Contact us

Dr. Giacomo Caruso

Born in Messina on 01/12/1955.
Graduate in Medicine and Surgery in 1983 with Honours.
Specialization in Neurosurgery in Octubre 1988 with Honours.
Specialization in Neuro Physiopathology in Julio 1992.
All the titles are received from “University of Messina”, Italy.
Accreditation and Filum System Sanitary® diploma, 28 March 2014
In addition to various publications in international scientific magazines, he is actively engaged in the investigation of Neuro-Cranio-Vertebral syndrome since 2009.
Address: Via Tripoli, 65 – 70017 Putignano (Bari) Italy.
Telephone: +39 0804055075
Mobile: +39 336 327452
Contact language: Italian.

Opening hours

Monday to Thursday: 9-18h (UTC +1)

Friday: 9-15h (UTC +1)

Saturday and Sunday closed

[email protected]

Care 24 hours

in the form of our website

+34 932 800 836

+34 932 066 406

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Barcelona, España, CP 08034