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In one month I forgot all my past suffering!

Published by at 28 January, 2019

Rachela Tucillo. Neuro-Cranio-Vertebral Syndrome. Filum Disease. Descent of the Cerebellar Tonsils (Arnold Chiari Syndrome Type I). Deviation of the spine (Idiopathic Scoliosis). Multiple disc disease.

Surgery date: 16/10/2018
Filmed: 21/11/2018

Rachela Tuccillo, from Naples (Italy), returns to the Institut Chiari for her check-up one month after undergoing the surgery according to the Filum System®. In this occasion she explains how she discovered the Institut Chiari de Barcelona after years of suffering.

In the last 20 years, she has been treated for severe fibromyalgia and has taken many medications, without being able to reduce her terrible pain.

On June 2 2016, she felt really bad: she had strong headaches and lost consciousness. It was then when they performed a magnetic resonance and diagnosed Arnold Chiari Syndrome Type I.

With the support of her GP and, looking on the Internet for the best centers specialized in this condition, Ms. Tuccillo found the Institut Chiari de Barcelona. She tells us that she came to Barcelona thanks to her own determination, although everyone was against it, and with great sacrifices. At the Institut Chiari de Barcelona, the doctors diagnosed the [Filum] disease and indicated the surgical treatment, so she decided to undergo the surgery.

Today, one month after surgery, Ms. Tuccillo feels as if she’s born again: the terrible pain she had before surgery is now very mild and the medications she used to take – like Tramadol- are no longer necessary. Today she can say: “With the surgery I have improved a lot. I can walk without help and I can do many things. My symptoms have improved so much that I feel like I have forgotten all my past suffering in one month. I wish everyone who suffers from this condition could be treated at this center, as I did.

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