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New italian Association for Arnold Chiari I, Sryrningomyelia and Idiopathic Scoliosis.

Published by at 9 March, 2010

Barcelona, March 9th, 2010.

We are glad to announce that this year in Italy, a new Association is born:

Associazione AI.SAC.SI.SCO
“Associazione Italiana Síndrome Arnold Chiari-Siringomielia-Scoliosi Filum. Tomizzati odv.”

The idea of building an association comes from the large number of patients, who got together for the second time last year in October with dr. M. B. Royo Salvador for a reunion that the Chiari & Scoliosis & Syringomyelia Foundation organized in Rome, Italy.
It is a real honor for our institute and foundation to have our patients raise an entity whose purpose is on one hand to inform and help other patients on the road to recognition and treatment of these pathologies, and on the other hand, support the ICSEB as a European Reference Center for these.
The AISACSISCO has been a great example of effectiveness and efficiency, which already characterizes it several months since its constitution.
We want to highlight especially the wonderful participation of patients from all regions of Italy, who have given their availability as related to its territory, to provide information and help others with the difficult bureaucratic paths to the authorization of this surgery in foreign countries (see in web-page: “Contatti regionali”).

We wish President Mrs. Cristina Cattaruzza and all members that it all goes smoothly, hoping that the Association will be able to help a large number of patients to be able achieve the proposed objectives.


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