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Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis of Barcelona

Patient videos

Luiza Ribeiro Scherer. Neuro-Cranio-Vertebral Syndrome. Filum Disease. Idiopathic Syringomyelia. Idiopathic Scoliosis.

Publicado por ICSEB el 21 Jul, 2023

Date of surgery: 16/02/2017 Filmed: 20/02/2023

“My name is Priscila and this is my 12-year-old daughter Luiza. We are from Brazil. When Luiza was 4, she was diagnosed of cervical and thoracic Syringomyelia, no Chiari, but with a lot of symptoms. Due to her urinary incontinence, tingling in her legs and difficulty when walking, we realized there was something wrong. They ran the MRI tests and thus diagnosed the Syringomyelia. We then started looking for treatment, since Luiza’s syrinx was growing significantly and her symptoms were getting worse, limiting her quality of life.

Today we are at the Institut Chiari to let people know that this treatment is really minimally invasive and brings a lot of benefits. So, do not hesitate in travelling to Barcelona and undergoing the surgery.

Luiza is now 12; we are here at the Institute to share our experience. She is currently in her 10-day postoperative period due to another condition related to her thorax, that is why she is wearing a corset and in a wheelchair. She can actually walk, go to school, have a normal life and practice sports.

We are here also to see the comparison between the 2017 preoperative images and the latest ones. Luiza’s largest syrinx was in the thoracic spinal cord and it has almost disappeared. We are really happy about that, we already knew that she had improved, since approximately the 95% of her symptoms disappeared after surgery. It has been a very quick recovery!

We cannot keep to ourselves such a positive experience with the Institut Chiari, their work and, above all, the benefits the surgery brings. When I brought Luiza here, I only expected the syrinx would stop growing and now I’m realizing it has even shrunk and almost all her symptoms disappeared.

If this condition has no cure, this treatment is the cure. It provides a better quality of life to those suffering from the symptoms of Chiari, idiopathic Syringomyelia and idiopathic Scoliosis and with the indication of surgical treatment. The Doctors at Institute Chiari review every single case to make sure the patient is a candidate for the intervention. Do not hesitate in undergoing or having your child undergo the surgery, because you will benefit from it.”

At the end of the video, Priscila asks her daughter: “isn’t that true, Lú?” and Luiza nods. “Have you improved a lot?”, the patient nods again. “Say hello”, asks her mother and Luiza greets with her thumbs up.

Email: [email protected]

Christian Sasig. Neuro-cranio-vertebral Syndrome. Filum Disease*. Arnold-Chiari Syndrome type I. Idiopathic scoliosis. Multiple disc disease

Publicado por ICSEB el 19 May, 2023

Surgery date: 30/03/2021 Filmed on: 21/04/2021

Hello! My name is Cristian and I am in Barcelona because I underwent the sectioning of the filum terminale. I am from Ecuador and I was diagnosed with Chiari type I. My symptoms started at the age of 30 when I started having severe headaches, dizziness, arm pain, tingling, back pain and then, the pain went down to the lumbar spine.
I visited different neurosurgeons in my country and the solution they gave me was that I had to have neck surgery. This worried me quite a bit because it is a head surgery, so I decided to do a little more research and looked for people on social media who had the same Chiari type I diagnosis.
Researching in the groups that I found about this condition, I was recommended to ask for a remote diagnosis here at the Institute Chiari de Barcelona. I sent them my scans by email and they provided me with an indicative diagnosis. Then I had the opportunity to travel to Barcelona, they examined me during the medical consultation and after a year I was able to travel to undergo the surgery of the sectioning of the filum terminale. It has now almost been a month since I underwent surgery and I can say that I have improved in some aspects: some of the symptoms that I had disappeared – such as the lower back pain -, I no longer have dizziness, the headache has also improved, there is still a slight pain in the thoracic spine; but I am only a month in from surgery and I prefer to wait and see how I continue to improve over time.
I recommend this new surgery that is not performed on the head but in the lumbar area, which, according to my  research, is less invasive – which is why I decided to undergo it – since undergoing a brain surgery worried me a lot. This would be all I can share with people who have this disease: I encourage them to request distance guidance and come here to undergo surgery.

Amanda McDonald. Neuro-Cranio-Vertebral Syndrome. Filum Disease. Descent of the cerebellar tonsils (DCT Arnold-Chiari Syndrome type I).

Publicado por ICSEB el 14 Apr, 2023

Surgery date: 10/01/2023 Filmed on: 20/01/23

Hello my name is Amanda McDonald. I’m 28 years old and I’m from Idaho, United States and I have struggled with symptoms from Chiari malformation for over 12 years.
You know, I dealt with pressure headaches and neck pain and, just you know, dizziness memory issues, breathing problems. Definitely in the last year, it’s gotten worse I was diagnosed 3 years ago and they recommended decompression surgery but it was canceled because of Covid and after they suggested rescheduling. I decided not to because I was concerned about, you know, the complications that can happen with that surgery.
I just kind of waited and I was a part of a lot of Facebook groups about Chiari and someone told me about the clinic here in Barcelona and so I got in touch with them and sent them my MRIs and I’ve just had an amazing experience with the staff and the doctors here. It has just been incredible.
About seven months ago I wasn’t able to walk and I have to use walking sticks. I was in a wheelchair. When I came to the clinic I was in a wheelchair. I could only walk like a couple steps without help and I couldn’t sit up straight and I just felt terrible, like I could barely, you know, carry out a conversation because just the overstimulation of like talking to people and noise and light, it was just too much.
But pretty much right after surgery the pressure is already much better and my thinking is much more clear and I don’t get overwhelmed this quickly. Pretty much the day after the surgery I started walking again and I’ve never been able to, like, sit up straight and it’s just amazing.
So, I’m just so thankful to God and for, you know, this Clinic just how much effort and time that they put in the researching this Filum Disease and just that they have a surgery available.
So, I would highly recommend anyone with these conditions, you know, the Filum Disease or Chiari Malformation to come here and yeah just get surgery because it’s really blessed me a lot so, thank you!
Email: [email protected]

Iker Díaz Noda. Neuro-cranio-Vertebral Syndrome. Filum Disease. Arnold-Chiari I Syndrome. Idiopathic Syringomyelia and Idiopathic Scoliosis.

Publicado por ICSEB el 21 Oct, 2022

Surgery date: 21/05/2019 Filmed: 04/07/2022

Hello! We are Iker’s family. We are from La Gomera, Canary Islands, where there are not all the medical resources one could wish for. In February 2019, thanks to a podiatry examination, we were able to see that he had a scoliosis that had not been found until then, when Iker was already 6 years old. As a result, his physiotherapist requested an MRI. Thanks to this, he was diagnosed with Arnold-Chiari type I Syndrome, Syringomyelia and idiopathic scoliosis. Then, we began a journey to find information. From the very beginning, the neurosurgeon recommended undergoing a suboccipital craniotomy, which we flatly refused; then we started looking for information on the Internet, trying to find a solution, until we found the website of the Institut Chiari de Barcelona.
Without hesitation, we got in touch with the institute and three months later we were in Barcelona to undergo surgery. We must say that he had no apparent symptoms, only scoliosis. We had the consultation on a Monday and he underwent surgery on Tuesday. Unfortunately, with the outbreak of the Covid19 pandemic, we could not return to Barcelona for the check-ups. The only thing that got a little worse was the scoliosis, which we were able to solve with the physiotherapist in La Gomera and we were able to continue the treatment from there. We kept in touch with the Institute without any problems and we came for the check-up three and a half years or so after the surgery. The images are very satisfactory, his tonsils descent has improved, his Syringomyelia has improved, Iker lives a normal life. The scoliosis did get worse at first, but now it maintains quite stable with the brace and we are moving forward. We are very happy, very grateful because God has put the Chiari Institute on our way.
We will always be very grateful to them. We will continue with the check-ups every three years but, as you can see, he can lead a normal life and is a fully active and happy child.
[email protected]

Sarah Barbier. Neuro-Cranio-Vertebral Syndrome. Filum Disease. Arnold Chiari Syndrome type I. Idiopathic Scoliosis. Multiple disc disease. Anterior sacrococcygeal dislocation.

Publicado por ICSEB el 2 Sep, 2022

Surgery date: 23/3/2021 Filmed: 2/5/2022

My name is Sarah and I am 30 years old. I was diagnosed of scoliosis at the age of 14 and I underwent surgery (arthrodesis) in France. 4 years after my arthrodesis, I had many complications and I had to have it removed and subsequently my symptoms worsened. In addition to scoliosis, I started having migraines every day, vertigos, I lost sensitivity in the entire left side of my body and a lot of fatigue. I had been fighting for two years. I had many scans and after two years they discovered that I had Arnold Chiari malformation. None of the clinicians I saw offered a treatment. I felt very abandoned because I felt that my symptoms were getting worse and I expected many complications in my future.
I started researching on the Internet and then I discovered the Institut Chiari in Barcelona. I was intrigued when I found out that there is a relationship between scoliosis and Arnold Chiari malformation – which made sense – but the doctors in France didn’t see it. I started to get in touch with different French patients who had undergone surgery for Filum disease and, a year ago, I decided to undergo surgery as well. I was very happy with the team. They are very professional. The pre-operative visit was exhaustive and took a long time. They cared and listened to all the symptoms I have from head to toe.
A few hours after the surgery, I could feel 80% of the left side of my body that had lost sensation for years, so it was quite a miracle. I also felt less tension in my body; I knew that my Filum was too tight. I tried to take good care of myself, not to carry too much weight, following the Doctors’ recommendations.
I have just had my 1-year postoperative check-up: since surgery I haven’t had a single migraine, which is quite a miracle, since I used to have daily migraines. I feel much better, straighter, I have regained my energy, I am a little less sensitive, before I had a feeling of numbness every day and now I have it but much less. Sometimes it happens that I notice my symptoms but only when I accumulate a lot of fatigue. I can only see positive results from this surgery. When comparing my MRIs, there are currently no major changes, I continue with my scoliosis and Arnold Chiari but at least they have not progressed and, above of all, there are many symptoms that have decreased and this is already very miraculous. I am very happy but at the same time disappointed because there is not much information about this malformation/disease, about this institute. If I had known about that before, I could have avoided many things and it is for this reason that I am sharing this testimony today, which I hope will reach other people.
The main goal of this surgery is to stop the progression of disease. Before surgery it is not possible to know if there will be improvements so, since in my case the progression of the condition stopped and I experienced improvements as well, it was a big surprise and I am very happy. It is a “super” institute; I greatly appreciate the work done by Dr. Royo and all his team.

Eduardo Filipe Schewtschik Filho. Neuro-Cranio-Vertebral Syndrome, Filum Disease, Arnold-Chiari Type I. Idiopathic Scoliosis.

Publicado por ICSEB el 1 Apr, 2022

Video update

Surgery: 11/12/2018 Filmed: 27/12/2021

Eduardo Filipe Schewtschik Filho, the patient, tells us his story briefly.
Hello, my name is Eduardo Filipe Schewtschik Filho and I am 15 years old. 3 years ago I underwent surgery for Arnold-Chiari I Syndrome. When I started High School, I couldn’t walk. It was difficult; I felt pain, had reduced mobility and lack of muscle strength. I feel so much better now. I can walk now and I have better reasoning ability than before.  I am much better”.
Then, Mrs. Luciana Bigaisk, the patient’s mother, explains how her son is doing:
Eduardo did his 3 year follow-up consultation. When he underwent surgery, he was very well and had a fantastic recovery. Now, in the follow-up consultation, we have seen that the cerebellar tonsils have ascend and he is fine. 100% recovered. We would like to thank the Institut Chiari, Marta and the entire team who have helped and supported us to be here. Thanks. “


Filmed: 03/01/2019

Eduardo Filipe, 12 years old, had lost so much strength in his legs that he could no longer walk. With a diagnosis of Arnold-Chiari Syndrome Type I, he suffered from dizziness and severe headaches and pain in the spine, which forced him to stand because, when lying down, his symptoms worsened. His mother says that the boy also had problems in his ears, blurred vision and suffered falls due to the lack of muscular strength, thus needing a wheelchair.
“After the surgery, he recovered well and started to see the first results. Today, 22 days after the surgery, he no longer feels muscle weakness or pain. He is well and can walk,” says Luciana.
The patient’s father wanted to reassure other patients with the same symptoms as his son: “I would like to encourage those who want to undergo surgery or wish their children had the surgery. For us it is very gratifying to see that our son could walk again one day after the surgery and that he no longer needs the wheelchair”.
Eduardo says that his son could not sleep at night because he had pain and now his nights of sleep are calm. “His facial expression has changed because before he used to have pain and now he usually smiles”.
Both, Luciana and Eduardo, wanted to thank the entire Institut’s team for the attention received: Dr. Royo, Dr. Salca and the translators/interpreters (Nina Piorkowska and Marta Orsini). “ I want to especially thank Dr. Salca for the way he took care of our son, and the whole team, for all the attention and the love we received. Let this method reach more people,” said the patient ‘s father.
Contact mail: [email protected]

Bruno Family. Neuro-Cranio-Vertebral Syndrome. Filum Disease. Arnold-Chiari Syndrome. Multiple Disc Disease.

Publicado por ICSEB el 18 Mar, 2022

Link:   Surgery date: 02/09/2021 Filmed on: 04/10/2021   Angola  

We are the Bruno family and we are from Buenos Aires, Argentina. Our children, 14 year-old Donato and 11 year-old Rosella, underwent surgery at the ICSEB on September 2, 2021. Each experience is unique but, just as the story of other families with the same diagnosis helped us not to feel alone and to make the right decision, we want to share ours and hope that it can help others as well.
Rosella’s Diagnosis:
From an early age she had occasional headaches, very spaced out, especially if she felt hot. During 2020, when she was 10 years old and during the lockdown, at night she suffered more and more frequently episodes of anxiety and confusion, strange thoughts, severe headaches, nausea and insomnia. She was always a very active girl, extremely cheerful and affectionate and that baffled us.
We had a consultation with a paediatrician and he told us that her discomfort was probably of emotional origin, as there were many other children who were distressed by the confinement during the pandemic or by changes of the growth phases.
These episodes ended up being daily and increasingly intense and happened at other times of the day as well. She would say to me: “Mom, I am not sad because of being at home. I am trying to relax and sleep; it’s not that I am nervous at night. I don’t know why this is happening to me or why I have this pressure like a bankd around my head“ We had some terrible and very distressing months. We brought her to our bed in case it calmed her down and she fell asleep at four or later in the morning. Once she fell asleep, she rested and this actually gave her some relief until everything started again the next day.
One day, she broke down. Her legs didn’t hold her anymore; she felt tingling in her hands combined with nauseas and a very severe headache. That weekend, we went through four different clinics until they took us seriously and did a CT and MRI scan that showed a 4.75 mm descent of the cerebellar tonsils. We were told to look for a neurologist or neurosurgeon and, for the first time, we heard about Chiari Syndrome. We were looking for the best paediatric neurosurgeon in our country, a specialist in Chiari, head of neurosurgery at one of the best paediatric hospitals in our country.
The first thing he told us when he saw her MRIs was “for me it’s not Chiari because it doesn’t show a 5mm descent which is the limit”. At my insistence on the different symptoms that Rosella had (headache, insomnia, back and limb pain, tingling and pins and needles, nausea, blurred vision and bright spots) his response was “take her to the psychologist”. To discard any doubts, he asked us for another MRI and, during the second consultation, he confirmed that Rosella had Arnold-Chiari Syndrome Type I and Syringomyelia and she had to have a dcompressive suboccipital craniectomy with a cervical vertebrae laminectomy in order to make the LCR flow better. He wanted to be very honest with us and he told us, he did not know the cause of the disease, that surgery would only alleviate the symptoms, that it was a very serious surgery, that it could go well or not, that there was a risk of hydrocephalyus, meningitis, which may need a more invasive second surgery and he finally said “ The Chiari patient has to get used to the pain”.
My husband and I came out of his office devastated, swallowing our tears because we didn’t want to worry our children who were waiting for us in the waiting room. We are Christians. We believe in the love and grace of God, our father who saves us through His Son Jesus Christ. We read the Bible and we pray. On our knees, beside our bed, we unload our heart in front of Him and we ask Him for help and guidance on the path He intended for us. We were resigned to go through with this surgery for our daughter but, thank God, for various reasons it did not materialize despite our attempts to do it, as it was desperate to see our daughter suffering and not being able to do nothing to relieve her pain.
In the meantime, I searched and read all the information I could find on the Internet. One night I saw a picture and the name “Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis” struck me. Was there an Institut specialized in my daughter’s condition? I immediately searched the web and I couldn’t believe it when they described a minimally invasive surgery through the sacrum that eliminates the cause of the disease. Completely different from what the Argentinian neurosurgeon had told us. That same morning, I filled out the form without much hope. They answered me quickly and kindly offered me a free remote diagnosis by sending her MRI and then we had a videoconference with Dr. Fiallos. He was very clear on my daughter’s diagnosis and in his explanation. He mentioned that it is a disease that can be inherited, with a very varied symptomatology. This made us feel the need to test our son Donato also.
Donato’s Diagnosis:
Donato did not have the same symptoms as Rosella. He had back pain, sometimes his arms, legs, neck, etc. but the Doctor’s answer was always “this is growing pains”. From an early age, he had occasional episodes of lipothymia, for various reasons: a fright of something, nervousness, heat, prolonged standing. After several studies, we were told that he had “vasovagal syncope”. As he got older, he used to be very tired and we were also told that this was because of his age.
He did an MRI in March 2021, his MRI report was: “everything according to normal parameters” but when we sent the images to the ICSEB the diagnosis was completely different. Donato had impaction of the cerebellar tonsils, rotoscoliosis and multiple disc disease. For us, it was impossible to pay for Rosella’s surgery, let alone for two.
We put everything in God’s hands. If it was His Will, He would take us to Barcelona and so it was. We made the decision that this was the treatment for our children. Family, friends, even people who didn’t know us and also the Chiari Foundation, helped us. Incredibly, in six days we were able to collect the amount we needed to cover the two surgeries and also the trip to Barcelona for all the family. God is good and faithful and He proved it once again.
The experience at the ICSEB
We would never have had the courage to make such a decision without Safaa El Idrissi who answered all our questions quickly and in detail and gave us all the help we needed at each moment.
The day before the surgery we had the consultation with Dr. Fiallos and Safaa. We were much surprised by how detailed and protocolized the assessment was, how they registered all the information and, also, by the warmth and good humour with which Dr. Fiallos did every test, making the moment more pleasant and bearable. At the end, Dr. Fiallos gave us a very detailed explanation of each patient’s diagnosis. We were surprised by Donato’s case. His disease progressed a lot but quietly not as in the Rosella’s case, which was more visible by the variety of symptoms. If we had listened to the diagnosis we received in our country, Donato would have continued to get worse. Dr. Royo also greeted us and explained to our children what would happen the next day with a lot of love and using simple terminology.
The service / attention was impeccable: punctuality, highly trained and prepared professionals but also respectful and sensitive, warm and aware of the burden with which patients and relatives arrive to the ICSEB. They even showed us a simple animated video where we could see how the surgery would be performed (suitable for children to see). We could ask questions in order to be calm and confident for the surgery.
Both surgeries were performed as scheduled on the morning of September 2 at Cima Hospital. By the grace of God, everything went fine and nothing happened. After we were in our hospital room, Donato and Rosella were able to get up and walk. From that day on, Rosella was able to sleep well again. She regained her sleep and the urge to go to bed and being able to sleep (things that seem so common but when you lose them you realize their great value). Dr. Fiallos and Safaa came to the hospital within hours after surgery to see how they were doing and did a comparative neurological assessment and there were some positive improvements. The surgical wound was minimal, easy to care for, did not require removing stitches, and in fact, after a few months, it is not even noticeable. The recovery was excellent.
We are more than grateful to our Heavenly Father for proving His love, power, and faithfulness through this test because He has given courage, strength, and peace to both our children and us. We would also like to thank all the professionals we met at the Institut Chiari and the people who helped us to provide our children with the best treatment in the world.
We encourage patients and family members to seek information and advice on all the options for making an informed choice. In times of distress it is when one is most vulnerable, everyone gives their opinion with good intentions but it is a great responsibility to decide on one’s own life and even more so on the lives of our children.
We are grateful to have gotten to know the Institut Chiari de Barcelona on time!
“YHVH is good, He is strong in the day of distress, and he knows those who trust in him” The Bible
Email:[email protected]

Maria Rodrigues da Cruz – Neuro-Cranio-Vertebral Syndrome. Filum Disease*. Arnold-Chiari Syndrome type I. Multiple disc disease.

Publicado por ICSEB el 4 Mar, 2022

Link:   Date of surgery: 17/06/2021 Video filmed on: 22/09/2021   South Africa  

“My name is Maria da Cruz and I am from Angola. I started having pain in my neck, which initially seemed to be a torticollis. As it did not improve, I did some tests in Portugal and I was diagnosed with Chiari I. From there, I started to research about this disease because it was a condition that I had never heard of before and I discovered the Institut Chiari on the Internet. I contacted the Institut and I also read the testimonials of many people from different countries who had already been there.
At the Institut, they recommended that I do some tests and I did. I send the tests by email and, after analysing them; the doctors concluded that I could undergo surgery there using the Filum System® Method. I underwent surgery. It’s been almost 3 months and I feel great. Before, I had a lot of headaches, a lot of pressure on the brain, pain in my back, in the upper and lower limbs but, now, I don’t feel any of that anymore. Blurred vision, or pain behind my eyes? I don’t feel any of that anymore. My hearing, which was also affected, has improved considerably.
In short, I can say that this surgery did to me a lot of good and I recommend it to other people who have depression or nervous system problems to contact this institution because, sometimes, there are health problems that can drag on over years and, with a small surgery, your problems can be solved.
My gratitude to the Institut Chiari de Barcelona and, above of all, to Dr. Fiallos for his dedication. All the team was very kind, especially Marta. Thank you all for everything.”
My email: [email protected]

  1. (*) Royo-Salvador, M.B., Fiallos-Rivera, M.V., Salca, H.C. et al. The Filum disease and the Neuro-Cranio-vertebral syndrome: definition, clinical picture and imaging features. BMC Neurol 20, 175 (2020). ,

Stephanie Wustrow – Neuro-Cranio-Vertebral Syndrome. Filum Disease*. Arnold-Chiari Syndrome type I. Idiopathic Syringomyelia. Multiple disc disease.

Publicado por ICSEB el 1 Jul, 2021

Link:   Surgery date: 02 March 2021 Video filmed on: 18 March 2021   South Africa   Stephanie tells us that she is a 23-year-old who was diagnosed with Arnold-Chiari Syndrome Type I, and Syringomyelia at level C5-C6 of her spine. She found out about the Institute very soon after her diagnosis, she did as much research as she could and found herself heading straight to the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona and has had the most incredible experience. The Institute has been very helpful and professional, she has felt incredibly loved and helped and in the safest hands possible. Everyone who has helped her at the hospital, her surgeon, her contact person, has treated her very well and surgery was a success and she is excited to see how her body heals and unfolds in the future. She is very grateful for the experience and cannot wait for anyone else with this condition and who is suffering to get this surgery in order to heal and be able to live a happy life.
Email address: [email protected]  
  1. (*) Royo-Salvador, M.B., Fiallos-Rivera, M.V., Salca, H.C. et al. The Filum disease and the Neuro-Cranio-vertebral syndrome: definition, clinical picture and imaging features. BMC Neurol 20, 175 (2020). ,

Sacha Inglés Gomes dos Santos. Neuro-cranio-vertebral Syndrome. Filum Disease. Arnold-Chiari Syndrome Type I. Idiopathic Syringomyelia. Idiopathic Scoliosis. Multiple Disc Disease.

Publicado por ICSEB el 11 Feb, 2021

Link:   Surgery date: 04/06/2019 Filmed: 14/06/2019    

This Angolan family explains their story in this video. Mr. Hélio Santos and Mrs Neide Gomes have three children. Sacha, eleven-year-old who is their second child, was diagnosed with Arnold Chiari I Syndrome when she was two. They say that at first they didn’t know that much about the disease and it was difficult for them to understand it. Sacha’s case was being treated by a group of doctors in Portugal who suggested she undergo surgery (Suboccipital craniotomy) later. However, the parents noticed that the girl’s symptoms increased and that, in the last two years, the girl had had a significant worsening.

Sacha could no longer sleep nor concentrate at school. “She stayed in school for 30 minutes and they would call us to pick her up again”, says the father. The situation at school got even worse because the children called her “sick” and that was when they started bullying her.

Ten days after Sacha’s surgery, Mrs. Gomes says her daughter is going very well and the changes are noticeable. “Now, she sleeps all the night which is amazing”. She also says that the girl no longer suffers from pain in her legs or arms and she has regained strength in her hands. “We are very happy and grateful to Marta, who has been very attentive, and to the institute. We felt we had to leave our testimonial,” says her mother.

The father explains that at first he was a little hesitant to take his daughter to the ICSEB. “Actually, we decided to talk because, as a father, I am a little more apprehensive and when I found Neide with all the information taken from the Internet, I had my doubts. What convinced me the most was the fact that I received such a quick response in Portuguese and also that I was able to read the comments and see different people and where they came from. All of this gave us the strength to come here. ”

At the end of the video, the mother asks Sacha if she had noticed any changes and the girl answered yes, that her situation had changed a lot. “Would you like to go back in time?” her mother asks her and Sacha quickly replies no. “Are you happy?” and Sacha replies, “I am very happy”.

Email: [email protected]  
  1. (*) Royo-Salvador, M.B., Fiallos-Rivera, M.V., Salca, H.C. et al. The Filum disease and the Neuro-Cranio-vertebral syndrome: definition, clinical picture and imaging features. BMC Neurol 20, 175 (2020). ,

Yoli Chacón. Neuro-cranio-vertebral Syndrome. Filum Disease*. Idiopathic Syringomyelia . Idiopathic Scoliosis. Multiple Disc disease

Publicado por ICSEB el 2 Feb, 2021

Link:   Surgery date: 22/10/2020 Filmed: 29/10/2020   EEUU   Yoli, an American patient with Peruvian origins, tells us about her experience with her disease 7 days after her surgery with the Sectioning of the Filum Terminale (SFT) according to the Filum System® method.
The patient explains that she underwent a syringostomy surgery in the USA, but it was not successful and it left her sequelae like weakness in her right leg. For a while, she was looking for information for her rehabilitation and that was how an acquaintance informed her about the Filum System® procedure. Then she began to look into the Institut Chiari de Barcelona and about the Doctor Royo-Salvador’s research and when she was confident enough about the information she had discovered, she decided to book an appointment for surgery. She tells us that, after the surgery, she feels very well, with some positive changes. She adds that she is very grateful to all the staff at ICSEB and Hospital CIMA’s, especially to the neurosurgeon who performed the surgery and to Dr. Royo, who was she had the chance to meet in person. “I am very happy and I want to give this testimony to the people who want to listen so that they can investigate and keep in mind that this a procedure that can help them a lot in their recovery… if anyone would like any information from me, I will gladly reply.”
Contact email: [email protected]  
  1. (*) Royo-Salvador, M.B., Fiallos-Rivera, M.V., Salca, H.C. et al. The Filum disease and the Neuro-Cranio-vertebral syndrome: definition, clinical picture and imaging features. BMC Neurol 20, 175 (2020). ,

Breno Sales de Freitas – Neuro-Cranio-Vertebral Syndrome, Filum Disease, Arnold-Chiari Syndrome type I, Idiopathic Syringomyelia and Multiple Disc disease.

Publicado por ICSEB el 10 Feb, 2020

Surgery date: 26/03/19 Filmed: 04/05/19

Accompanied by his wife, Breno Sales de Freitas from Brazil shares with us his story, which began 16 years ago when he was diagnosed with Arnold-Chiari Syndrome type I and Syringomyelia. He underwent surgery 7 times in Brazil, but none of them was effective. His condition got worse and worse and ultimately lead to tetraplegia.
After researching online, Breno discovered the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona. His family raised money to help fund the treatment and finally managed to travel to Barcelona. Ten days after surgery, he says he has noticed “a huge improvement”.
“I can breathe much better. The spasms (…) have practically disappeared, which will give me a much better quality of life. I have regained some movements, although the doctors kept telling me that the surgery was intended to stop the progression of the disease (…). I feel very happy”.
At the end of his message, Breno speaks directly to the people who have a similar diagnosis: “I really recommend to those of you who have Syringomyelia, Arnold-Chiari or Scoliosis to undergo this treatment”.
Breno expressed his gratitude towards “all the people at the Institut, his friends, family and those who have been able to help me”. I would do it again and travel to Barcelona, if it were necessary.
Breno’s mail: [email protected]

ANTONIO RUSSO. Neuro-Cranio-Vertebral Syndrome. Filum Disease. Arnold Chiari I Syndrome. Idiopathic Syringomyelia. Idiopathic Scoliosis. Multiple disc disease

Publicado por ICSEB el 18 Sep, 2019

Surgery: 14/06/2016 Filmed: 15/07/2019
Antonio Russo, 22 years old, from Naples (Italy), returns to the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona (ICSEB) for his check-up 3 years after the surgery according to the Filum System®. He wants to take the opportunity to tell us his story in this video.
Since his childhood, Antonio suffered from severe headaches and repeated episodes of getting blocked, which in Italy have never been associated to any diagnosis. One day, through his doctor, he learned about the existence of the Institut Chiari de Barcelona and he decided to contact the ICSEB’s team.
He arrived for the first time at the ICSEB in March 2016, when he was diagnosed with Arnold-Chiari Syndrome Type I, Idiopathic Syringomyelia and Idiopathic Scoliosis and they indicated the application of the sectioning of Filum Terminale.
Given his quite severe situation, which since September 2015 forced him into a wheelchair because he could not walk, he accepted and on June 14, 2016 he underwent surgery.
“Today, 3 years after surgery, I can assure you that I have improved a lot, both in the episodes of getting blocked and –above of all- headaches I’d been suffering all my life. I am better physically, psychologically and mentally, because before I could do almost nothing.., I just stayed in bed, I always felt tired and I could not live my life. Now I feel like I was born again. To those who have been diagnosed with this disease and have the opportunity to undergo this surgery, I can tell that it is something very important that will give you a new life. Kisses.

Regina Maria Desbesell Santos. Neuro-Cranio-Vertebral Syndrome. Filum Disease. Arnold-Chiari Syndrome Type I. Idiopathic Syringomyelia, Basilar Invagination, Platybasia, Kinking of the brainstem, Odontoid retroflexion, Atlas Assimilation and Multiple disc disease.

Publicado por ICSEB el 11 Apr, 2019

Surgery date: 1 February 2018 Filmed: 12 February 2018

Everything started with a simple test to renew her driver’s license. After being examined by a doctor, Mrs. Regina Desbesell failed the test because they found a problem in her eyes. After seeing an ophthalmologist, she knew that she had Nystagmus and because of that she was referred to a neurologist.
With the neurological consultation and other tests, they didn’t discover the cause of her problem. A few years later, Mrs. Desbesell began to experience instability and dizziness and she was unable to go up and down the stairs. She went through a series of tests again, with the misdiagnosis of labyrinthitis and anxiety, in addition to the suspicion of multiple sclerosis. When they made new magnetic resonances, they found that she had Arnold-Chiari Syndrome Type I and Syringomyelia.
Mrs. Desbesell’s doctors in Brazil indicated the suboccipital craniectomy, “a very aggressive surgery, which could leave me with many sequel.” She asked her doctor: “And what happens if don’t have the surgery?” and he replied: “You may have to live in a wheelchair and lose your strength completely”.
Mrs. Desbesell tried to stay calm and look for more information about her diagnosis. “I started searching and everything seemed to lead to the ‘Institut Chiari de Barcelona’. At first, I thought: ‘My God! Spain is very far away; it is out of my reality!’. I did a little bit more research about the surgical method in Brazil and compared it to the one here in Barcelona: this is a minimally invasive surgery, capable of halting the progression of the disease and improving my condition. I did not hesitate and underwent the surgery in Barcelona.
At the end of her story in this video, Mrs. Regina left a message to other patients. “I know sometimes it can be scary, but have no doubts in undergoing surgery at the Institut. You will have, like me, a new opportunity to have a better quality of life”.
Mail: [email protected]

IDA DE ANGELIS. Cord-Traction Syndrome. Arnold-Chiari I Syndrome. Syringomyelia and Scoliosis idiopathic. Multiple Disc Disease.

Publicado por ICSEB el 11 Feb, 2019

Surgery date: 12/5/2011 Filmed: 29/10/2018

Ms. De Angelis is 61 years old and she explains her story.
On 31 December 2010, She was really well and she was going to celebrate New Year’s Eve. “That day I had slight back pain, nothing that let me to presuppose what would happen next”.
At 9 o’clock on the night of 1 January 2011, she thought she had caught a flu so she asked her husband to go to the pharmacy and get Paracetamol, meanwhile, she went to the toilet and slightly coughed: it was then when her life changed completely.
Her husband found her semiconscious on the ground with relaxed sphincters. They took her to Emergencies and, during the hospitalization, she found out that she probably had Arnold-Chiari.
In the following months, when she returned home, this type of crisis recurred; the pain was too intense, too much, and the patient did not hide that she did not bear it and wanted to give up living this way: dizziness, violent vomiting, noises in the ears, horrific pains, sensation of boiling oil on the face, photophobia, difficulty with going to the toilet, inability to concentrate, read, and watch TV. She had up to more than 60 crises a day, spent her days praying to survive the following crisis and wondering how the previous one had passed.
Looking for possible solutions, she found Dr. Royo on the Internet. In Turin, they suggested the craniotomy. She investigated about complications, talked with several medical friends and, finally, she had the opportunity to come to Barcelona.
She arrived here already in a state of deterioration: She couldn’t see because of a deviation of the uvula, she choked, the vomit came out through her nose, and “it really was hell.”
On 12 May 2011 the doctor operated on her. She remembers that at 4 in the afternoon the day of the surgery, she could drink, the next day she could walk, and the third day she returned to Torino.
For a year and a half, and now it has been 4 years since then, she has improved a lot, she says: “I could do things I never thought of doing again, I no longer need the help of others for them”.
The patient hopes that all patients will achieve the goal that represents to the recovery of autonomy to her, and is convinced that she will improve even more.

Yasmin Cortes Flórez. Neuro-Cranio-Vertebral Syndrome. Filum Disease. Arnold-Chiari I Syndrome. Multiple Disc Disease.

Publicado por ICSEB el 4 Feb, 2019

Surgery date: 30/10/2018 Filmed: 05/11/2018

 I am a patient diagnosed with Arnold-Chiari I. Three years ago, I contacted with the Institut Chiari de Barcelona from Medellin (Colombia) to evaluate my case and see how we could proceed to the surgery; since it was not possible here in Colombia. The conclusions of the assessment of exams and MRI scans came to me on September 6th of this year by email, with all the respective impressions of the institute indicating that they could do the surgery.
I underwent the surgery on October 30th of 2018 and, today (November 5th) I find myself very well: I don’t have a headache, dizziness, imbalance, strong vertigo or the feeling of a heavy head in my brain. My mobility is perfect. I am very pleased with how the institute focused on and offered improvement of my quality of life. I’m still in medical treatment here in Barcelona and next Friday I have a check-up, but I have already noticed an 85% improvement in my health. Thanks to all these hard workers and this medical team who, gradually, starting from I was still in Colombia, knew how to give me the diagnosis.
I think now it’s a matter of time for the body to recover, and it will depend on the care I take and God’s help for what works.
It is a testimony that I give, for all those who have this syndrome, so that they can go to the Institute and receive a medical diagnosis to improve the quality of their lives.
My name is: Yasmin Cortes Flórez E-mail: [email protected]

In one month I forgot all my past suffering!

Publicado por ICSEB el 28 Jan, 2019
Rachela Tucillo. Neuro-Cranio-Vertebral Syndrome. Filum Disease. Descent of the Cerebellar Tonsils (Arnold Chiari Syndrome Type I). Deviation of the spine (Idiopathic Scoliosis). Multiple disc disease.  
  Surgery date: 16/10/2018 Filmed: 21/11/2018

Rachela Tuccillo, from Naples (Italy), returns to the Institut Chiari for her check-up one month after undergoing the surgery according to the Filum System®. In this occasion she explains how she discovered the Institut Chiari de Barcelona after years of suffering.
In the last 20 years, she has been treated for severe fibromyalgia and has taken many medications, without being able to reduce her terrible pain.
On June 2 2016, she felt really bad: she had strong headaches and lost consciousness. It was then when they performed a magnetic resonance and diagnosed Arnold Chiari Syndrome Type I.
With the support of her GP and, looking on the Internet for the best centers specialized in this condition, Ms. Tuccillo found the Institut Chiari de Barcelona. She tells us that she came to Barcelona thanks to her own determination, although everyone was against it, and with great sacrifices. At the Institut Chiari de Barcelona, the doctors diagnosed the [Filum] disease and indicated the surgical treatment, so she decided to undergo the surgery.
Today, one month after surgery, Ms. Tuccillo feels as if she’s born again: the terrible pain she had before surgery is now very mild and the medications she used to take – like Tramadol- are no longer necessary. Today she can say: “With the surgery I have improved a lot. I can walk without help and I can do many things. My symptoms have improved so much that I feel like I have forgotten all my past suffering in one month. I wish everyone who suffers from this condition could be treated at this center, as I did.

Elizabeth Streit. Idiopathic Syringomyelia. Idiopathic Scoliosis. Multiple disc disease. Odontoid retroflexion.

Publicado por ICSEB el 21 Jan, 2019
  Surgery date: 28/08/2018 Filmed: 07/09/2018
 My name is Elizabeth Streit, I was born in Mexico but I live in Philadelphia (USA).
I was diagnosed with Syringomyelia in 2015. I had strong pain in my neck, constant thoracic and back pain. I consulted different doctors, neurologists and neurosurgeons to discover what I had. For many years, I was diagnosed with various conditions related to anxiety, depression and fibromyalgia. Then I decided to search on the Internet in Spanish, which is my mother tongue, and I found the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona and Dr. Royo’s research. In 2015 I got in touch with them for the first time by sending an email to request information about the procedure. Out of fear and because of where I was living, I also looked for specialized doctors in the US. However, the treatments proposed by many of them were pharmacological and they did not help me. I was very sensitive to medication and the surgeries they indicated were obviously much more complicated.
This year I decided to contact the Institute Chiari again and, after they received my information, I could send all my medical files via web. It was easy, they reviewed my case and got back to me immediately. They answered me saying that I was a potential candidate for the application of the sectioning of the filum terminale surgery.
I thank God for the existence of this institute, because after surgery my pain improved tremendously; I have neither pain in my neck nor in my back or chest.
I can say that this institute is excellent, I feel very well 10 days after surgery.
E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected]

Veronica Varricchio. Medullar traction Syndrome. Descent of the Cerebellar Tonsils (Arnold Chiari Syndrome Type I).

Publicado por ICSEB el 10 Dec, 2018
  Surgery date: 29/10/2013 Filmed: 29/10/2018

Hello everybody!
I am Veronica, from Italy, and I would like to tell you my story. First of all, I’d like to let you know that I am not very good at using the international sign language, but I hope you will understand me anyway.
Since I was 15 years old (now I am 28) I used to suffer from headaches, every day and all day, and I had no strength. I felt always weak. I consulted several doctors and all of them told me that I was fine; I was only stressed because of my studies, of my work, that I had no special health problem, so I gave up.
I have a cousin who is 20 years older than me, she can hear and had my same issues. At the age of 40, her condition was much worse than mine. She couldn’t keep on going like that and started looking for a specialized doctor/hospital. Then, she found the Institut Chiari de Barcelona and wanted to give it a try. At the first consultation, the doctors confirmed the diagnosis and told her she wouldn’t have any other problems after undergoing the surgery, so my cousin did it. After the surgery, she felt different. She immediately recommended me to go to Barcelona to have a consultation, because they had also explained her that this condition is hereditary.
It took me until the age of 23 to decide to go for a consultation. They confirmed the diagnosis and I underwent the surgery.
Pre-operative visit: I couldn’t stand up straight, I had no balance; I had retro-ocular headache; lying down, I could not keep my legs bent; if I crouched down, I felt like something was pulling behind my neck; I did not have strength, etc. …
Post-operative visit: just the opposite, I could stand up straight, I no longer had a headache, while lying down, I managed to keep my legs bent without problems; I got my strength back! My life changed completely!
I’m really grateful for having the possibility to undergo this procedure. I hope that both this video and the Institut Chiari de Barcelona can help you!
Bye bye!

Stefania Sciacca: Neuro-Cranio-Vertebral Syndrome. Filum Disease. Descent of the Cerebellar Tonsils (Arnold Chiari Syndrome Type I). Idiopathic Syringomyelia and Scoliosis. Basilar Impression. Platybasia. Odontoid Retroflexion. Assimilation of the Atlas. Deformed Clivus.

Publicado por ICSEB el 26 Nov, 2018

Surgery date: 02/10/2014 Filmed: 15/10/2018
Stefania tells us that she discovered about 10 years ago that she had the Arnold-Chiari I Syndrome and Syringomyelia. The main problem for her was that the doctors were suggesting a sub-occipital craniotomy and because she was scared, she did not do it.
It was in 2014 when she discovered the existence of the Filum Terminale System in Barcelona, a minimally invasive technique compared to the other [craniotomy].
At that moment, she tells us, she travelled to Barcelona with her own strength, but not on her feet, because at that moment she was not able to walk. She was operated and, after a few hours, she felt a big recovery of the strength in her hands and legs.
Today, four years after the surgery, she has discovered that she had a great improvement (decrease) of the Syringomyelia.
She fervently advises the Filum System® method for everyone who suffers with these conditions, because of the many advantages it can bring, both physical and psychological. It is a non-invasive surgery, which gives us the opportunity to recover to everyone.
The patient thanks the Italian department and, especially, Dr. Miguel B. Royo- Salvador.
Mail: [email protected]

Lilou Van Dyck. Neuro-Cranio-Vertebral Syndrome. Filum disease. Descent of the cerebellar tonsils (Arnold-Chiari Syndrome Type I). Intramedullary cyst (Idiopathic Syringomyelia). Odontoid retroflexion (RTO). Suboccipital craniectomy (CSO).

Publicado por ICSEB el 28 Sep, 2018

Surgery date: 21/03/2017
Lilou, a Belgian patient, was operated according to the Filum System® (FS®) on 21/03/2017.
Before the surgery, Lilou suffered from multiple symptoms like: intense headaches, electric shock sensation, burning sensation and used a wheelchair.
One day after the surgery according to FS® Filmed: 22/03/2017
Lilou’s symptoms disappeared and she regained strength in her legs.
One year after the surgery Filmed: 18/04/2018
Her gait and life quality improved.

“Hello, I am Lilou’s mother. She is 10 years old now and we come from Belgium.
Today we are at the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona (ICSEB) for the 1 year check-up after the sectioning of the filum terminale.
Everything started when she was 7, as she used to complain of strong headaches with vomiting during the night. Therefore, we decided to see a Belgian neurosurgeon, who recommended a cerebral MRI in February 2016. It was then when we received the Arnold Chiari and Syringomyelia diagnosis. One month later, Lilou underwent a craniectomy with laminectomy and dura mater plastic surgery in the same surgical session. She had no complications; the surgery went well, but unfortunately, she kept getting worse, until she ended up in a wheelchair. She couldn’t walk, she suffered from paralysis and terrible neuropathic pain. She got to the point that she asked for the euthanasia, she wanted to die.
We felt so little understood, my husband and I felt powerless, so we decided to take action and search the Internet, where we found the ICSEB. We arrived in Barcelona in February 2017 for a first consultation. At that time, Lilou could walk with the help of crutches, but a month later, when we returned for the sectioning of the Filum Terminale, she was in a wheelchair as she couldn’t walk any more.
One hour after the surgery, she was able to move her feet, then she started to walk very fast and, above all, she was no more in pain.
Lilou, how are you feeling now, one year later?”
“Well, it’s super cool because I do not feel pain. If there are other children who have the same condition as mine, I really advise them to come here, because they will feel better and they will stop having those strong pains.”

Endzhe Samigullina. Neuro-Cranio-Vertebral Syndrome. Filum Disease. Descent of the Cerebellar Tonsils (Arnold Chiari Syndrome Type I). Idiopathic Syringomyelia and Multiple Disc Disease.

Publicado por ICSEB el 14 Sep, 2018
  Date of video recording (pre-operatively): 23.05.2018 Surgery date: 24.05.2018 Date of video recording (post-operatively): 01.06.2018

Pre-operative gait: heavy gait, scuffing the right foot, the movement is slow and careless.
Post-operative Gait: ten days after the surgery the gait is softer. Her steps have more precision; the movement is faster and more natural. It is necessary to correct the gait pattern for its normalization.


On the tenth day after her surgery, Endzhe tells us her story. She had felt improvements in her way of walking already on the afternoon after the surgery. It had been difficult for her to walk well all her life: her legs were heavy and stayed behind. Her body leaned forward. It was hard to keep it straight. In the afternoon she felt changes and lightness while walking. Other symptoms have also improved: there were no headaches, she could move her head from one side to the other and her hands no longer hurt. But what impressed her most was her new way of walking. She can easily rise, she recovers quickly and she moves differently.
She was diagnosed with Arnold-Chiari syndrome and recommends the procedure for cases with similar symptoms. She regrets not having been operated by the Sectioning of the Filum terminale before, when she was a child.

Vanesa Saez Reguero. Neuro-Cranio-Vertebral Syndrome. Filum Disease. Descent of the Cerebellar Tonsils (Arnold-Chiari Syndrome Type I). Idiopathic Syringomyelia and Multiple Disc Disease.

Publicado por ICSEB el 7 Sep, 2018
  Surgery date: march 2015 Filmed: March 2018

Hello, I’m Vanesa Saez and I am 31 years old. Three years ago I was diagnosed with Arnold-Chiari and they told me that all of the sudden. Until then I had been suffering from headaches and migraine, we didn’t know about the existence of this disease. When we left the neurological consultation, they told me that the only option I had was undergoing a surgery called craniotomy. They gave me an appointment with a neurosurgeon in Valladolid to explain to me what it consisted of. My partner and I looked on the Internet and we saw that there were other options: there was the craniotomy – which was quite dangerous – and then we found the Institute Chiari de Barcelona. I asked a patient operated there for information and she was doing very well.
One month after the diagnosis, I decided to undergo surgery. I was operated in the Institut Chiari de Barcelona by means of the sectioning of the filum terminale. Previously, my life was based on having constant headaches and I could never smell anything out of the ordinary. In my job I suffered specially in the legs, in the back and in the arms.
After the surgery, my life has changed a lot: headaches are almost non-existent, I still have some pain in the back but it is also due to age and the type of work I do. They operated on me in 2015, and today (March 12, 2018), I have improved a lot. Today I came for a check-up and they gave me the possibility to make this testimony so other people can see my evolution. I think I have improved and I will do even better. It’s about trying and letting them help us.

Taylor Pollock, Neuro-Cranio-Vertebral Syndrome. Filum Disease. Descent of the cerebellar tonsils (DCT. Arnold-Chiari Syndrome Type I). Intramedullary cyst (idiopathic syringomyelia. SM). Suboccipital craniectomy (SOC).

Publicado por ICSEB el 27 Jul, 2018

Surgery date: 7 June 2018 Video recorded on: 21 June 2018

“My name is Taylor Pollock. In June 2016, I got a headache that never went away. In September 2016, I was diagnosed with Chiari Type I and in October 2016 I was told that I needed decompression surgery and not to research anything and that it would all be explained before surgery but it never was. My recovery was very traumatic, I vomited daily for weeks and in June 2017 new symptoms appeared, I have a weakness in my left side, a headache that was always above a seven or an eight, I was vomiting three to five times a week, I was sore all over and I began to think that my life was over. And in November 2017, I was diagnosed with Syringomyelia. My mom had then seen a post online about the Institute in Barcelona and being equestrian people, we understood how a diseased ligament could cause my conditions and symptoms. After speaking to others who had been through the Filum System surgery, I knew that it was the right thing for me. I am now two weeks post-Filum System surgery and my headache has decreased amazingly, I haven’t vomited since and I feel like a new person. I am just so so grateful to everyone at the Institute for the opportunity to get my life back.”

Email: [email protected]

DELANIA OLIVEIRA DE ALMEIDA. Neuro-Cranio-Vertebral Syndrome. Filum Disease. Descent of the Cerebellar Tonsils (Arnold-Chiari Syndrome Type I). Idiopathic Syringomyelia and Multiple Disc Disease.

Publicado por ICSEB el 8 May, 2018
  Surgery date: January 2018 Filmed: February 2018

The patient Delania Oliveira de Almeida is 30 years old and lives in Fortaleza, in the Province of Ceará (Brazil). In this video, she tells us that she was diagnosed with Arnold-Chiari Syndrome I in 2016. When she found out about the diagnosis, it was a shock for her: “it was as if the world and everything had come crushing down on me. I have a daughter and I have dreams to fulfil.”
When she started searching about this disease on the Internet, she found information about the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona (ICSEB)’s work. “It was then when I opened my heart and my mind and found the strength to fight for improving my life”.
Ten days after undergoing treatment according to the Filum System®, this Brazilian patient says she feels well. “I had difficulties to swallow, to breathe, loss of strength in my right hand (..). Now I’m fine. Before I couldn’t get up after kneeling and now I am able to. In addition, I have had many other improvements”.
Delania also talks about the difference between the conventional treatments generally proposed, the Suboccipital craniotomy (SOC), and the one performed at the Institut Chiari de Barcelona. “The craniotomy is a very risky surgery and the one here [at ICSEB] is minimally invasive.” To conclude, she leaves a message for other patients: “This is a dream come true. I encourage you to never give up and think that this surgery is the best thing that exists. ”
Contact email: [email protected]

MARIA DO SOCORRO DOS SANTOS. Neuro-Cranio-Vertebral Syndrome, Filum Disease. Descent of the Cerebellar Tonsils (Arnold-Chiari Syndrome Type I). Multiple Disc Disease.

Publicado por ICSEB el 27 Apr, 2018 Surgery date: 11 January 2018 Filmed: 25 January 2018

In this video, Cícera dos Santos tells the story of her sister, Maria do Socorro, diagnosed with Arnold-Chiari Syndrome Type I six years ago and operated by means of suboccipital craniotomy (SOC) four years ago. After this SOC surgery, the patient got even worse: intensification of the pain, breathing difficulty, loss of strength in the upper and lower extremities and many other symptoms. Due to the deterioration of her clinical history, she had to start using a wheelchair to move up since August 2017. In addition, Maria do Socorro lost her voice (*) in April of last year. For this reasons it is her sister, Cícera, who is telling her story in this video.
Cícera explains that, after the craniotomy, her sister had started investigating about her pathology on the Internet and that she had found the ICSEB and was like seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. From that moment, both of them started a big group effort to make the trip to Barcelona viable.
Two weeks after the ICSEB’s team did the surgical treatment, Cícera says that both felt really happy because “the improvements were exceptional”. Cícera affirms that both knew that the objective, with the Filum System® method, was to interrupt the progression of the disease and that improvements of the symptoms are different in each patient, but her sister’s improvement was very evident. One of the first changes Cícera observed was the recovery of the sensitivity in the patient’s lower extremities with an improvement of the circulation. “Her legs were freezing. On the same day [of the surgery], still in the hospital’s bed, I approached her to help her to get out of bed and I already felt that the temperature of her legs was normal”. Also, she describes that Maria do Socorro’s feet, before the surgery, were atrophied, inwards. A few days later, the improvements were remarkable. “One of her feet has improved by 100% and the other one still needs to be exercised. We know that she will need, from now on, physiotherapy and rehabilitation, but with many possibilities of recovery”.
Cícera also reports that her sister’s headache had disappeared since the day of the surgery. “It really has been worth it, we have had a wonderful experience and, without any doubt, we recommend it to those who have the same problem- those who can and who have this opportunity – to fight for the possibility of coming here to undergo this treatment. They do a very serious job and really well done. The surgery is excellent, they have very high standard professionals and the patient care is unbeatable.”
To conclude, both Cícera and Maria do Socorro have made the most of this video to express their gratitude. “We only have gratitude for all the medical team, that performed the procedure, and for Marta, who welcomed us in such a lovely way. Due to the fact that she is from Brazil, we have felt like home being here with her. We thank her very much (…). We will always go to wherever it takes to give our testimony: Me, as a sister, and she [Socorro] as a patient. ”
Also the ICSEB would like to thank both of them for the great example of overcoming and strength that you have given us. Thank you so much!
(*) Update: Maria do Socorro regained her voice on the 24th March 2018, as the patient’s family informed us.
Contact email: [email protected]

Gladys Beatriz Quispe Apaza. Neuro-Cranio-Vertebral Syndrome. Descent of the Cerebellar Tonsils (Arnold-Chiari Syndrome Type I). Intramedullary cyst (idiopathic Syringomyelia). Multiple Disc Disease

Publicado por ICSEB el 20 Mar, 2018  

Surgery date: October 2016 Filmed in July 2017

My name is Gladys Beatriz de Supo, I am 45 years old and I am from Peru. I suffer from the Arnold-Chiari Syndrome type I and idiopathic Syringomyelia, two conditions that used to be unknown to me. I had to see many neurosurgeons in my country to obtain treatment for my disease, and they did not give me any solution.
My symptoms were: strong and daily burning feeling, dizziness, general fatigue, I was not even able to sign documents because my hand was shaking and was losing the strength in the left upper arm, and even so, I did not understand why.
I then decided to look for information on the Internet and it was there that I found many testimonials that took me to get to know the Institut Chiari de Barcelona. I had to make many efforts to manage to get to Barcelona and to have the surgical procedure of the Sectioning of the Filum terminale according to the Filum System® method. I already started noticing very rewarding improvements on the day after the operation. Now, a year after the surgery, I feel even more improvements and I can say that may life has changed definitively.
I no longer have headaches or dizziness, I don’t tire that easily and I can sign my name smoothly, even though my hand was shaking before. I have to say that I was offered a better quality of life and that the disease came to a halt.
It is very regrettable that the neurosurgeon that I saw in my country offered me the craniectomy as a treatment. I did not need an explanation, I realized that it is very risky, so I opted for this surgery [Sectioning of the Filum terminale according to the Filum System® method] that has nothing to do with the craniectomy.
I want to cheer everyone suffering from the same symptoms as mine on to make the effort come all the way over here to have the surgery. It changed my life and I can feel it. Thank you!

Lais de Oliveira Vaz: Neuro-Cranio-Vertebral Syndrome. Filum Disease. Descent of the cerebellar tonsils (DCT. Arnold-Chiari Syndrome I).

Publicado por ICSEB el 14 Mar, 2018

Video Update

Filmed in June 2017

Lais de Oliveira Vaz, who was at the ICSEB in 2017, tells us about her experience one year after having undergone Surgery with our team.
I had surgery according to the Filum System® [method] one year ago and what I would like to say about this method is that it changed my life. Even though I underwent the first surgery [the craniectomy] from which I have sequelae, [the sectioning of the filum terminale] changed my life and has given me a much better quality of life than previously. I can only thank the medical team and all of the staff working at this institute, they are all wonderful. I have no regret and if I could turn back in time, I would certainly do it again, as the horrible headaches, the sensitivity loss, the dizziness, etc….have improved by a lot and I think I will even get better as the years go by.

    Surgery date: June 2016

Miss De Oliveira tells us that she was not able top lay and run like other children when she was little because she suffered from pain and breathing difficulties. Her situation got worse in her teens as the pain increased in the head and body, together with fatigue and tremors in legs and eyes. There was a deterioration of the symptoms at the age of seventeen and she saw many physicians of different specialties over the next two years and received different diagnoses, from sinusitis to chronic headache. At the age of 19 she found out through a MRI scan that she had the Arnold-Chiari Syndrome I in an advanced stage. Her neurologist advised to undergo decompression surgery.

Miss De Oliveira noticed due to her personal experience that generally physicians do not know this condition well and they offered the craniectomy as the only treatment option. After having undergone the mentioned procedure, her symptoms had gotten even worse. She had to stop working and studying, and her life was practically reduced to taking remedies for her pains.

The patient set out to search the Internet to find out if in the world there are other methods to treat the condition and that is how she came across the Institut Chiari de Barcelona, which offered a treatment completely different to that at other centres. 20 days after the operation, Miss De Oliveira tells us that she is feeling better, without pain, less tired and she feels something new in her body every day. “It is as if I was learning to live.”

To conclude, Miss De Oliveira sends a message to others who may be feeling despair because they have been diagnosed with the Arnold-Chiari Syndrome I. “If you have the opportunity, do not get the craniectomy done. I know that it may seem impossible for many; the Institut Chair is a private centre where you have to pay a high Price, but if you have the chance, come to Barcelona to get the surgery so that you can learn to live and fly again, as did I.”

Contact e-mail address [email protected]

VALDIR ADRIANO DA SILVA. Neuro-Cranio-Vertebral Syndrome. Filum Disease. Arnold-Chiari Syndrome Type I and idiopathic Syringomyelia.

Publicado por ICSEB el 27 Oct, 2017 Surgery date: 28 March 2017 Video date: 07 April 2017

Patient Valdir Adriano da Silva tells us in this video about how he found out about his diagnosis and how he felt a few days after the Sectioning of the Filum terminale procedure in March 2017. The Brazilian explains that in late 2016 he started noticing some symptoms related to the conditions he is suffering with, such as shaking in his arms and legs, tingling and difficulties to walk and swallow. Worried, he went to see a physician, where they ordered some tests and that is how he found out that among other conditions, he has the Arnold-Chiari Syndrome Type I and Syringomyelia.
Valdir decided to do some research on his diagnosis on the Internet and found the ICSEB and method developed here to prevent a progression of his affectations. After the assessment of his test results and the treatment orientation as formulated by our medical team, the patient organized a campaign to get the funding to make is trip to Barcelona possible.
“Now, after the surgery, I feel many improvements, I feel by 80% better than before. I really feel much better: I can walk well, I can eat and swallow normally, I don’t have a sore back or legs and I don’t get strong headaches anymore”, tells us Valdir ten days after the procedure.
Valdir wants to encourage other patients suffering with the effects of these conditions. “ If you have the same symptoms that I used to have, don’t hesitate to look for a solution, do research”. He also took to opportunity to clarify that the surgery performed at ICSEB is minimally invasive. “Everything is quite uneventful and fast, the surgery is done in less than one hour.”
The Brazilian patient tries to calm foreign patients who may be afraid of communication problems with the ICSEB team. “Here at the Institut, there are interpreters, who are the people in charge of the patient care for each country. In the case of Brazil, they have Marta, who is also Brazilian and works here and looks after the Brazilians. So you don’t have to be scared to come, you will understand everything and they will understand you.” And he finishes with his personal perception of the team: “Dr. Fiallos is very funny and Marta, too. Dr. Royo is as well, I thought he was going to a bit formal, but he also made jokes. Everything here is very relaxed, they are all very good people.”
Contact E-mail: [email protected]

Teresa Balmaña Durbau. Arnold-Chiari Syndrome Type I.

Publicado por ICSEB el 29 Sep, 2017   Surgery Date: 4/7/2006 Date of the video: 12/7/2017

I am Teresa Teresa Balmaña Durbau, from Malgrat de Mar (Spain). I started having very aggressive symptoms such not being able to swallow, when I drank water it came out of my nose, I could not move or bow down my head, noise gave me very strong headaches. The doctors only ever gave me prescriptions for painkillers and I ended up being desperate, and then I found Dr Casals from Tarragona who studied my case and confirmed the Arnold-Chiari I diagnosis after having done a MRI. He explained to me that the conventional treatment through the public health system was to open up the skull, without guarantees. Dr Casals recommended a consultation with Dr Royo and that I should follow his advise before opening up my head, becoming paralysed or dependent on a wheelchair. They had studied together and he told me that Dr Royo was an expert in the field.
He then examined me and told me not to wait any longer to get operated and so I did.
I have come for a follow up appointment today and he said I was doing perfectly well, I feel perfectly well. My advise to others in my situation is to get the Filum Terminale operation, I had it 12 years ago and I am very happy and thankful for it.
Telephone: (+34) 937 612 963 E-mail: [email protected]

Teresa’s testimonial:

Fernanda Isabelle Maia da Silva. Neuro-Cranio-Vertebral Syndrome. Filum Disease. Arnold-Chiari Syndrome Type I.

Publicado por ICSEB el 18 Sep, 2017
Surgery date: June 2017 Date of the video: July 2017

Hi! My name is Isabelle and I am 43 years old. I was diagnosed with Arnold-Chiari at the end of August 2016. I had been suffering for 14 years. I decided to do some research to understand my condition and it was then that I found the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona, and I contacted there directly. Everything went well, they listened and I decided to undergo the sectioning of the filum terminale procedure to put a full stop to my suffering
Today, it is one month ago that I was operated and I am really well. I had symptoms such as: headaches, loss of balance, a lot of pains ind hands and legs that were terrible. I lived in hell. I lived hidden away because of how much I was suffering and the intense fatigue. Today I no longer have the headaches and my balance loss has disappeared almost completely. I still have some fatigue, but it is very mild and my pains have been reduced by fifty per cent.
The Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona saved me. Thanks you Samantha thank you Dr. Salca, thanks everybody. I’d recommend to stop searching, to stop asking yourselves a thousand questions. Come to ICSEB, they are nice. It’s easy. Knowing that we are so lucky to be able to come to Barcelona, we should do it.
Thanks to everybody.

Alessandra Cantuária de Araújo. Neuro-Cranio-Vertebral Syndrome. Filum Disease. Descent of the Cerebellar Tonsils (Arnold-Chiari Syndrome Type I). Idiopathic Syringomyelia. Disc disease.

Publicado por ICSEB el 28 Jul, 2017 Surgery Date: 28 February 2017

Twenty years. That is how long Brazilian Alessandra Cantuária de Araújo had to wait before getting the right diagnosis. The patient suffers with the Arnold-Chiari Syndrome Type I, idiopathic Scoliosis and Syringomyelia. Her body was hurting due to the conditions and she had headaches often, as well as other Symptoms. She talks to us about how she saw many different doctors in this testimonial and how they informed her that the origin of her complaints was to be found in diseases such as fibromyalgia, rheumatism, trigeminal neuralgia or depression.
“They did not know how to treat me anymore, so they decided to refer me to psychiatrist because `my soul was ill and body suffering´. But I don’t have depression, or fibromyalgia, or rheumatism or any other disease; what I have is called Chiari Malformation”.
After doing more tests she found out that other than the Arnold-Chiari Syndrome Type I she had Scoliosis and Syringomyelia. That’s why she started to research theses conditions and that is how she found a testimonial online where somebody was talking about feeling much better after having undergone the procedure in Barcelona. “I researched so much before coming, I read many testimonials and never found any that would say the contrary, not in Portuguese or in other languages”, she explains.
Alessandra decided not to undergo the decompression surgery as she had been recommended and travelled to Barcelona for her operation. She tells us that six hours after the surgery, her symptoms had already changed: the headache, the pain in neck and shoulders had disappeared as well as the pressure she was experiencing in her nape. Moreover, her strength had returned to her hands and legs.
“Here, as well as in Brazil, no one promised to cure the disease, but to stop its progression; in this way, the condition does not get worse. But I am telling you: my symptoms have improved a lot, up to the point where I can say that about 80% have disappeared. I now have a new life and I going to get ready to live it without pain, even if I don’t know how to do that. I did not know what it was like until the 28th of February.”
 Alessandra would like to encourage everyone to spread information about the procedure of the Sectioning of the Filum Terminale so that more physicians can be familiar with this method. To end, she thanks her family and friends for their support, and also Dr. Royo “a person who does not measure the sacrifices to spread the improvements of his patients, to make the method known, wishing human beings all the best”.
She also expresses her gratitude towards Dr. Salca, a man of “a simplicity, generosity and humanity that cannot be measured”. The patient also wants to thank the Brazilian contact person , Marta Orsini, and the entire ICSEB team, a team that according to her “embraced and welcomed us”.
E-mail: [email protected]

GINEVRA MARI. Neuro-Cranio-Vertebral Syndrome, Filum Disease, idiopathic Syringomyelia.

Publicado por ICSEB el 7 Jul, 2017

Surgery date: 12/1/2016 Date of filming: 8/5/2017
Ginevra Mari is an 18-year-old Italian patient who, in her mother’s company, tells us of her experience with the condition, from the first mild discomforts through to the progressive worsening to the surgical procedure of the Sectioning of the Filum terminale. She wanted to take advantage of her visit to the ICSEB for a check-up appointment one and half years after the surgery to record this video-testimonial and share her story.
She reports that she had mild discomforts since she was little, especially in the right body half and also in the head. She never paid too much attention to them and thought that they must be due to growth.
At the age of 15 she started to suffer with strong headaches, loss of strength in the right arm, not being able to walk well, she had balance problems and discomfort in the right leg. She then decided to see an orthopaedist thinking that her problems could be due to posture; but apparently nothing had to do with posture.
She then started her long journey of consulting with different physicians all over Italy without finding an explication for her problems and furthermore she found herself worrying, as she did not know if her problem was psychological or physical. In late September 2015 she started to have stronger discomforts in her arm that kept on getting worse over time until it was almost fully paralysed. She went to art school (high school) and could not sign her name or draw; she could only sit the oral tests. She continued her pilgrimage from doctor to doctor without reaching a conclusion until she was hospitalised in Rome and diagnosed with syringomyelia with a magnetic resonance scan. Ginevra did not even know anything about the condition and searching the Internet, she found a connection between many of her symptoms and the disease. Her for someone who could help her continued, as she kept on getting worse: she had one body half almost paralysed. She spent her time in bed, without a social life and having had to give up school.
One day, not knowing what else to do, she did an online search of the name o her disease and found the Institut Chiari de Barcelona. After reading the testimonials published on the website and speaking with a few patients, she decided to send in her test results and to make an appointment. It was 23 December 2015, and the doctors at the Institut Chiari explained to her that if she did nothing, her condition would get even worse, so she took the decision to undergo surgery. She underwent the procedure for the Sectioning of the Filum terminale on 12 January 2016. She tells us that the improvements immediately after the surgery were unbelievable, with a great happiness for all of her family: she started moving her right arm and regained her ability to write. Some of the problems are still there, like the headaches or the electric currents, even if only on the right hand side. She can now move her arm very well and is drawing and sewing again. Later, in Italy, she underwent other pretty complicated surgeries but the improvements from after filum terminale procedure persisted and she is very happy with that: “I am very happy with the outcome, I would have the operation a thousand times over”, she tells us.
Ginevra’s Mom tells us of the long and difficult journey that the whole family had to endure, with pain but at the end with hope, because when they arrived at the Institut Chiari a new world of recovery opened up for them. She says: “If you have any doubts, send in your tests results and the doctors will be able to answer them. If you have to deal with this experience, do it with faith, because a year and a half after the surgery we can only tell you how well it went.”
With this video, Ginevra and her mother want to express their gratitude towards Dr. Royo, Dr Fiallos, Dr Salca, Gioia Luè and Elena Vitturi, toward the entire Institut Chiari because thanks to their tenacity, Ginevra is in safety.
Ginevra: +39 327.2656160 Mother: +39 324.7987942

Fellipe Gabriel da Costa Aguiar, Tight Filum Terminale Syndrome or Cord-Traction Syndrome. Descent of the Cerebellar Tonsils (DCT)

Publicado por ICSEB el 12 May, 2017

Date of surgery: 01/09/2016 Video recorded on: 21/09/2016

Marcio and Daiane, the parents of 4-year-old Fellipe Gabriel, wanted to share in this video their experience about obtaining the right diagnosis and how they found a treatment for their son. His mother tells us, that the boy started to have a lot of headaches, he was sleepy, he did not feel like going to school and was losing strength and mobility.

“It has been a long struggle to arrive here, at the Institute”, explains Daiane. She consulted different doctors who told her that her son would have to live with the pains. There was the option to have him undergo a craniectomy, but that would not have help much according to the same doctors and it could be that it would do him more damage than benefits.

She therefore decided to research the Internet and that is how she got to know other mothers. She started chatting with them and discovered the ICSEB. “I researched the Institut, but I did not think that it was going to be possible. We did not have the financial means so that he be operated here in Barcelona”, she explains. But, she she realized that the only option that she had been given in Brazil was the craniectomy, which she did not believe to be feasible because of the possible sequelae that could come with this kind of surgery, she and her husband started a campaign to raise funds for their family’s trip to Barcelona.

Almost a month after the surgery, Daiane is already celebrating some of the changes she notices in her son. “Fellipe was affected by a loss of sensitivity that I had not noticed, and now he only has improvements. So I recommend it a lot [the treatment] for everyone. Investigate if you have doubts. Do not settle with the first diagnosis, the first doctor. You have to look out for yourself, research on the Internet and do not be scared to go abroad, do not be scared to start a campaign [to raise funds].”

To end, Marcio, Fellipe’s father also wants to transmit optimism and encouragement to those who are now living with the same uncertainty that his family experienced. “There is no need to be afraid, you have to fight, and everything will go well”.

Contact email address:

[email protected]

Lucas José de Angelo. Neuro-Cranio-Vertebral-Syndrome. Filum Disease. Arnold-Chiari Syndrome Type I, Syringomyelia, Scoliosis and Hydrocephalus.

Publicado por ICSEB el 25 Apr, 2017 Surgery date: August 2016

Little Lucas’ New Life

6-year-old patient Lucas José’s parents tell us in this video about their experience from the moment they learned of their son’s diagnosis (Arnold-Chiari Syndrome Type I, Syringomyelia, Scoliosis and Hydrocephalus) up to their last check up appointment here at ICSEB, 30 days after the Sectioning of the Filum Terminale procedure.

“We think that from today onwards, Lucas has a new life and that he is well”, says a relieved Everson Angelo after having accompanied his son through an intense time starting in May 2016. It was then that he and his wife, Lucineia Angelo, found out about the diagnosis. After speaking with the neurologist in charge of Lucas’ case, both were left very worried. The only option they had been given was the craniectomy, “a very invasive surgery that could leave sequelae.”

It was then that the couple decided to research on the Internet to fid out if there was any less invasive treatment for their son. That is how they ended up on the ICSEB website, and this also created doubts for them.

“We were left rather afraid… is this for real? I think the first thing that came to mind was: can this be true? So we started to investigate and found out that other Brazilians had come here. And there were many people who had given their testimonials, who had shared in video and text, who had come here and really found a solution. So we decided to bring Lucas here”, says the patient’s father.”

In order to make the trip to Barcelona viable, their family together with the support of many friends, joined forces for a fundraising campaign. “Thank God we achieved it and were able to bring Lucas here (…) The surgery was very calm, the procedure was very calm, the Institut gave us complete security, he was assessed thoroughly and then he was also assessed afterwards in order to evaluate the progression after the surgery”, he says. Everson says that there was an improvement in many symptoms that Lucas had before the procedure, especially in relation to the sensitivity in the limbs.

Everson took the opportunity of recording the video to thank all those persons who helped them, in Brazil and in Spain. He concludes: “If you have doubts, if you feel scared to travel to undergo this treatment; don’t. I think that if we have this option with proven results and it can be an alternative to another more aggressive treatment; don’t doubt and come!”

Email: [email protected]

Marie-Pierre Mazière. Cord Traction Syndrome. Idiopathic Syringomyelia

Publicado por ICSEB el 21 Nov, 2016 Surgery date: September 2013

Date of the video: November 2013

Hello. My name is Marie-Pierre Mazière, I am 51 years old and I have just been operated through the Sectioning of the Filum terminale method. My syringomyelia was discovered after many years of diagnostic confusion; I went through rheumatology and neurology services and finally after doing a MRI, my syringomyelia was discovered which, I think, would have been there for a long time. Since 2011 my state was followed-up by the reference centre in France. I immediately had problems in walking, had incontinence, balance problems, and the most complicated were the pains during the day and night and didn’t use to get relieve with many medicines that I was taking.

In 2013 my overall condition worsened with loss of sensation, first at the level of the fingers and then overall.

After a meeting with a neurosurgeon who was looking into my case, I immediately understood that my situation would remain as it was. I felt desperate. I refused to give up when I didn’t find a treatment that would have helped me to improve and I started looking online. I found the Institut Chiari team.

I decided to send my medical documents to have their opinion and very quickly I was offered an appointment that I accepted. During my medical consultation it seemed important to me to know what everything was all about and I was given a very clear explanation about the Sectioning of the Filum terminale and the effects it could have on the detention of the disease’s symptoms. I thought this could be beneficial and at the end of the visit I was sure that I wanted to get operated.

I accepted to get operated, which took place on September 26, 2013 and in the follow-up visit one month after the surgery, I can say that a great part of my symptoms have disappeared or have improved, above all I no longer have pain, I walk normally; the situations that caused me many problems.

It is a simple and safe treatment that can improve the quality of life and also restore sensitivity and motor skills. I am very happy with what has happened to me and I try to enjoy it. It’s a blessing.

An update to the video:

Date of the video: September 2016

Hello, I am Marie-Pierre Mazière. I came to the Institut Chiari for a follow-up three years after the surgery. I was operated on September 26, 2013 because I had a relatively important syringomyelia. At the time of the surgery, I was losing my walking ability and I had difficulties. After 3 years, the things have improved. My syringomyelia is diminishing and I have again found the pleasure of walking, of being able to commute and become head of services in a socio-medical centre, I can work full time and I enjoy it fully.

I am grateful to the Institut Chiari for accompanying me in this fight, which has been a difficult period of my life.

My contact email: [email protected]

Rita Tozzi: Cord Traction Syndrome, Syringomyelia y Idiopathic Scoliosis

Publicado por ICSEB el 13 May, 2016 Date of surgery: May, 2011 Mrs. Tozzi tells us her personal experience, explaining how she started to have back problems from a very young age. She had to wear corsets and practice gymnastics without any results. For nearly 10-12 years, she had been suffering from a pain in the right arm that was treated with different therapies related with orthopaedists, physiatrists, without solving her problem. Finally, she was advised to have an MRI that showed Syringomyelia. She said that she knew nothing about this disease; therefore she started to look for information. One of the options was to go for decompression surgery. Being a very complex procedure, she didn’t want to consider it. Then she continued her search till she found Dr. Royo in Barcelona and decided to pay a visit. After studying all tests and reports of the patient, the doctor proposed that she undergoes the surgery of the sectioning of the Filum Terminale. Mrs. Tozzi thought about it for two years and her arm pain never disappeared, so she decided to have surgery. She explains how her life has improved significantly since then. Her arm pain has diminished, hasn’t disappeared completely, but Dr. Royo had already explained to her that some injuries would not recover. In general, she can say that she feels good and recommends this surgery to anyone who can benefit from it. Mrs. Tozzi conveys her gratitude to Dr. Royo and all the Institut Chiari team. If you would like to get in touch with Mrs. Tozzi, please write to her at [email protected]

Filippa Daniela Palillo, lawyer, Neuro-Cranio-Vertebral Syndrome, Filum Disease, Idiopathic Scoliosis.

Publicado por ICSEB el 8 Apr, 2016

Date of surgery: July, 2014

Date of the video: February, 2016-04-01

Lawyer Palillo conveyed us the testimonial of her personal experience with the FIlum disease and treatment of the sectioning of the filum terminale.

She explained us that in April 2014 she started to have terrible symptoms, especially very strong dizziness, with tremor, ocular pressure, decreased visual field and pressure in the ears. She mentioned that during several doctor visits, which she realized in Palermo, all of these symptoms were associated with a depressive state, but finally it turned out to be related to cord traction syndrome. In July 2014, she came to the ICSEB in a state of intense misery, for being accessed and getting operated by the technique of sectioning of the filum terminale.

In February 2016, she returned to Barcelona for getting examined the evolution of her state. The check-up showed a significant improvement in her quality of life: the more severe symptoms have improved; others have disappeared completely such as dizziness in a sitting position, pressure in the eyes and neck. Moreover, she gives the sensation of being liberated.

The advocate Palillo recommends the people suffering from this disease to consider the ICSEB as a center which offers a treatment that can really change their life. It is a very little known and promoted surgery, which has been decisive for her and for her family who have lived closely this disease.

With her testimonial, the advocate Palillo wants to thank Dr. Royo and the entire ICSEB team for the care received and the excellence of the treatment applied.

If you want to get in contact with her, please write her at:

[email protected]


Publicado por ICSEB el 3 Jun, 2015

Good day to all attendants, thanks to Dr. Royo and his team.

For those who do not know me, I would like to introduce myself. I am Dr. Francesco Crocè, general practitioner and specialist for diseases of the respiratory system. I am here to tell you about my experience as a doctor-patient, before and after the sectioning of the filum terminale surgery.

Beforehand, I would like to say the following as an important introduction: my account won´t be of medical nature, but simply the account of my clinical and personal history, as the medical-scientific part is obviously Dr. Royo´s responsibility.

To start, I would like to give you the definition for the Arnold Chiari I Syndrome or malformation, which is a neurological condition where one part of the cerebellum (the cerebellar tonsils) descends lower than the skull base (by more than 5mm) and enters the spinal channel. The result is a compression of the cerebellum and the spinal cord, it hinders the normal flow of the cerebrospinal fluid, a liquid that moves around the brain and the spinal cord.

The other, less understandable, definition is that it is a pathology of the paraxial mesoderm, caused by the hypo-development of the posterior cranial fossa (but we know that this is not always the case) which provokes an impactation in the area of the normally developed rhombencephalon and the downwards dislocation of the cerebellar tonsils.

It is of unknown etiology.

AC1 has a prevalence estimated at a range of between 1 case per 1000 people to 1 case per 5000 people. Family transmission may intervene through autosomal recessive inheritance factors or autosomal dominant inheritance factors with incomplete penetration, but in the majority of cases it occurs sporadically.

The filum terminale derives from the union of membranes that cover the spinal cord, connected at the end of the vertebral channel. From the fifth week of life of the embryo, those membranes join with each other together wit the final part of the atrophied spinal cord, which would be correspondent to our primitive tail.

The filum terminale does not have any function in the adult person.

Syringomyelia is a neurological condition where a cavity filled with fluid, “syrinx, in the form of a flute”, develops within the spinal cord. This cavity can increase over time, causing the spinal cord to expand and stretching the nervous tissue until provoking permanent damage to the nerves or even paralysis.

It is believed that SM is not a disease as such, but the consequence of something else.

The most common cause is without doubt AC1. It has been estimated that 30 to 50% of AC1 patients, I would say even more, also suffer from SM, and in those cases where there has been no diagnosis of a classic AC1, the existence of compression at craniocervical level has been observed. Nevertheless, it can also develop due to a spinal cord trauma, because of a traffic accident or a fall (posttraumatic) showing just months, or years later. SM can also be a consequence of a tumor or spinal channel stenosis due to different causes.

Scoliosis is a deformity that acts over the spinal column until bending it laterally in a fix and permanent way, causing anatomic alterations that cannot be shaped freely.

Such a curvature is also accompanied by torsion of the spine on its own axis, which involves, apart from the dorsal spine, the joints, the ligaments, the paravertebral musculature and, in the worst cases, internal organs, for example, the cardio respiratory ones, and the viscera, consequently causing functional problems additionally to aesthetic problems.

I want to promptly avoid misunderstandings that could turn out to be dangerous. One thing is scoliosis as dysmorphia or structural permanent deformation of the spine, which is clearly visible on x-ray images. Another thing is postural scoliosis, also called paramorphism, which simply consists of a bad posture that does not involve any permanent deformity, even though it does condition a lateral curvature of the spine, which can be corrected by voluntary exercises.

The most common kind is the primary or idiopathic scoliosis, it affects between 2 to 4 per 1000 people. It is an illness with a speedy development that develops in the course of pubescence up to skeletal maturity, when adolescents go through the period of most growth in height: From 11 to 15 years in girls From 13 to 17 years in boys

And it stops when the activity of the cartilage of the bodies of the vertebras ceases, becoming stable once the adult age has been reached. It affects specially slender and asthenic individuals and girls at the age of ten are ten times more at risk than boys.

According to recent studies, it appears to be confirmed that scoliosis has a genetic-hereditary based origin and that concomitant factors of hormonal, biochemical, biomechanical and neuromuscular kind may contribute to its causes, which do in fact remain unknown.

What is certain is that the possibility that the child of a scoliotic mother develops the pathology is 10 times higher compared to an individual with a normal mother. Our capacity to understand illness and to influence the results is always limited, despite of all our knowledge in the medical field.

My story begins on 20th May 2007 when I noticed a pain in the left shoulder at the end of a football match, to be precise in between the scapula and the vertebral column.

I believe that this was the beginning of the symptoms of the illness that was probably triggered by fall that provoked a craniovertebral trauma six months earlier, something very common in many other AC1 patients.

In the believe that I was dealing with a muscular pain I followed a therapy with painkillers and cortisone, without obtaining any results, on the contrary, the pain was getting stronger, I would say, almost disabling, but fortunately it had the characteristic that it disappeared when I adopted the supine position.

Then I decided to get a cervical MRI (thinking of a cervical herniated disc).

The diagnosis was a different one, the MRI showed a descent of the cerebellar tonsils of 5-6mm, a small syringomyelic cavity at C5-C6 and right-sided cervical herniated disc C5-C6. I point out right-sided, because this caused diagnostic confusion since I was experiencing pain in the left side.

After the AC1 and syringomyelia diagnosis the search for a medical solution began, as is probably common in many patients, I started to consult different neurologist, orthopaedist and neurosurgeon colleagues. What they suggested (not all of them) was the decompression surgery.

Over the last thirty years we have learned to actively participate in our health and welfare issues, to appreciate them on a scale unthinkable for earlier generations that limited themselves to accept what the doctor would say without questioning his judgment. Nowadays, on the contrary, Internet allows us to question the universally accepted. After months of physical and psychological suffering I discovered, on the Internet, that at the Institut Neurològic de Barcelona Dr. Royo performed a minimally invasive surgery (sectioning of the filum terminale) for AC1 and syringomyelia.

Dr. Royo´s explanation about the cause of the pathologies AC1, syringomyelia and scoliosis was convincing for me.

Thanks to Internet luckily I also got to know Mrs. Rita Presbulgo, who had been operated on by Dr. Royo one year before. Rita, an extraordinary person, wanted to give testimony to the success of the surgery and the benefits she had received from it, and thanks to her help I convinced myself even more to go to Barcelona. The clinical picture stated scapular pain radiated to the upper left extremity, pain and numbness in the lower extremities, occasionally fasciculation´s in the pectoral muscle, tinnitus, decrease the strength in upper right extremity, nystagmus, mental confusion, nocturnal apnea.

This was obviously my personal case, and those symptoms do not appear in all patients, most of you will know, unfortunately, that often for these pathologies more than 50 symptoms can be identified, and obviously it is not known why there can be totally different symptoms with the same MRI situation.

Certainly there are some symptoms that are more frequent than others, but that doesn´t allow us to make a diagnosis; additionally, what confuses even more is the fact that it is important to keep in mind that on symptomatological scale a patient who´s health is affected, for example by Chiari, is prone to developing secondary problems, especially if he/she suffers from chronic pains.

Research shows that people who suffer from chronic pains tend to develop other chronic pains, so that not all symptoms can come from the Arnold Chiari 1 Malformation. Something that still has not been understood, still regarding symptoms, is that there is no correlation between how much the cerebellar tonsils descend and the clinical symptoms.

Some people with a descent or herniation of the tonsils of less than 3mm have a lot of symptoms, and serious ones, whilst others have a much bigger descent and are practically asymptomatic. Probably the fact if the tonsils block or reduce the flow of the cerebrospinal fluid or not, or the scale and the time in which the medullary traction has determined a central cord ischemia is more important.

Scientifically there is no objective examination that could attribute a patient´s problems to AC1. Anyway, after speaking with Dr. Royo I was convinced that my symptomatology could be related to a medullary traction syndrome, and I decided to undergo the surgery. There is something that made me take this decision above all other things, and that was the fact that this kind of surgery is completely free of risk.

In the immediate post-operative period, I remember that those who noticed it most were those accompanying me (my wife and my dear friend – iust like a brother- Dr. Francesco Polimeni): the look of my face, it was definitely more relaxed, and with a different colour than the day before.

Another important thing was the unbelievable recovery of strength in the upper right extremity, as well as the notable ease of the left-sided brachialgia.

To be honest, I found it hard to believe that in I should have been able to experience such a speedy recovery of the strength in the upper right extremity, but that´s how it was.

In the clinical control one month afterwards I had recovered my strength almost completely, and the pain kept on diminishing (it disappeared 5-6 months after the surgery); today I sometimes still have the tinnitus even though less intense, stiffening in the lower extremities, especially in the calves. Another important symptom to disappear was the nocturnal apnea, and at the same time I did no longer have episodes of cardiac arrythmia, an episode had been confirmed still some months after the discovery of the pathology and for which I did not find a scientific explanation. Now I know that it were the nocturnal apneas that caused the extrasystoles.

Regarding the extrasystoles I would like to recall that there are a number of “red flag symptoms” that do not allow us to postpone surgery and that are:

Serious cardiac arrythmia Swollowing difficulties specially when ingesting fluids Untreatable nauseas “Drop attacks” – falls due to failure of the legs

I can now, four years after surgery, confirm with clinical and radiological certainty that the sectioning of the filum terminale has undoubtedly blocked the development of the illness.

Symptoms like fierce pain in the left shoulder, nocturnal apneas, have disappeared, the tinnitus has decreased in intensity, and the nystagmus has decreased and almost disappeared. The numbness in the lower extremities does still persist; it´s a rather sporadic pain in the calves, but anyhow it does not impede that I go to the gym or even play football, on the contrary, oddly, this discomfort disappears after physical activity.

I can confirm that the surgery has blocked the evolution of the pathology because the MRIs that I have done each year have shown a possible rise of the cerebellar tonsils and a rise of the medullary cone, which is now to be found in between L1 and L2, whilst in 2007 it was in the upper third of L2. The discopathy D7-D8 and D8-D9 have disappeared. Discopathy C6-C7 and D9-D10 do still persist.

Beyond the details, there has certainly been no deterioration of the radiological situation, and this as such is already an excellent result.

Despite the clinical and radiological evidence I still find myself faced with sceptical neurosurgeons, except for a few, luckily. I obviously refer to my personal experience that illustrates the difficulties of the patients that I listen to over the telephone and that ask me for clarifications regarding this pathology.

I put myself in the shoes of other patients, I understand their financial as well as personal difficulties, and unfortunately there are many that cannot overcome them and have to renounce to the surgery, reducing their very quality of life.

This is why, four years after the surgery, I always remind myself of everything good that I have received from Dr. Royo, and give information sharing my personal experience as a patient with all those that contact me, helping them in every way I can so that they do not get confused and can take their own decisions.

And it is a great joy to know that those who suffered from so many problems related to the Chiari before the surgery, who contacted me in despair and confused, do now enjoy an excellent state of physical and psychological health, and are ready fight for and conquer the rights that correspond to them, that every patient has to make use of.

I would like to point out that other patients affected by this pathology and I have become to be companions in the adventure, and this creates a whole lot of solidarity between us.

Here we have got a wonderful and unbelievable aspect to the “patient world”, something that you only learn to get to know when you become one of them.

Through this experience I have paradoxically found real life, a reality in which the most authentic feelings appear; you cannot lie to yourself nor to the others, we find ourselves confronted with our limits and our interior strength and we support each other mutually with what unites us, which is the consciousness of the disease that changes us forever opening up another dimension to life. In a way, one gets born again and feels almost superior compared to healthy people.

On my path as a patient I have gotten to know wonderful people, who give life to initiatives and associations, additionally to their personal contribution, and who have found to understanding themselves and others through suffering.

Allow me also express my sentiments of appreciation and affection that I hold for Dr. Royo and his team, for the assistance and the timeliness with which they cared for me.

Anyway, there remains one question that I do not know how to answer definitively, and it is the following: how is it possible to doubt between opening the skull with the related risks (death, paralysis) or a simple cut at the height of the coccyx?

The answer is probably to be found in the fact that my colleagues remain sceptical even in the light of the clinical and radiological evidence, and this – it´s a pity- gets transmitted to the patients.

Of course, there is a difficulty with the diagnosis because the anomaly of the tight filum terminale is not always visible on the MRI, except for few cases where the fat mark allows us to demonstrate it, so the diagnosis are made on the base of the symptomatology and the conventional urodynamic tests.

Probably, once we will have more sophisticated magnetic resonance machines in order to be able to distinguish even the smallest anomalies of the filum, the diagnosis will be clear, for example, if we can single out a filum with a transversal diameter smaller than one millimeter, with other words with superior range than the current MRI resolution, or if we can even measure the level of traction.

The financial part is surely one of the most difficult obstacles to overcome. For this reason I hope that our association AISACSISCO will be able to collect funds in order to help those in need.

I hope to have spoken clearly. Thanks everybody for your kind attention.

Fabiana Fantinato. Cord Traction Syndrome

Publicado por ICSEB el 3 Jun, 2015

Surgery Date: May 2012

Fabiana’s life comes to an halt in 2011: she starts to suffer from many symptoms, amongst them are: fainting, loss of sensitivity in the limbs, pain in one eye, backaches and the rest of the body, episodes of not being able to walk, constant ear ringing etc.

She searches for a diagnosis and a solution at her country’s main hospitals during one year, many hypotheses are drawn up, from a brain tumour to multiple sclerosis, without any success, the symptomatological picture is complex and does not correspond to any of the current classifications.

She starts to search on an international level in 2012 for a name a solution for her disease, and she finds the Institut Chiari de Barcelona and Dr. Royo Salvador over the Internet via a list of of symptoms.

Afterwards, the disease worsens: from February to May of that year her symptoms do not only get worse but also new ones appear. Also her psychological functions start to vanish, her memory is so altered that she sometimes doesn’t recognise who she is looking at.

When she reaches the point were she needs a wheelchair to move around, Fabiana follows the advise of other operated patients, with whom she had established contact and who told her that it is important to go through with the surgery as soon as possible in order to stop the evolution of the pathology, and she books an appointment with Dr. Royo. In the specialist’s opinion she is affected by a Cord Traction Syndrome with an impaction of the cerebellar tonsils, and that the solution is the sectioning of the filum terminale according to the FILUM SYSTEM® method.

She undergoes the Sectioning of the Filum terminale surgery in Barcelona in May 2012.

After a positive immediate post-operative period, the patient can already go for walks with her two and half year old boy six weeks after surgery.

In her testimonial, which she records for us one year after the surgery, Fabiana confirms having regained her life from before the disease, and not only that, but she also feels better than in the last years before the outbreak of the disease, when she was always very tired and dispirited. Now not only is she back to going about her life normally on a daily basis, also in her profession, but she also goes running three times a week!

The patient thanks Dr. Royo for having given her back her life, and us from the Institut Chiari Team thank her, because her testimonial will give back hope to many patients.

Thank you, Fabiana.

E-mail: [email protected]

Michele Ledda: Cord Traction Syndrome. Descent of the cerebellar tonsils.

Publicado por ICSEB el 3 Jun, 2015

Giampiero and Silvia discovered by chance that their son Michele, eight years of age, had a descent of the cerebellar tonsils, and , despite of the fact that the doctors did not give importance to this finding (the majority of doctors does not consider a descent of less tan 5mm to be a diagnosis of a pathology), the couple started to worry, because they had a case of Syringomyelia in their family, an uncle of Giampiero conditioned to a wheelchair since 30 years.

They started to take the boy to see specialists, to search for solutions on the Internet, to talk to patients operated by means of the Sectioning of the Filum and to parents of operated children who had left their testimonial on the website.

Inspite of the specialists’ opinions received in Italy, opposed to Dr. Royo’s FILUM SYSTEM ® method, the parents decided to trust the Institut Chiari, they went to Barcelona, and had Michele undergo surgery in May2013.

In the first check up one and a half month after surgery all the symptoms he had been suffering from, i.e. a bother in the one arm, headaches and vertigo, had decreased or even disappeared.

The Leddas confirm that thanks to Dr. Royo and his team’s work they are no longer afraid of this rare disease that for more than 30 years has been their family’s nightmare.

The ICSEB team is very grateful for their meaningful testimonial, being aware of how difficult it is to make decisions regarding one’s own children’s health and treatments, and even more so to make it public.

Many thanks.

Giampiero 0039 338 5861944

Silvia 0039 335 8715046  / [email protected]

Casa 0039 0933 941980

Riccardo Mancini. Cord Traction Syndrome. Descent of the cerebellar tonsils. (DCT). Idiopathic Scoliosis.

Publicado por ICSEB el 3 Jun, 2015

Surgery date: April 2012

Mr Manicini is 21 years old and is from Frascati, in the province of Rome.

In November 2011 he woke up one morning with an intense headache and strong nauseas. As this started to repeat itself up to a point of becoming disabling where he would stay in in bed for entire days, he decided to get medical tests done, and after a initial diagnosis of Labyrinthitis, a magnetic resonance on the other hand revealed a Arnold Chiari Syndrome.

The specialists that he consulted at the beginning recommended avoiding practicing any sport, specially contact sports, his preferred choice.

Riccardo then found the Institut Chiari and approached Dr. Royo Salvador who recommended immediate treatment by means of the Sectioning of the Filum terminale.

The patient had surgery in April 2012, and went back home the next day, without any special limitations. He explains that since that moment he has been experiencing a constant and progressive improvement – better and better.

Currently he has returned to all his activities, without any problems in the motoric area and without the nauseas that conditioned him to stay in bed.

Riccardo thanks his family and the entire Institut Chiari team, especially Dr. Royo Salvador, for helping him with positive outcomes.

Mobile phone: +39 3471726620

Maurizio Carpentieri: Cord Traction Syndrome. Arnold Chair I Syndrome. Idiopathic Scoliosis.

Publicado por ICSEB el 3 Jun, 2015

Surgery date: 28 June 2011

Maurizio tells us how in October 2010 and without an apparent cause he started to suffer from a symptomatological picture especially with nauseas. Instability and subjective vertigos, occipito-cervical headaches, paresthesias and pain the left temporal area, a feeling of heaviness and tension in the cervical region.

That’s how he found out that he was suffering from the Arnold Chiari I Syndrome with Idiopathic Scoliosis.

After an appointment where he was not offered a solution, neither medical nor surgical, he came for an examination to our Institut and taking into account the opinion he was given here, he decided to undergo the Sectioning of the Filum terminale surgery in 2011.

Two months after the most disabling symptoms, especially the vertigo and nauseas, disappeared, and the improvement can currently (2013) be confirmed also at the anatomic level in his resonances, as in his case have not only the cerebellar tonsils moved back up but also the scoliosis has decreased at different levels of the spine.

Currently, two years after surgery, the disturbances that are still left do not hinder him in carrying out his normal activities, and Maurizio is satisfied with this little invasive surgery, as well as with its results, that have improved his quality of life.

Tel: +39 349 8473879

Email: [email protected]

Patrizia Regina Cipolat Mis. Cord Traction Syndrome. Descent of the Cerebellar Tonsils (DCT), Syringomyelia, idiopathic Scoliosis.

Publicado por ICSEB el 3 Jun, 2015

Surgery date: January 2013

Mrs. Patrizia Cipolat is 56 years old, and her story starts in 1984, when after a few years of searching and medical appointments, where the symptoms she was suffering from were attributed to psychiatric causes, because they were not compatible with diseases known by the specialists she approached, one neurosurgeon finally gave her the diagnosis: Arnold Chiari I, Syringomyelia and Scoliosis.

The specialist then indicated a first craniectomy, which was followed by a second one twelve years later. Now, fourteen years later, Mrs. Cipolat uses a wheelchair.

Searching the Internet, Mrs. Cipolat came across Dr. Royo. After checking up on the earnestness of the Institut, she complied the necessary steps in order to undergo the Sectioning of the Filum terminale surgery, in January 2013.

In the follow up appointment approximately six months after the surgery, the patient is aware of not only having stopped the disease, but also of several improvements.

She advises everyone who might need it to approach the Institut Chiari, and thanks all of Dr. Royo’s team for the great opportunity that she was offered to improve her life quality.

E-mail: [email protected]

Landline(+39) 02 87 39 48 37     

Mobile nº: (+39) 393 26 66 637

Natalia. Cord Traction Syndrome. Idiopathic Scoliosis. Multiple discopathy.

Publicado por ICSEB el 3 Jun, 2015

Surgery date: March 2014

Hello, my name is Natalia, I am 36 years old, I am Russian, but I live in Spain. Ten days ago, I underwent the Sectioning of the filum terminale. I would like to tell you a bit about the journey of six years that took me to the procedure. When I became pregnant, I started to have headaches; I wasn’t able to sleep on my left side. I had to get up at night and take walks; the medication didn’t help. I though that it would be something hormonal. In the last month of my pregnancy we had a car accident; we were hit from behind. Since that moment I started to have backaches that wouldn’t go away neither with massages nor with physiotherapy. The doctors tested me, but did not find anything. They said that it was due to tiredness, stress, hormonal changes. I was feeling more and more exhausted.

Years went by and my state was getting worse. I started to fall over on the street. I used to feel dizzy and then fall over. I started to feel nauseous and had to vomit. I often had migraines. My back hurt and my left arm and shoulder started to ache. The doctors prescribed tablets, recommended swimming, but it didn’t get better. One year ago, we had another car accident, since then, the pain became constant, I wasn’t able to sleep. My leg started to hurt, from hip to foot, and wouldn’t stop at night or daytime. I wasn’t able to lift the leg in order to get dressed. I wasn’t able to walk out on the street because I would loose coordination. I would take my son to school and on the way back home I’d be touching the house walls to avoid falling. Sometimes I’d get back home crying and feeling dizzy.

One day at work, my face suddenly paralysed. They took me to the emergency service because they thought I was having a stroke. They carried out the tests and I did not have, contrary to what they thought, a stroke or a brain tumour. We ended up at ICSEB by way of acquaintances. I had an appointment that lasted three hours, and they found that I had incorrect reflexes and that my thermal and tactile sensibility was altered. I wasn’t able to stand on one foot or walk on my tiptoes. I noticed changes the first day after surgery. I no longer felt the pain. It was wonderful. Feeling the pain non-stop for a year, and suddenly not feeling it…. I recovered the thermal and tactile sensibility. That same day, I was able to stand on one leg for quite some time. Today I arrived at the Institut in public transport, without dizziness, without holding on to walls, without getting tired. Thank you very much!

Email: [email protected]

Natalia Sotnikova. Cord Traction Syndrome. Descent of the cerebellar tonsils (DCT). Syringomyelia and Idiopathic Scoliosis.

Publicado por ICSEB el 3 Jun, 2015 Go to testimonial

Surgery date: May 2012.

Natalia is 58 years old; her condition was diagnosed in the city of Novosibirsk in the 2010 by means of MR images. The doctors told her that she had a Arnold Chiari Syndrome and Syringomyelia and she did not receive any further help from them, in spite of seeing a number of different doctors. They suggested waiting for the critical moment to perform a craniectomy.

She knew that the surgery could take her to disability; this is why she did not want to try with this treatment. She started to search for information on the Internet and found the Institut Chiari and did not doubt for a minute that this was her chance. She was confident, because, as she says, she did not have a choice, she was in bad shape, she tired out quickly and felt as if she was 80 years old. When the procedure was suggested to her, she went for it immediately.

Two years have passed since the surgery and the last year was great. She now feels as if was 40-45 years old, and is enjoying life. She remembers what was happening before the surgery as a nightmare. Her recommendation to everyone suffering from this condition is to undergo the sectioning of the filum terminale surgery, if they have the possibility and the wish to lead a normal life.

Tel: 8913-920-04-488953-764-69-30

Skype: sotnikova.natalya

E-mail: [email protected]

Magdalena Frankowska. Neuro-Cranio-Vertebral Syndrome. Filum Disease. Descent of the cerebellar tonsils (DCT). Idiopathic Syringomyelia. Multiple disc damage.

Publicado por ICSEB el 19 Sep, 2014

Surgery date: July 2014

Mrs Magdalena Frankowska from Poland tells u show she has been suffering from strong pain for 20 years. After years of searching and specialist appointments, a neurosurgeon from Nowa Sól diagnosed Arnold Chiari Syndrome and Syringomyelia. She was not ready for this diagnosis; and at the same time she was surprised by the physicians words, who advised against the suboccipital craniectomy and who told her that there was no cure for these diseases. Nevertheless, the neurosurgeon mention a new method that was being developed in Barcelona.

With the help of the Internet, Mrs Magdalena Frankowska found the Institut Chiari de Barcelona and contacted Kasia, who is responsible for patients from Poland. Today, three days after the surgery, she tells us that she feels much better. Before, she was afraid to get up in the morning and to go to the bathroom, and now she does not have this problem anymore. Mrs Frankowska has also noticed other changes: she walks differently, her hearing has improved, she does not have any swallowing problems, he eyes don’t hurt, etc. She feels better generally.

Mrs Magadelna Frankowska is aware of the fact that only three days have passed, but she already feels a lot of improvements, especially concerning her everyday activities. She advises against the craniectomy and recommends the Institut Chiari de Barcelona.


E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: 0048 609 475 103