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Greta De Lucia. Arnold Chiari I Syndrome, idiopathic Scoliosis, Medullary Traction Syndrome and cervical, dorsal and lombar discopathies.

Published by at 11 July, 2011

Date of surgery : April 2011

Hi, my name is Greta De Lucia. I am 12 years old, during January of this year after having had various symtoms and fainting various times during the day, this made my life impossible, they then hospitalized me and diagnosed me with Arnold Chiari I Syndrome.

Here in Italy the only solution for this type of pathology, when being symptomatic, is the decompression surgery. So my parents took in consideration the devastating risks that entails this type of surgery, researching and looking for information, they decided to visit Dr. Royo, who operated on me on the 28th of April. Since that day, my fainting disappeared and my other symptoms get better everyday.

I am very happy, I cannot believe it, but thanks to Dr. Royo, now I can live a normal life just like the other girls. Thank you!

For the ones who need more information, I am leaving my parent´s phone numbers:

TEL. (+39) 3496923245

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