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Congratulations to Dr. Royo!

Published by at 4 December, 2015

All staff members of the Institut Chiari & Syringomyelia & Scoliosis de Barcelona and the Chiari & Scoliosis & Syringomyelia Foundation, wish Dr. Miguel Bta. Royo Salvador a very happy 65th birthday.

We think that this magnificent day provides a great opportunity to remember all his work and dedication to achieve the improvement in the quality of life of the people directly or indirectly affected by the different diseases that affect millions around the globe.

Also, we would like to remember all the sacrifices, labour and support of all the people, relatives, friends, colleagues, partners and employees who have accompanied him in his journey of exemplary professionalism for more than 40 years.



Dr. Royo’s portrait by painter Krzysztof Brzezinski, uncle of a Polish patient operated at ICESB


Dr. Royo with his portrait.

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