Published by ICSEB at 4 March, 2022
Date of surgery: 17/06/2021
Video filmed on: 22/09/2021
“My name is Maria da Cruz and I am from Angola. I started having pain in my neck, which initially seemed to be a torticollis. As it did not improve, I did some tests in Portugal and I was diagnosed with Chiari I. From there, I started to research about this disease because it was a condition that I had never heard of before and I discovered the Institut Chiari on the Internet. I contacted the Institut and I also read the testimonials of many people from different countries who had already been there.
At the Institut, they recommended that I do some tests and I did. I send the tests by email and, after analysing them; the doctors concluded that I could undergo surgery there using the Filum System® Method. I underwent surgery. It’s been almost 3 months and I feel great. Before, I had a lot of headaches, a lot of pressure on the brain, pain in my back, in the upper and lower limbs but, now, I don’t feel any of that anymore. Blurred vision, or pain behind my eyes? I don’t feel any of that anymore. My hearing, which was also affected, has improved considerably.
In short, I can say that this surgery did to me a lot of good and I recommend it to other people who have depression or nervous system problems to contact this institution because, sometimes, there are health problems that can drag on over years and, with a small surgery, your problems can be solved.
My gratitude to the Institut Chiari de Barcelona and, above of all, to Dr. Fiallos for his dedication. All the team was very kind, especially Marta. Thank you all for everything.”
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