Contact us

Medical and research staff

Miguel B. Royo Salvador, MD, Phd

General Director

Medical Director, Neurosurgeon and Neurologist
Head of R & D department

[email protected]


doctor specialized in Syringomyelia

Marco Fiallos Rivera, MD

Neurosurgeon on the medical surgical team

Researcher in R & D department

See more

doctor specialized in Scoliosis

Horia Calin Salca, MD

Neurosurgeon on the medical surgical team

Researcher in R & D department

See more


R & D department


Gioia Luè, BSc

Coordinator and Researcher in R & D Department
Graduate in Clinical Psychology, Medical psychologist.
Patient care, interpretation and translation into Italian
Contact languages: Italian, Spanish, Catalan, French and English.

[email protected]



Surgical nurses


Paula Alonso


Ana Isabel Alarcón Sánchez


Laura Miracle


Opening hours

Monday to Thursday: 9-18h (UTC +1)

Friday: 9-15h (UTC +1)

Saturday and Sunday closed

[email protected]

Care 24 hours

in the form of our website

+34 932 800 836

+34 932 066 406

Legal advice

Legal regulations

Legal notice


Pº Manuel Girona, nº 32

Barcelona, España, CP 08034