Legal note
Terms and Conditions
These conditions came into force on 7 September 2007. They may be updated in order to adapt to regulatory changes, if any, may occur. In case of modification, it will be recorded in this section.
Last update: 08 May 2018
Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis (abbreviated as ICSEB) is responsible for the web
ICSEB was constituted by public deed number 2447, dated 6th of September 2007, authorized by the notary of Notary Association of Catalunya, Mr. José-Javier Cuevas Castaño. Registration in the Commercial Register of Barcelona since 29 February 2008, in volume 40286, Sheet 83, Page B 362284. The Company Tax Code is B64658735.
The postal address, to which users can address, is:
Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona Paseo Manuel Girona, 32 08034 BARCELONA, SPAIN E-mail: [email protected]
This website and corresponding associated microsites have been developed by ICSEB for informative purposes and whose purpose is to promote the activities carried out at the Institute, the information contained herein does therefore not constitute a binding offer.
The website and associated microsites may contain articles about health, medical, surgical, social interest topics or other types that the Institute considers of interest, whose content only reflects the views of the authors except those with contain explicit sign of ICSEB.
In no way, the opinions manifested here intent to substitute the clinical and/or surgical opinion of a healthcare professional.
The provider, responsible for the website, offers the users this document that aims to fulfil the obligations under the Law 34/2002 of INFORMATION SOCIETY AND ELECTRONIC COMMERCE SERVICE ACT (LSSI- CE) and inform about website conditions to all users of the website.
Any person accessing this website assumes the role of user committing to the rigorous observance and enforcement of the provisions set forth herein, and any other laws that may apply.
The provider reserves the right to modify any information that could appear on the website without any forewarning or such obligations of informing the user, understanding that the publication on the website by the provider is sufficient.
The provider is not bound to a particular code of conduct, but yes, it has the seal of “accredited medical website” that subscribes a code of conduct created for this purpose by the Certification and Quality Program of Certified Medical Web (WMA). The undersigned Code of Conduct has the reference code: WMA715.
All information in this respect can be downloaded from the following link:
ICSEB, as owner of the web will respond in the terms and within the limits set out in Articles 13 and the following one of Law 34/2002 of 11 July, of the information society and electronic commerce service act.
Access to this website and its associated microsites is the exclusive responsibility of the user.
The provider disclaims any liability from the information posted on their website, provided that this information has been manipulated or introduced by a third party external to it.
The website of the provider may use cookies to perform certain functions that are considered to be essential for the correct functioning and visualization of the site. Cookies will under no circumstances be used to gather personal information.
Website servers and associated microsites can automatically detect the IP address and the domain name used by the user with a solely statistical purpose.
ICSEB must explicitly authorize in writing the establishment of links to another webs directed at Establishing a link on the website directing the user to another website does not imply acceptance or endorsement of the linked website’s content by ICSEB, although and in compliance with current regulations, ICSEB, in case of perceiving any illegal content, will delete the link and notify the relevant authorities.
ICSEB has translated the contents of the website in different languages, with the unique intention of facilitating the information to all the users who access it. However, we would like to emphasize that even though these translations have been done in the most careful way possible, linguistic, cultural and even technical discrepancies between the original and translated may occurr. In the unlikely event when there are such discrepancies, the only valid document would be the original one.
This website and associated microsites may contain general information on diseases or medical conditions and their treatment. This information is provided only for informational and educational purposes. It will in no way be a recommendation or advice intended for patients in order to substitute medical advice or consultation from other qualified healthcare professionals. The information contained on this website and associated microsites should not be used for diagnosing a health problem or a physical condition, as specialized training is required for a proper interpretation. We put special emphasis on the fact that before making a decision that affects your health, you should attend a consultation with a qualified professional.
This website has been reviewed and tested to work properly. Generally, its correct operation can be ensured 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. However, the provider does not rule out the possibility that there might be certain programming errors, or issues due to force majeure that could make the occasional access to the website impossible.
By this notice, the users of the portal are informed about the data collection policy and processing of personal data, so that users can decide whether they wish to provide personal data which could be requested through some channels on the website. This policy may be modified as a result of regulatory changes. In such a case the changes will be introduced in this section as soon as possible.
Some channels of the website may contain specific provisions on the protection of personal data, provisions that, if necessary, will be detailed at the end of the forms of data collection to inform the user and so they could give their free, unequivocal and informed consent about the collection and processing of their data. If a "key" is set in a form, the same will prevail over these general conditions.
If not indicated otherwise, the responses to questions about personal data in the forms are voluntary, unless the lack of response could imply any harm to the user’s interest. However, in some cases some data are needed to manage the service and/or user request, so not providing necessary data could imply that the request could not be attended. In the data collection forms the "mandatory" fields for accessing the channel/request will be indicated with an asterisk (*).
The data collected through the website will be processed and collected in a automatic database whose owner is ICSEB, domiciled in Barcelona, at Paseo Manuel Girona, 16 bajos, with the very purpose of each form.
In accordance to the applicable regulations, this database is duly registered in the Register of the Spanish Agency of Data Protection. The act of sending the data by the user implies acceptance of this privacy policy and in particular the explicit, unequivocal, informed, unreserved consent by the user for data processing with the aforementioned purpose. In cases where the user voluntarily sends his data through the web to request some information, the aim of the processing will be to handle the request and send the requested information. You data will be kept for the time established by current medical and fiscal law.
If the user provides freely his email address, he/she explicitly authorizes ICSEB to remit the requested information by this way, for all those purpose of complying with the LSSICE, which prohibits the sending of commercial communications by e-mail that haven’t been requested or specifically authorized.
The user is the sole responsible for the accuracy of the data provided to ICSEB through the website:
When the user’s consent is necessary to process his personal data, it must be provided by a person with full capacity to act; failing that consent must be given by the representative or legal guardian and will be revocable at all times without retroactive effect, in accordance with the provisions of arts 6 and 11 of the Organic Law 15/99 of 13 December Protection of Personal Data and regulations that it develops.
The user can exercise his/her rights of opposition, access, rectification, limitation, transferability and deletion of data by writing to the following address: Institut Chiari & Siringimielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona, Paseo Manuel Girona 32 bajos, 08034 BARCELONA. You can also send an email to the following address: [email protected].
Furthermore, in accordance with Law 34/2002 of 11 July, information society and electronic commerce service act, the user may revoke his consent, at any time, to receive commercial communications electronically by addressing an email to [email protected] with the subject "I DO NOT WANT TO RECEIVE INFORMATION BY EMAIL".
The law establishes an obligation to adopt security measures to prevent the unauthorized access to the computer database containing personal data or damage to the integrity or quality of the data.
In data transmissions over the Internet, it must be ensured that the data is codified or encrypted to prevent unauthorized third party access. In this sense, the ICSEB has provided all measures allowed by the current technology.
Any process that could lead to the introduction of personal data of special charactersitics (health, etc.) will always be transmitted via secured communication protocol (SSL) so that no third party has the access to the electronically transmitted information.
ICSEB certifies that the information contained herein has been safely encrypted through MD5 Protocol and that our website is properly authenticated.
We inform the user that all elements of the web are protected by the provisions of intellectual property and registered in the corresponding Public Registry. Everything including text, design, images, trademarks, trade names, logos, sounds, videos, source code, etc. are owned by ICSEB or have been transferred or licensed to this entity, and therefore may not be used without the consent of the relevant right holders.
Regardless of the purpose for which following actions are done: total or partial reproduction, use, exploitation, distribution and marketing, in all cases it requires the prior written authorization by the provider. Any such use which is not previously authorized by the provider will be considered a serious breach of the intellectual property right of the author.
ICSEB facilitates access to different web pages that have been considered to be of interest. However, neither these pages belong to it nor it make a critical review of its contents; for all these reasons, ICSEB cannot be responsible for the operation of the linked page or any damages that may result from access or use of the same.
Those designs, logos, text and/or graphics that external to the provider and that may appear on the website, belong to their respective owners, who are responsible for any dispute that may arise.
In any case, the provider counts on the expressed and prior authorization from the owners.
The provider recognizes the corresponding industrial and intellectual property rights in favour of their holders. It doesn’t mean that their sole mention or appearance on the website results in the existence of any right or liability of the provider on them, as neither of endorsement, sponsorship nor recommendation by of the same.
The intellectual property rights of those ICSEB’s collaborators who publish their articles, photos, videos or any other type of testimonial in this website, will correspond to their authors, being understood as the free transfer of their rights for their publication through this website.
Practices like "framming", "hacking", "deep-linking" or other similar activities that are against the Spanish and/or international law are explicitly prohibited.
Similarly, are prohibited those links from where defamatory, pornographic, racist, xenophobic, violence inciting or other false information about the ICSEB or any of its collaborators is offered.
Social network pages (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and similar), allow users to freely publish content in different formats. By posting content on these social networks connected to this website or making explicit and unequivocally direct reference to ICSEB, you agree that such content may also be posted on the ICSEB’s website
The provider is not responsible for the content and information stored in, including but not limited to, forums, chat rooms, generators blogs, comments on the social networks or any other means that permits any third parties to publish content independently on the website of the provider.
However and in compliance with the provisions of the article 11 and 16 of the LSSI-CE, the provider encourages all the users, authorities and security forces, working actively to withdraw or, where applicable, block all content that might affect or violate the national, or international law, third party rights or moral and public order. If the user considers that there exists any content on the website that could be susceptible to this classification, please notify immediately the website administrator.
The user, when creating content on social networks about knows that under Spanish law and other principles of international law, the author himself is the bearer of all responsibility for publishing the content.
he publication of any illegal or copied content from others without their consent and advertising content is prohibited. When deem that ICSEB can directly denounce such actions to the authorities.
Following activities are particularly prohibited: the gratuitous insult, defamation, incitement to violence or hatred, any action contrary to the intellectual and/or industrial property right, distribution of material protected by copyright, sending unsolicited emails (SPAM) or any similar type of communication, extraction of personal data or other information or software of our computer systems and normally any other activity that is contrary to Spanish law
ICSEB will protect specially the good name, self-image and honour of each of its contributors when the conditions require it and always when this website or other social networks have been used as a platform to attack in a defamatory manner, directly, expressly and unequivocally against any of its contributors.
Individuals’ data published through the website can not be used, in any way, without the consent of the their holders.
The relations established as the consequence of the usage of the web will be governed by the provisions of current Spanish legislation that is applicable.
The parties will renounce the jurisdiction that may apply to them and agree to settle any dispute related to the use of the website in the courts of the city of Barcelona.
Access to the website implies the acceptance of this legal policy.
Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona (ICSEB)
Monday to Thursday: 9-18h (UTC +1)
Friday: 9-15h (UTC +1)
Saturday and Sunday closed
Toll-free from the US: +18882012544
+34 932 800 836
+34 932 066 406
Legal regulations
Legal notice
Pº Manuel Girona, nº 32
Barcelona, España, CP 08034
The Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona (ICSEB) complies with the established in EU regulation 2016/679 (GDPR).
The contents of this website are a non-official translation of the original content of the website in Spanish. The translation is courtesy of the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona with the purpose of facilitating comprehension for anyone who wishes to Access the website.