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1.1.1 Can you confirm an Arnold-Chiari Type I / Idiopathic Syringomyelia / Idiopathic Scoliosis diagnosis?

1.1.2 I have Arnold-Chiari Type I Syndrome – why do I need MRIs of the thoracic and lumbar spine and a Scoliogram?

1.1.3 What is the meaning of the word “idiopathic”?

1.1.4 I have hydrocephalus and Arnold-Chiari Syndrome Type I – can I travel by plane? Can you treat my hydrocephalus?

1.1.5 What are the “Neuro-Cranio-vertebral Syndrome” and the “Filum Disease”?

1.1.6 My Scoliosis curve is more than 40º-50º – will the surgery halt its progression?

1.1.7 As my Scoliosis curve is more than 50º, orthopaedists and traumatologists indicated a spine fixation. Why and when (before or after) would I have to undergo the sectioning of the Filum Terminale (SFT)?

1.1.8 If I have Scoliosis, why do I need to have a magnetic resonance done?

1.1.9 Are these diagnoses rare in children?

1.1.10 Can the diagnosis of disc herniations and protrusions be related to the Filum Disease?




1.2.1 What should I do when a specialist indicates the application of a surgical treatment?

1.2.2 When is the application of the Filum System® surgical protocol recommended in the Filum Disease?

1.2.3 Are there cases of asymptomatic patients with an anatomical expression of the condition (through MRIs and X-rays)?

1.2.4 Why are some neurosurgeons advising to wait before applying a surgical treatment?

1.2.5 Are there cases where it is recommended to wait before applying the Filum System®?

1.2.6 How do the Filum System®, decompression and syringostomy surgeries affect the Filum Disease?

1.2.7 I have Arnold-Chiari Syndrome Type I with/without Syringomyelia: your specialists indicate the Sectioning of the Filum Terminale, while another neurosurgeon recommends a Craniectomy. Do you have cases of a Craniectomy applied after the Sectioning of the Filum Terminale?

1.2.8 What does the post-operative course depend on?

1.2.9 Which surgery is applied for disc herniations and protrusions, according to the Filum System® method?



1.3.1 How is the Sectioning of the Filum Terminale surgery performed with your technique?

1.3.2 Where is the scar going to be located? Will it be very visible?

1.3.3 What risks and complications can this surgery involve?

1.3.4 After sectioning the filum terminale, will my spinal cord be moving around inside?

1.3.5 Does the filum terminale have a function? Is anything going to happen if it is sectioned?

1.3.6 Does the patient’s age affect the Sectioning of the Filum Terminale treatment according to your Filum System®?

1.3.7 At what age do you start to operate? Did you perform the Sectioning of the Filum Terminale in children?

1.3.8 Did teenagers undergo surgery with your technique?

1.3.9 Did elderly patients undergo the Sectioning of the Filum Terminale? Up to what age do you apply this treatment?

1.3.10 Can it be an inconvenience if the surgery date coincides within the menstrual period?

1.3.11 Can the filum get tethered again?

1.3.12 Why does the ® symbol appear next to the Filum System® method’s name?

1.3.13 There is a doctor in my country that says that he/she is performing the same surgery as Dr. Royo – can I trust him/her?



1.4.1 In Arnold-Chiari Syndrome type I, can the descended cerebellar tonsils ascend after the SFT?

1.4.2 Will the symptoms disappear after sectioning the filum?

1.4.3 I underwent a suboccipital craniectomy surgery (with classical or minimally invasive technique) – will this affect my post-Sectioning of the filum terminale outcome?

1.4.4 Are the syringomyelic cavities going to disappear after the SFT?

1.4.5 Is the progression of scoliosis going to stop after the SFT?

1.4.6 In the case of scoliosis, is it possible that the spine will straighten up after the sectioning of the filum terminale?



1.5.1 After the surgery, what do I have to prepare for (recovery, medication, rehabilitation, follow ups)?

1.5.2 I am not from Barcelona and I have already returned home after the SFT. If I notice blood or pus in the surgical wound, can you help me? Who should I contact?

1.5.3 If I undergo surgery, how long will it take before I can return to my usual activities?

1.5.4 I experienced a significant improvement after the SFT, but now I feel I am getting worse again. What is happening?

1.5.5 After the SFT, the doctor recommended physical therapy. For how long should I do it?

1.5.6 I have been to physiotherapy centres and they said that, since I underwent surgery abroad, they will not take charge of my case. What can I do?

1.5.7 What will the post-SFT long-term clinical evolution be like?



1.6.1 How is the sectioning of the filum terminale performed at the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona?

1.6.2 Does the Filum System® method always apply the same procedure of the sectioning of the filum terminale? Or does it include other possibilities?

1.6.3 What is the difference between your technique for the sectioning of the filum terminale and those offered by other surgeons in my country?

1.6.4 Why should I choose the Institut Chiari de Barcelona to undergo surgery?

1.6.5 Why shouldn’t I consult other surgeons who perform the sectioning of the filum terminale in my country?

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Monday to Thursday: 9-18h (UTC +1)

Friday: 9-15h (UTC +1)

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Barcelona, España, CP 08034