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Press release.

Published by at 9 April, 2015

We are pleased to announce that the INSTITUT CHIARI & SIRINGOMIELIA & ESCOLIOSIS DE BARCELONA (ICSEB) today received the visit of the Norwegian Television (Channel 2). The visit’s purpose was to learn more about the diagnosis and treatment of complex diseases such as the Arnold Chiari I Syndrome, idiopathic Syringomyelia and idiopathic Scoliosis.

The ICSEB is currently the only neurosurgical centre in the world that is accredited to apply the Filum System® method. One of the goals of this Neurosurgical Institute of Barcelona is to become the International Reference Centre for the treatment of the mentioned conditions.

If you would like to know about ICSEB, the diseases it offers treatment for, or any other issue regarding the Institut, you can visit the website:



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