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Published by at 3 October, 2014


Behind his calm look and gestures hides the figure of an eminent neurosurgeon, leader of the surgical team that performs the sectioning of the filum terminale procedure according to the guidelines comprised within the Filum System® Surgery method.

His excellent quality and high precision technique guarantee the outcomes to be as expected. Those of us who have the pleasure to know him personally know just how preoccupied he is with every single detail of the surgical process.

Thanks to his great dedication in the surgery room, the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona (ICSEB) team has been able to focus also on several other strategic objectives, such as disseminating information about the Filum System® method on an international level and carrying out research regarding the “Filum Disease”.


Marco V. Fiallos has vast experience as a neurosurgeon.

Dr. Marco V. Fiallos studied Medicine and Surgery at the Central University of Ecuador (1977-1984). He specialised in Neurosurgery at the Hospital del Mar (1987-1992) in Barcelona.

He has worked with the country’s most prestigious neurosurgeons, amongst them Dr Josep Llovet Tapias, Dr Ramón Florensa Brichs, Dr Salvador Colet Esquerre and  Dr Miguel B. Royo Salvador and he has participated in the main national and International congresses.

Currently, Dr Marco V. Fiallos is ICSEB’s clinical head of neurosurgery.

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Monday to Thursday: 9-18h (UTC +1)

Friday: 9-15h (UTC +1)

Saturday and Sunday closed

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