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Dr. Miguel B. Royo Salvador celebrates his 70th birthday and a successful life

Published by at 5 December, 2020

2020 has been a different year, marked by the current circumstances, and it has been also a very special year for Dr. Miguel B. Royo Salvador.

The founder and director of the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona (ICSEB) turns 70 and celebrates it together with another great achievement of a long and successful life: the publication of the description of the Filum Disease, a new condition discovered thanks to years of research and incessant work.

All the team at ICSEB would like to pay a small tribute of appreciation and affection to this enthusiastic neurosurgeon, entrepreneur, neurologist, neuroscientist and researcher, whose multifaceted professional and personal path has made him unique.

Congratulations Doctor Royo!!


Homenaje en el 70º cumpleaños del Dr. Miguel B. Royo Salvador from Institut Chiari de Barcelona on Vimeo.


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