Published by ICSEB at 9 November, 2017
We remind you that the post-operative evolution has many factors. Do not take any decision about your health without first consulting a qualified medical professional.
Filmed on: 24 July 2017
Surgery date: 25 July 2017
The patient had trouble moving the lower extremities.
She lacked strength in her legs and used a wheelchair.
On day after the surgery.
Filmed on: 26 July 2017
The patient recovered strength in her legs and was able to walk by herself.
One month after post-op.
Filmed on: 01 September 2017
Her gait improved and her movement was securer and quicker.
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The contents of this website are a non-official translation of the original content of the website in Spanish. The translation is courtesy of the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona with the purpose of facilitating comprehension for anyone who wishes to Access the website.