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Rose-lys Trujillo. Syringomyelia

Published by at 22 January, 2008


Date of intervention: January 2008


Rose-lys, 53 year old, French, with Syringomyelia since 7 years old from C5 to D1. Strong worsening after 3 months.

Symptoms: migraines, loss of muscular mass, discoordination in hands, difficulty in swallowing, in eating, dizziness, lack of balance, lack of heat and cold sensitivity. Strong back pain, limbs, jaw, etc… My only hope was Dr. Royo.

The intervention took place on the 22nd of January in 2008, after the pre-surgery tests practiced the day before. The intervention is minimally invasive; it takes 40 minutes with one and a half day stay at the clinic.

Nowadays, meaning a month after the intervention, I have recovered about 80 % of my capacities. Dr. Royo has saved my life. Without him I would have been in a wheelchair or in a bed hospital. The filum terminale technique has no risks compared to another traditional method.

I am very grateful to Dr. Royo Salvador, his assistant and all the team that do an extraordinary job.

I got the social security to cover all the medical expenses.

I am at your disposition to answer all your questions, by phone at (+33) 04 67 36 29 12 or by e-mail: [email protected]

Rose-lys’s video testimonial:

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