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Olga Belova. Neuro-Cranio-Vertebral Syndrome. Filum Disease*. Descent of the Cerebellar Tonsils (Arnold-Chiari I Syndrome). Idiopathic Syringomyelia. Idiopathic Scoliosis.

Published by at 20 September, 2021

Surgery: 06/02/2020


Olga Belova (Russia). We went to the Institut Chiari de Barcelona to receive help and treatment for our daughter’s intramedullary cyst. In Russia we were offered only an invasive treatment with incision of the cyst. Then we decided to follow a less invasive way. Many told us not to go to Barcelona and advised us not to have surgery there. They said it would be useless. But as our daughter felt a discomfort in her back, we decided to have the intervention of the sectioning of the Filum Terminale. The surgery went very well; the next day our daughter could walk by herself and felt almost no pain

Now, a year and a half later, she has minor back pain (although Olga hardly does sports because she is lazy). In the MRIs we just had, doctors have found that the syringomyelic cyst (which was 9mm in diameter before the surgery) has decreased in the wider parts to 2mm. And in other areas it has become filiform. We thank the Institute’s team for their work and wish you the best of luck.

Sincerely, Olga’s parents; Maxim and Alla.

E-mail: [email protected]

  1. (*) Royo-Salvador, M.B., Fiallos-Rivera, M.V., Salca, H.C. et al. The Filum disease and the Neuro-Cranio-vertebral syndrome: definition, clinical picture and imaging features. BMC Neurol 20, 175 (2020). ,

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