Published by ICSEB at 19 February, 2016
Dr Antonio Victoria, Cardiologist.
Date of testimonial: 20th November 2015
It is a pleasure to be able to address the audience and also to say thanks for the many years of friendship with Dr Royo. I want to clarify that the research conducted by him in the pathology of Filum Terminale and the NCV.S is something that physicians should be aware of and consider. My testimony is full of gratitude and it’s because of what we have gone through in my own, my wife’s and my daughter’s personal lives. My wife is a doctor. She was suffering from this issue and had the cord traction disease and as a result of the brilliant operation from Dr Royo, she has recovered completely. Her thoracic hernias were treated perfectly well and have never reappeared since then. Her spine, that showed scoliosis since childhood, recovered and is now perfectly aligned.
The case of my daughter was more complex, with totally mixed and unspecific symptoms and a clinical picture that could have fit perfectly into a functional pathology that would have condemned a girl of 22 years of age to be bedridden. Then, we thought of this syndrome. She underwent the operation and we witnessed that 8 hours after the surgery all her clinical symptoms had disappeared.
My message is that we doctors must think that this condition exists in nearly 20% of the population and the relationship in the development of the diseases like Arnold Chiari I, Syringomyelia and Scoliosis is a common process and can have a close relationship. We must never stop thinking about it because it has an easy and great solution for the consequences that may have subsequent effect.
Many thanks to Dr Royo and his brilliant team for finally bringing happiness back to many patients, among them my wife and my eldest daughter.
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