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Inmaculada Colom Planas, Neuro-Cranio-Vertebral Syndrome. Filum Disease. Arnold-Chiari I Syndrome.

Published by at 9 September, 2019


Surgery: 10 June 1999
Filmed: 26November 2018

My name is Inma Colom and I live in Palma de Mallorca. 19 years ago I had a very strong pain in my head, in the part of the neck, the pain was so intense that I could not walk nor lead a normal life. I could only ly down. I spent months and months resting until I went to Barcelona where Dr. Royo performed the Filum Terminale Section and since then I am perfectly well.

I would like to thank Dr. Royo for these years of health that I am enjoying. I was able to work and these last 20 years have been wonderful for me.

Email: [email protected]

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