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An important quality award

Published by at 23 March, 2015


Last March 13th 2015, at Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona (ICSEB)’s main offices, Ms. Eva Subirá JiménezDirector of AENOR Catalunya (Asociación Española de Normalización y Certificación), officially delivered the Quality Management System Certification based on the UNE-EN ISO 9001:2008 standard, for the following activities:

  • Research, diagnosis and treatment of Filum Disease
  • Diagnosis and treatment of neurosurgical diseases

Dr. Miguel B. Royo, Director of ICSEB said in the first place:

<<… despite what one could think, the process of accreditation can be quite complex to the scientific world: scientists often avoid those formalisms that apparently limit their freedom of research. However, in this past year, we’ve learnt that following the strict standards of AENOR helps us convey transparency and security in the application of our administrative and assistential processes… >> said the Spanish scientist.

Ms. Eva Subirá emphasized:

<<… it’s clear that, without the daily commitment of each and every one of you, you wouldn’t have obtained this certification. We found a motivated and inspired team. AENOR certification demonstrates that ICSEB’s professional team commitment to excellence is firm and constant … >> said the Director of AENOR Catalunya.


From left to right: Dr. Miguel B. Royo Salvador (Director of ICSEB), Ms. Eva Subirá (Director of AENOR Catalunya) and Mr. Xavier Antón (Director of Management and Communication at ICSEB).

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