Published by ICSEB at 18 September, 2017
Surgery date: June 2017
Date of the video: July 2017
Hi! My name is Isabelle and I am 43 years old. I was diagnosed with Arnold-Chiari at the end of August 2016. I had been suffering for 14 years. I decided to do some research to understand my condition and it was then that I found the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona, and I contacted there directly. Everything went well, they listened and I decided to undergo the sectioning of the filum terminale procedure to put a full stop to my suffering
Today, it is one month ago that I was operated and I am really well. I had symptoms such as: headaches, loss of balance, a lot of pains ind hands and legs that were terrible. I lived in hell. I lived hidden away because of how much I was suffering and the intense fatigue. Today I no longer have the headaches and my balance loss has disappeared almost completely. I still have some fatigue, but it is very mild and my pains have been reduced by fifty per cent.
The Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona saved me. Thanks you Samantha thank you Dr. Salca, thanks everybody. I’d recommend to stop searching, to stop asking yourselves a thousand questions. Come to ICSEB, they are nice. It’s easy. Knowing that we are so lucky to be able to come to Barcelona, we should do it.
Thanks to everybody.
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