Surgery date: January 2013
Mrs. Patrizia Cipolat is 56 years old, and her story starts in 1984, when after a few years of searching and medical appointments, where the symptoms she was suffering from were attributed to psychiatric causes, because they were not compatible with diseases known by the specialists she approached, one neurosurgeon finally gave her the diagnosis: Arnold Chiari I, Syringomyelia and Scoliosis.
The specialist then indicated a first craniectomy, which was followed by a second one twelve years later. Now, fourteen years later, Mrs. Cipolat uses a wheelchair.
Searching the Internet, Mrs. Cipolat came across Dr. Royo. After checking up on the earnestness of the Institut, she complied the necessary steps in order to undergo the Sectioning of the Filum terminale surgery, in January 2013.
In the follow up appointment approximately six months after the surgery, the patient is aware of not only having stopped the disease, but also of several improvements.
She advises everyone who might need it to approach the Institut Chiari, and thanks all of Dr. Royo’s team for the great opportunity that she was offered to improve her life quality.
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