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Delania Oliveira De Almeida. Neuro-Cranio-Vertebral Syndrome. Filum Disease. Descent of the Cerebellar Tonsils (Arnold-Chiari Syndrome Type I). Idiopathic Syringomyelia and Multiple Disc Disease.

Published by at 8 May, 2018

Surgery date: January 2018
Filmed: February 2018

The patient Delania Oliveira de Almeida is 30 years old and lives in Fortaleza, in the Province of Ceará (Brazil). In this video, she tells us that she was diagnosed with Arnold-Chiari Syndrome I in 2016. When she found out about the diagnosis, it was a shock for her: “it was as if the world and everything had come crushing down on me. I have a daughter and I have dreams to fulfil.”

When she started searching about this disease on the Internet, she found information about the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona (ICSEB)’s work. “It was then when I opened my heart and my mind and found the strength to fight for improving my life”.

Ten days after undergoing treatment according to the Filum System®, this Brazilian patient says she feels well. “I had difficulties to swallow, to breathe, loss of strength in my right hand (..). Now I’m fine. Before I couldn’t get up after kneeling and now I am able to. In addition, I have had many other improvements”.

Delania also talks about the difference between the conventional treatments generally proposed, the Suboccipital craniotomy (SOC), and the one performed at the Institut Chiari de Barcelona. “The craniotomy is a very risky surgery and the one here [at ICSEB] is minimally invasive.” To conclude, she leaves a message for other patients: “This is a dream come true. I encourage you to never give up and think that this surgery is the best thing that exists. ”

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