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Gladys Beatriz Quispe Apaza. Neuro-Cranio-Vertebral Syndrome. Descent of the Cerebellar Tonsils (Arnold-Chiari Syndrome Type I). Intramedullary cyst (idiopathic Syringomyelia). Multiple Disc Disease

Published by at 20 March, 2018


Surgery date: October 2016
Filmed in July 2017

My name is Gladys Beatriz de Supo, I am 45 years old and I am from Peru. I suffer from the Arnold-Chiari Syndrome type I and idiopathic Syringomyelia, two conditions that used to be unknown to me. I had to see many neurosurgeons in my country to obtain treatment for my disease, and they did not give me any solution.

My symptoms were: strong and daily burning feeling, dizziness, general fatigue, I was not even able to sign documents because my hand was shaking and was losing the strength in the left upper arm, and even so, I did not understand why.

I then decided to look for information on the Internet and it was there that I found many testimonials that took me to get to know the Institut Chiari de Barcelona. I had to make many efforts to manage to get to Barcelona and to have the surgical procedure of the Sectioning of the Filum terminale according to the Filum System® method. I already started noticing very rewarding improvements on the day after the operation. Now, a year after the surgery, I feel even more improvements and I can say that may life has changed definitively.

I no longer have headaches or dizziness, I don’t tire that easily and I can sign my name smoothly, even though my hand was shaking before. I have to say that I was offered a better quality of life and that the disease came to a halt.

It is very regrettable that the neurosurgeon that I saw in my country offered me the craniectomy as a treatment. I did not need an explanation, I realized that it is very risky, so I opted for this surgery [Sectioning of the Filum terminale according to the Filum System® method] that has nothing to do with the craniectomy.

I want to cheer everyone suffering from the same symptoms as mine on to make the effort come all the way over here to have the surgery. It changed my life and I can feel it. Thank you!

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