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Riccardo Mancini. Cord Traction Syndrome. Descent of the cerebellar tonsils. (DCT). Idiopathic Scoliosis.

Surgery date: April 2012

Mr Manicini is 21 years old and is from Frascati, in the province of Rome.

In November 2011 he woke up one morning with an intense headache and strong nauseas. As this started to repeat itself up to a point of becoming disabling where he would stay in in bed for entire days, he decided to get medical tests done, and after a initial diagnosis of Labyrinthitis, a magnetic resonance on the other hand revealed a Arnold Chiari Syndrome.

The specialists that he consulted at the beginning recommended avoiding practicing any sport, specially contact sports, his preferred choice.

Riccardo then found the Institut Chiari and approached Dr. Royo Salvador who recommended immediate treatment by means of the Sectioning of the Filum terminale.

The patient had surgery in April 2012, and went back home the next day, without any special limitations. He explains that since that moment he has been experiencing a constant and progressive improvement – better and better.

Currently he has returned to all his activities, without any problems in the motoric area and without the nauseas that conditioned him to stay in bed.

Riccardo thanks his family and the entire Institut Chiari team, especially Dr. Royo Salvador, for helping him with positive outcomes.

Mobile phone: +39 3471726620

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Monday to Thursday: 9-18h (UTC +1)

Friday: 9-15h (UTC +1)

Saturday and Sunday closed

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