Published by ICSEB at 28 March, 2010
Date of the surgery: March 2010.
I am 46 years old. In the year 2005 I started to suffer from headaches and vertigo The pain was in the nape region, I felt pressure in the temple which irradiated to the eyes. Then I realized I could not take the subway, I didn´t feel well when I did. I went to see a neurologist and indicated me to have an MRI done. The report said: a variant of Arnold Chiari I. Descent of 5 mm of the cerebellar tonsils, degenerative dystrophic changes in the cervical region. They prescribed me medication in the form of pills and intravenous drip. By misfortune, the pain grew stronger every time, tinnitus and a cold feeling added to it. I was cold even in summer time. My left leg and arm went to sleep. The MRI from 2008 showed the progression of the disease. The Cerebellar tonsils descended to 9 mm and a herniated disc showed up at the sacrum region.
In the year 2009, a teacher at the Brain Institute in San Petersburg suggested me a surgery which consisted in cutting part of a tonsil and etc…I refused- I decided to live life with it.
Suddenly, I saw on Internet an article about the Institut Chiari of Barcelona. My husband and I decided that this was my opportunity and so we went. I had surgery on March 2nd of 2010. On March 5th I could already walk around Barcelona. I felt a relief: my head and neck didn´t hurt anymore. My back got straighter. My hands got stronger, even my skin color changed, before the surgery it was a grayish yellow. My voice sounded richer.
I want to thank a lot Dr. Royo, Doctor Marco and all his team.
Svetlana Fumina
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