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Luis Roberto de Aguiar Bernades. Neuro-Cranio-Vertebral Syndrome. Filum disease. Descent of the cerebellar tonsils (Arnold-Chiari Syndrome Type I) and High cervical pre-Syringomyelic medullary lesion.

Published by at 19 November, 2018

Surgery date: September 2016
Filmed: February 2018

He is another child now!

In this video, Karina, the mother of 5-year old Luis Roberto, better known as Luizinho, tells us briefly how her son is doing now, 17 months after his intervention according to the Filum System®.

“Today Luis has come for the visit [the 1 year post-surgery check-up]: he is 100% fine, he has nothing. He has no pain; he is very lively and eats well, sleeps well… He is another child now!”

She also has a brief message for other patients. “To those who are in the same situation, I recommend this surgery. It changed our life completely!”

To conclude, Karina wanted to express her gratitude. “Thank you very much to all the Institute’s team. The Doctors are very good, I am very grateful for everything that happened to us and I would do it again, because it has been the best thing that has happened to us ever!

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