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Fabiana Fantinato. Cord Traction Syndrome

Surgery Date: May 2012

Fabiana’s life comes to an halt in 2011: she starts to suffer from many symptoms, amongst them are: fainting, loss of sensitivity in the limbs, pain in one eye, backaches and the rest of the body, episodes of not being able to walk, constant ear ringing etc.

She searches for a diagnosis and a solution at her country’s main hospitals during one year, many hypotheses are drawn up, from a brain tumour to multiple sclerosis, without any success, the symptomatological picture is complex and does not correspond to any of the current classifications.

She starts to search on an international level in 2012 for a name a solution for her disease, and she finds the Institut Chiari de Barcelona and Dr. Royo Salvador over the Internet via a list of of symptoms.

Afterwards, the disease worsens: from February to May of that year her symptoms do not only get worse but also new ones appear. Also her psychological functions start to vanish, her memory is so altered that she sometimes doesn’t recognise who she is looking at.

When she reaches the point were she needs a wheelchair to move around, Fabiana follows the advise of other operated patients, with whom she had established contact and who told her that it is important to go through with the surgery as soon as possible in order to stop the evolution of the pathology, and she books an appointment with Dr. Royo. In the specialist’s opinion she is affected by a Cord Traction Syndrome with an impaction of the cerebellar tonsils, and that the solution is the sectioning of the filum terminale according to the FILUM SYSTEM® method.

She undergoes the Sectioning of the Filum terminale surgery in Barcelona in May 2012.

After a positive immediate post-operative period, the patient can already go for walks with her two and half year old boy six weeks after surgery.

In her testimonial, which she records for us one year after the surgery, Fabiana confirms having regained her life from before the disease, and not only that, but she also feels better than in the last years before the outbreak of the disease, when she was always very tired and dispirited. Now not only is she back to going about her life normally on a daily basis, also in her profession, but she also goes running three times a week!

The patient thanks Dr. Royo for having given her back her life, and us from the Institut Chiari Team thank her, because her testimonial will give back hope to many patients.

Thank you, Fabiana.

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