Contact us

Aintzane Gonzalez de Armas. Cord Traction Syndrome. Idiopathic Syringomyelia.

Date of surgery: 10 October 2013

Date of video testimonial: 13 April 2015

I discovered the Institut Chiari de Barcelona on the Internet, thanks to my uncles. Once I had the syringomyelia diagnosis, I underwent surgery on 10 October 2013 and since then and until today I have experienced improvement of up to 90%. I feel like my life was given back to me, therefore my recommendation for patients with this disease is to approach this centre and to get in touch with this outstanding team.

For it as been an unforgettable experience.

Contact: Mrs De Armas: [email protected] / +34 696-210-111

Opening hours

Monday to Thursday: 9-18h (UTC +1)

Friday: 9-15h (UTC +1)

Saturday and Sunday closed

[email protected]

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Pº Manuel Girona, nº 32

Barcelona, España, CP 08034