Published by ICSEB at 9 October, 2017
On the afternoon of past Saturday, 7 October, at the Theatre San Luigi Guanella in Rome, the cultural solidarity event in support of patients with the diagnoses of the Arnold-Chiari Syndrome Type I, idiopathic Syringomyelia and Scoliosis and other conditions related to the Filum Disease.
The event, that has been organized by the Chiari & Scoliosis & Syringomyelia Foundation (CSSf), in cooperation with the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona (ICSEB) and the association AI.SAC.SI.SCO Onlus, was a great success; different artists from several countries participated, each showing their work and so encouraging others to also express their art.
Among the those participating were Dr. Miguel B. Royo-Salvador, CSSf founder and president of the board, the Italian actress Rita Capobianco with her play All because of Arnold, writer Marisa Toscano, dancer Annalisa Caicci and singer Laura Ierano. Furthermore, there was a display of dance, music, plastic art and literature; creations by patients from Italy, France, Spain, Brazil, Belgium, Russia and Romania.
“We are very happy with the outcome of our first artistic solidarity event with the certainty that the event has helped to encourage a creative attitude among patients, their relatives and well-wishers”, stated Dr. Royo-Salvador after the event. “It has been a pleasure to see so many patients again and to have the opportunity to discover the talent and great humanity of all the people who directly or indirectly live with the Filum Disease and are struggling for a better life.”
Enjoy our photo gallery with the event’s best moments.
Pier Luigi Nicoletti, Director of San Luigi Guanella theater.
Elena De’ Michieli Vitturi, Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona.
Paintings of Ferrán Pérez Vivancos.
Interview of Dr. Miguel B. Royo Salvador, with Gioia Luè, Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona.
Paintings of Dr. Horia C. Salca.
Covers of the best sellers from Natalia Kalinina.
Drawing sheets of Dr. Miguel B. Royo Salvador “Evolution of the descent of the cerebellar tonsils”.
Drawing sheets of Dr. Miguel B. Royo Salvador “Posterior cervical arthrodesis C1-C2 with bone graft and steel wire”.
Drawing sheets of Dr. Miguel B. Royo Salvador “Sequence of the intervention of Sectioning of the Filum terminale”.
Rosanna Biagiotti, presenter.
Marisa Toscano, writer.
Francesca Ghisio Erba, dancer and choreographer.
Francesca Ghisio Erba, dancer and choreographer, y Marisa Toscano, writer.
Rita Capobianco, author, actress and director.
Dr. Miguel B. Royo Salvador y Rita Capobianco, author, actress and director.
Dr. Miguel B. Royo Salvador y Rita Capobianco, author, actress and director.
Dr. Giacomo Caruso.
Testimonials of the patients of Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona.
Painting of Francesco Mauro, painter and poet.
Paintings and poems of Francesco Mauro, painter and poet.
San Luigi Guanella Theatre, before the event.
Annalisa Caicci, dancer and choreographer.
Laura Ierano, singer.
Francesco Mauro, painter and poet.
Marie-Thérése Ierano, poem of Anthony Ierano.
Closing ceremony of the event.
Monday to Thursday: 9-18h (UTC +1)
Friday: 9-15h (UTC +1)
Saturday and Sunday closed
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