Published by ICSEB at 27 July, 2018
Surgery date: 7 June 2018
Video recorded on: 21 June 2018
“My name is Taylor Pollock. In June 2016, I got a headache that never went away. In September 2016, I was diagnosed with Chiari Type I and in October 2016 I was told that I needed decompression surgery and not to research anything and that it would all be explained before surgery but it never was. My recovery was very traumatic, I vomited daily for weeks and in June 2017 new symptoms appeared, I have a weakness in my left side, a headache that was always above a seven or an eight, I was vomiting three to five times a week, I was sore all over and I began to think that my life was over. And in November 2017, I was diagnosed with Syringomyelia. My mom had then seen a post online about the Institute in Barcelona and being equestrian people, we understood how a diseased ligament could cause my conditions and symptoms. After speaking to others who had been through the Filum System surgery, I knew that it was the right thing for me. I am now two weeks post-Filum System surgery and my headache has decreased amazingly, I haven’t vomited since and I feel like a new person. I am just so so grateful to everyone at the Institute for the opportunity to get my life back.”
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