctors.
That’s all, we leave you with Nina, knowing that you might never need her, but in case you did, you can be sure that you will be in good hands.
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