Filmed testimonial of a patient who underwent the sectioning of the filum terminale surgery; from the appointment at the Institut Chiari de Barcelona to admittance at the CIMA hospital and the surgery.
Céline Andre. Patient affected by the Arnold Chiari I Syndrome and Idiopathic Scoliosis.
Symptom summary:
The patient experiences stiffness in cervical region and in the center of the back during the whole day. When stretching her neck, back and shoulder she achieves some relief.
Surgery day
The patient is transferred to the induction room waiting for the surgery room to be ready to receive her….
In the induction room Dr. Royo asks her whether she had eaten or drunk anything sice midnight. He also reassures her that everything will be done in good conditions.
2. Surgery room.
The patient goes on into this room for the sedation and surgery…
3. Surgery.
4. Reanimation and return to room.
5. Post-op check up.
In the course if the afternoon the doctors make their round and come and see the patient in her room…
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