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Rebecca Unsworth. Neuro-Cranio-Vertebral Syndrome. Filum Disease. Arnold-Chiari I. Idiopathic Syringomyelia. Multiple disc disease.

Published by at 27 May, 2019


Filmed on (pre-op): 06 February 2019
Surgery date : 07 February 2019
Filmed on (check-up appointment) 29 April 2019


Note from ICSEB:

Rebecca’s symptoms were progressing during the past four years and included loss of strength in all extremities, and she needed support for walking, as we can see in the images recorded on the day before surgery. On the video recorded on the day the patient returned to the Institute for a postoperative check up appointment three months after the surgery according to the Filum System® we can observe that she has recovered autonomous mobility, her gait is normalized and she does not need to hold on to the walls or use a wheelchair for longer distances.

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