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Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis of Barcelona

Departamento de gestión y comunicación

Chiari & Scoliosis & Syringomyelia Foundation (CSSf) Celebrates the 10th anniversary of its foundation with its 3rd Cultural Event

Publicado por ICSEB el 6 Sep, 2018

At the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona (ICSEB), we are happy to announce that the Chiari & Scoliosis & Syringomyelia Foundation (CSSf), in collaboration with ICSEB and the Col.legi Oficial de Metges de Barcelona (Medical Board of Barcelona), organises an artistic solidarity event to celebrate the 10th anniversary of its foundation. The event will be held in the auditorium of the Medical Association of Barcelona, on Friday 26 October 2018 at 18:30 h.

The event is free of charge. A cocktail will be offered at the end of the performance. Please confirm your attendance by registering through the following link:


The 3rd Cultural Event to celebrate the 10 years of hard work at the service of science and affected patients, will present the play “Tutta colpa di Arnold” (All because of Arnold), a drama piece written, directed and performed by the artist and patient Rita Capobianco.
During this grotesque monologue, the protagonist takes us on her personal journey, since the rare disease that affects her, the Arnold-Chiari Syndrome Type I, starts to manifest, until starting a new life following the Sectioning of the Filum terminale according to the Filum System® that she underwent at ICSEB.

Watch the video presentation of “All because of Arnold  

Learn more about the play


Learn more about the artist

Health care and admin professionals congratulate Dr. Royo and the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona on it 10th anniversary.

Publicado por ICSEB el 19 Jun, 2018

12 June 2018

With the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona different professionals, who have been working with ICSEB and Dr Royo for years, have wanted to transmit their congratulations and testimonials of the work accomplished together for the knowledge, diagnosis and treatment of the Filum Disease.

Prof. Alfonso Rodríguez Baeza Anatomy professor at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) “Dr Royo, I want to congratulate you on the 10th anniversary of the Institute. You are a hard worker and a very dedicated person. Receive a heartfelt embrace and you know that we are always here for you.”   Dr Giacomo Caruso Neurosurgeon, Neurophysiopathologist  Dr Rosaria Florio Gynecolgist “Dear Miguel, (…) I want to congratulate you for having reached this important goal, I am aware of all the sacrifices you and your collaborators have made and the difficulties you have overcome. Now you are known throughout the world, (…) despite the different opinions that some have (…). Best wishes, from myself, from my wife and all those people who know me and who know you (…) Ciao Miguel, congratulation on the 10th anniversary of this important Institute!”   Dr Francesco Crocè General physician and pneumologist Dearest Dr Royo (…) 10 wonderful years have gone by. I cannot fail to recall (…) the conferences in Palermo, Trieste, Rome, Oristano, Bari and Lyon, where I had the honour to participate (as a speaker) as a physician-patient, I hope to have contributed to the knowledge about this rare disease. (…). My greatest wish (…) is that all that you have done in these years will finally be recognized (…) and that it will be published in medical university texts. Ad maiora, semper (always toward greater things)   Dr Antoni Hernández Neurologist “My dear friend Miguel, You have been working on a very specific topic for 10 years, and you have innovated a lot on it. We have known each either for many more years and we have been working together and I hope that we will continue like this for many more years. Congratulations.”   Dr Filippo Iafanti Orthopaedist and Rehabilitator “Hello, I am Dr Iafanti, I have been working for three years with the Institut Chiari and I have had the opportunity to see many patients with Syringomyelia, Arnold-Chiari, Scoliosis and multiple disc disease. My experience is without a doubt positive. Early diagnosis is indispensable in my opinion to obtain the best results with the sectioning of the filum terminale. I take the opportunity to congratulate the Institut on it 10th anniversary and especially Dr. Royo. Ad maiora.”   Dr Gabriel Ollé Fortuny Anaesthetist “Hello. My sincere congratulations to Dr Royo and all of his team at the Institut Chiari. I am very happy to belong, or contribute, my part to the anaesthesia for the patients with those conditions that you treat at the Institute. (…) Congratulations and that the work may go on for many years. “   Dr Roberto Mantia Orthopaedist and Rehabilitator Centro Medico Mantia “Dear Miguel, we are celebrating a wonderful occasion with you, 10 years of Institut Chiari!” Dr Mantia explains that he and his collaborators are very proud to have accompanied a team like that of the ICSEB, of absolute value and international reference, that has determined and announced an important medical finding, and has been the precursor for a tendency that, finally, is more and more shared. During these 10 years, not always easy ones, they have collaborated closely for 8 years. Dr Roberto Mantia congratulates Dr Royo, Mrs Espino and the entire team: “To many more years of coming success!”   Dr Antonio Victoria Ramírez Cardiologist at Cartagena Hospital (…) I wanted to briefly talk about ICSEB’s 10th anniversary, the Institute that Dr. Royo directs masterfully, as well as his team of collaborators, encouraging people to have a great confidence in the Institut (…) It does not have anything to envy compared to any other kind of centre or in other countries, and I hope that you will continue to do the care work that you do so masterfully, with the teaching activities (…) and with the research activity that you conduct, with the fierce, restless and tenacious spirit of the Institute’s director. I do not want to finish without thanking Mara, as the alma mater (…) of the organization and extend the thanks to the rest of collaborators: also Dr Fiallos and Dr Salca (…). I embrace you, to 200 more years of functioning, and to the patients I would like to say to have full confidence, because I think that there are few places where you can get help like they provide, so well, so efficiently and effectively. Many thanks.   Dr Fabrizio Mantia, Doctor in Physiotherapy and Osteopathy – Centro Medico Mantia “Dear Miguel, many congratulations on your 10th anniversary.” Dr Fabrizio recalls the day when his collaborators wen to meet the ICSEB team for the first time in Barcelona, how many milestones have they encountered together from that moment on and how many obstacles have been overcome until today in their collaboration. Among other things, the doctors devised the Rehabilitation protocol Mantia-Royo / Royo-Mantia and they have so followed up on many operated patients, despite the distance between both centres. Hoping that in the future new and further goals can be achieved, he reiterates his congratulations.   Ana Isabel Alarcón Sánchez, Anna Lafarga Capella and Adela Molina Molina Scrub nurses in the ICSEB surgical team “Firstly we want to congratulate the team of the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona and the captain of the ship, Dr. Miguel B. Royo Salvador, on the ten years of work professionalism.” “Secondly, we want to say that we are thankful to be able to be part of this team and that we hope to keep on collaborating for many years to come” “Many congratulations!”   Sra. Joana Marín Fonseca Lawyer and Board member of the Chiari & Scoliosis & Syringomyelia Foundation (CSSF) Dr. Royo, I could not miss the important celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Institut Chiari. I am proud to have been able to accompany you during these years in the creation of a centre that has saved lives (…) notwithstanding the legal difficulties and impediments that we have had to face. Without your work and without your scientific dedication of more than 40 years and your interest, it would not have been possible. It is also an honour for me to participate as Board member of the Institut Chiari Foundation since its constitution (…) taking care of solving legal issues like I have been. (…) Therefore, I can’t but congratulate you on a decade of human and scientific successes. I embrace you and I am deeply grateful for letting me form part of this project.   Mr. Pablo Landecho and Mr. Francisco Cardells Consultancy Biconsulting “We did not want to miss the 10 year anniversary celebration of the  Institut Chiari. Don’t forget to keep on researching, we have to keep getting accreditations together!” “Many congratulations Doctor Royo, to you and the whole team for this great success!”  

Here at the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona we are thankful for the collaboration and support of all the professionals that have accompanied us throughout so many years and that are part of our history in the struggle against the Filum Disease.

The Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona Completes 10 Years of Excellence in Patient Care

Publicado por ICSEB el 18 May, 2018

Since 2008, the ICSEB team has looked after patients from 61 countries, offering a worldwide unique treatment based on more than 40 years of experience.
On 12 June 2008, the doors of the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona (ICSEB) headquarters opened for the first time to the public. The opening ceremony, even though it only seemed to be a starting point, was actually also the culmination of an intense medical and scientific work that had started in the seventies led by Dr. Miguel B. Royo-Salvador, ICSEB’s Director and Founder.
At the beginning of his investigation, Dr. Royo focused on the cause of idiopathic Syringomyelia, followed by that of the Arnold-Chiari Syndrome Type I and, later, the cause of idiopathic Scoliosis. He reached the conclusion that these three conditions, together with other associated ones, share a common point: the cause. According to scientific criteria, the origin of these conditions is an abnormal tension of a ligament that is called Filum terminale and that joins the end of the spinal cord with the lower end of the spine (the first vertebrae of the coccyx). That tension then causes traction on the spinal cord and the entire nervous system of the patient, what causes an important part of the signs and symptoms that characterise these conditions.
With his doctoral thesis, published in 1992, Dr. Royo laid the theoretical foundations for a new treatment for the conditions with the creation of the health method Filum System®, a system of protocols designed for diagnosing and treating a new disease concept: the Filum Disease.
Obtaining excellent results with his innovative method, Dr. Royo started to receive a significant number of patients from other countries who travelled to Barcelona to see him in his practice (when the ICSEB did not exist yet). In order to offer them the best possible attention, he started to look for translators and language professionals.
The experience of seeing this increasing demand was the starting point toward the foundation of the ICSEB in 2008, with the goal of being a centre of international excellence. It hence has an extended staff team, made up not only of physicians, but also by various types of polyglot professionals from different parts of the world that dedicate themselves mainly to patient care tasks. ICSEB’s facilities have seen more then five thousand patients with 61 different nationalities, all of them looking for a way of halting their diseases and, despite their complexity, improving their symptoms.
Currently, ICSEB is the only reference centre worldwide for the surgical practice according to the Filum System® method for this kind of condition, the Filum Disease. Besides ICSEB, there is a network of professionals (currently in Italy and Poland) who are accredited to carry out first diagnostic consultations and post-op check up appointments, according to the protocols of the Filum System®. ICSEB is also a reference centre for the treatment of disc herniations (some with an own technique).
All this work results in ICSEB having obtained, amongst many other successes, the “Research & Development (R&D) Certificate” from the Spanish Innovation Certification Agency (ACIE), recognition of its innovation activities with the award of the seal “Innovative SME” from the Spanish Ministry for Economy, Industry and Competitiveness; the “ISO 9001:2015 Certification (IQNet and AENOR)”, for the activities of Research, Diagnosis and Treatment of the Filum Disease and also for the diagnosis and treatment of neurosurgical diseases.
One of the outcomes of the constant effort directed at consolidating its protocols and quality guidelines is the Satisfaction Rate among patients to have undergone treatment and surgery. The rate is of 94.2% with excellent clinical and surgical results. The workday at ICSEB is hence not only characterized by the application of the best management, technology and innovation formulae; but also by the frequent demonstration of gratitude and affection on part of many patients.
ICSEB also wants to express its gratitude to its patients for their trust and their completely spontaneous help disseminating the work that has been carried out here during the past 10 years. We also want to thank all those individuals, organizations and entities that have helped us to perfect this effort that started more than 40 years ago.


Publicado por ICSEB el 28 Mar, 2018

Past Friday, 16 March 2018, at Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona (ICSEB)’s main offices, Ms. Eva Subirá Jiménez, Director of AENOR Catalunya (Spanish Association for Standardization and Certification), officially delivered the Quality Management System Certification based on the UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 standard*, for the following activities:

  • Research, diagnosis and treatment of Filum Disease
  • Diagnosis and treatment of neurosurgical diseases
certificado de calidad 2015 From left to right: Mrs Safaa El Idrissi, Mrs Eva Subirá Jiménez, Mrs Mara Espino and Dr. Miguel B. Royo-Salvador.
entrega de certificado de calidad 2015 From left to right: Dr. Marco Fiallos, Mrs Eva Subirá Jiménez, Dr. Miguel B. Royo-Salvador and Dr. Horia Salca

Dr Miguel B. Royo, ICSEB’s director, was the first to speak during the event:   “…we have the important responsibility of delivering an excellent service to our patients by applying the best management, technology and innovation formulae. Hence, we do not only foster medical and research activities as such, but also organizational adjustments in order to develop the capacities that enable us to realize a genuine knowledge transfer onto medical society”, as was pointed out by the Spanish neurosurgeon and scientist.

certificado de calidad 2015 From left to right: Mrs Eva Subirá Jiménez and Dr. Miguel B. Royo-Salvador.
entrega de certificado de calidad 2015 From left to right: Mrs Eva Subirá Jiménez, Dr. Miguel B. Royo-Salvador and Mrs Safaa El Idrissi.
Mrs Eva Subirá emphasized:
“At AENOR, we have been observing and accompanying for several years now the work under way at the Institut Chiari de Barcelona, a significant reference in business development and the contribution of permanent improvements to people’s health conditions and quality of life. I want to congratulate you, again, for earning the new ISO certification 9001:2015 that will allow you to take an important step towards perfection, reinforcement and development of your activities…”
Mrs Safaa El Idrissi, Quality Management coordinator, highlighted that :
“… the work accomplished is the result of the combined effort of every one of those that are part of ICSEB”.

The Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona Team with Eva Subirá Jiménez.

* ISO 9001 is a collection of certifiable international norms and standards that regulates the quality management of organizations. It focuses on the efficiency in managing processes and tasks to meet clients’ requirements and needs. Currently, the most recent version of the Norm is ISO 9001:2015, established in September 2015.

Interview with patient Sarah Perreault in the Canadian newspaper “La Nouvelle union”

Publicado por ICSEB el 16 Feb, 2018

The Canadian newspaper “La Nouvelle union” interviewed patient Sarah Perreault on 18 October 2017.
The patient, affected by the Arnold-Chiari Syndrome Type I, explains her experience with a surgical procedure at a specialised centre in Barcelona and the outcomes, which she labels as “unbelievable and almost miraculous”.

Des nouvelles de Sarah Perreault, et des très bonnes

Sarah Perreault, cette mère de trois enfants, atteinte du syndrome d’Arnold Chiari type 1, a subi, comme prévu, une intervention dans un centre spécialisé de Barcelone. Et les résultats, elle les qualifie «d’incroyables et de presque miraculeux».
Sa sœur a lancé, en juin, une campagne de sociofinancement sur les réseaux sociaux en raison des coûts élevés pour l’intervention, le transport et l’hébergement.
De son côté, son oncle Gilbert Perreault, l’ex-joueur étoile des Sabres de Buffalo dans la Ligue nationale de hockey, a organisé une partie de golf neuf trous avec un 5 à 8 au Club de golf Victoriaville pour la soutenir dans ses démarches.
Sarah Perreault, finalement, s’est envolée pour Barcelone le 2 octobre. Elle a subi son intervention à la date fixée, le 5 octobre, pour revenir ensuite à la maison deux jours plus tard.
Au cours d’un entretien téléphonique en début d’après-midi, mercredi, la maman de trois enfants n’a pas caché son étonnement devant de bons résultats si rapides. «J’ai été opérée en matinée, une intervention avec anesthésie locale qui n’a duré que 30 minutes. Dès l’après-midi, je constatais déjà une amélioration, tout comme le lendemain», a-t-elle souligné.
Deux semaines plus tard, les différences sont énormes. «Avant, j’éprouvais d’importants maux de tête. J’avais aussi des douleurs au cou, aux épaules. J’avais tellement mal. Aujourd’hui, je vais super bien. Ça fait tellement longtemps que je ne me suis pas sentie comme ça», a confié Sarah Perreault. Et selon le médecin, les améliorations devraient se poursuivre au cours des prochains mois.
L’opération a également permis à Sarah, une gauchère, de retrouver de la force à sa main droite. «Avant, ma force était de 6 kg, l’équivalent d’un enfant. Trois heures après l’intervention, j’en étais à 19 kg et le lendemain à 35 kg. Aujourd’hui, mes deux mains s’équivalent», a-t-elle expliqué.
Un accueil chaleureux
Sarah Perreault n’a que de bons mots pour tout le personnel rencontré à Barcelone. «On se sent comme chez nous, tellement on est bien accueilli. Ils s’occupent de nous, prennent le temps de bien nous expliquer le problème, l’opération et les tests réalisés», a-t-elle souligné.
Au départ, Sarah devait y retourner un mois après l’intervention. «Je devais m’y rendre pour un contrôle. Mais j’en ai discuté avec le médecin et on se parle souvent. Puisque tout va bien jusqu’ici, je vais demeurer au Québec», a-t-elle fait savoir.
Elle s’y rendra, de nouveau, dans un an, l’automne prochain, pour un suivi. Pour le moment, elle profite d’une vie, d’une qualité de vie nettement améliorée. «Je redécouvre la vie», a-t-elle exprimé.
Son expérience, Sarah la recommande aux personnes affectées, comme elle, par la même maladie.
D’ailleurs, le matin de l’entretien téléphonique avec le, elle s’est entretenue avec une dame pour l’informer adéquatement en vue des démarches qu’elle compte aussi entreprendre.
Sarah Perreault, la première Québécoise et la deuxième Canadienne à subir l’intervention à Barcelone, possède beaucoup d’informations et se dit disposée à la transmettre aux personnes intéressées. On peut ainsi la contacter au [email protected].
«Le médecin ne peut garantir une guérison à 100%. Chaque cas est différent, a indiqué Sarah. Mais le centre de Barcelone a réalisé, à ce jour, plus de 1300 opérations pour traiter le syndrome qui m’afflige. Et des améliorations ont été constatées dans tous les cas. De plus, la maladie ne progresse plus.»
Pour Sarah Perreault, le jeu en valait la chandelle. «Même si un seul de mes symptômes avait été soulagé, cela en aurait valu la peine. Mais plusieurs de mes symptômes ont disparu.»

Link interview

Physicians and Artists

Publicado por ICSEB el 23 Jan, 2018

The 2nd Cultural Event of the Cultural Chiari & Scoliosis & Syringomyelia Foundation took place at the San Luigi Guanella theatre in Rome (Italy) in October 2017 with the contributions of the artist physicians. Dr. Miguel Royo Salvador, other than his studies at the School of Medicine that took him to completing his PhD in Neurosurgery, as a young man also studied at the School of Arts and Crafts on Tarragona for three years. He won three prizes in that region in 1967 for painting, quick drawing and decoration. He presented to us during the event two series of acrylic drawings, amongst others, created for medical publications that illustrate one of the conditions that play a central role in the event as well as surgical technique employed to treat it: “Sequence of the formation of a Arnold-Chiari Syndrome Type I, with a descent of the cerebellum, the 4th ventricle and the cerebellar tonsils. For a medical publication in 1996.” “ Sequence of the minimally invasive surgical technique of the sectioning of the filum terminale. For a medical publication in 1997.”


Dr. Horia Calin Salca took part in the event showing his paintings “Cadaqués”, “Church of Siurana” and “Last supper”, carried out with pencils, wax pencil and India ink.
Neurosurgeon and researcher at the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona, the physician nurtures a passion for drawings and paintings since his youth, when he went to the Fine Arts School of Targu-Mures in Romania (1975-78). He then interrupted his studies to start with the preparations to enter the School of Medicine.


The cultural solidarity event in support of patients with the diagnoses of the Arnold-Chiari Syndrome Type I, idiopathic Syringomyelia and Scoliosis and other conditions related to the Filum Disease was organized by the Chiari & Scoliosis & Syringomyelia Foundation (CSSf), in cooperation with the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona (ICSEB) and the association AI.SAC.SI.SCO Onlus.

Humanitarian writing gathers in Rome

Publicado por ICSEB el 4 Jan, 2018

The works by novelists and poets lend their voice to the literary talent at the 2nd Chiari & Scoliosis & Syringomyelia Foundation Cultural Event, that took place at the San Luigi Guanella Theatre in Rome (Italy) in October 2017.
The Italian writer Marisa Toscano took part in the event and presented the poem.
El evento contó con la participación de la escritora italiana Marisa Toscano, que presentó la poesía “…E poi Barcellona” to the rhythm La vita è bella by Nicola Piovani, interpreted by the Italian dancer Francesca Ghisio Erba.

Click here to learn more about her career.

Mr. Francesco Mauro, poet and renowned Italian painter presented some of his paintings and also the poems Il mare and L’albero solitario.

Click here to learn more about his career.

French poet Anthony Ierano participated with his poem La Malformation de Chiari in the event, read by his mother, Misses Marie Thèrese Ierano.

Click here to learn more about her career.

The successful Russian writer Natalia Kalinina dedicated her novel The Black Book’s Secret to Dr. Miguel B. Royo Salvador and the ICSEB team. Some of her most known works were presented during the event.

Click here to learn more about her career.
  The cultural solidarity event in support of patients with the diagnoses of the Arnold-Chiari Syndrome Type I, idiopathic Syringomyelia and Scoliosis and other conditions related to the Filum Disease was organized by the Chiari & Scoliosis & Syringomyelia Foundation (CSSf), in cooperation with the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona (ICSEB) and the association AI.SAC.SI.SCO Onlus. The CSSf, ICSEB and AI.SAC.SI.SCO want to wholeheartedly thank the two performers for sharing their talent and encouraging others to express their art. .

My 10th Anniversary with Dr. M Royo-Salvador’s team.

Publicado por ICSEB el 21 Dec, 2017

Barcelona, November 2017

This year represents a very important date for me. In a first instance, because it has been 9 years since the foundation of the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona (ICSEB), and secondly, because 10 years have gone by since I work with Dr Royo-Salvador, ICSEB’s Director, Mrs Mara Espino, and the whole ICSEB team.
When I met Dr Miguel B. Royo-Salvador in 2007, he was the Director of the Institut Neurològic de Barcelona and there was an increasing number of patients travelling from other countries specifically for a consultation with him. Dr Royo-Salvador started searching foreign language professionals and translators that would attend to his communication needs with those patients, and so our paths crossed. I am a clinical community psychologist and my professional experience was in the mental health sector. It was the first time that I worked with purely neurological and neurosurgical conditions, an even so, I found it really interesting.
At ICSEB, we observed from the start how important it is to report the patients’ needs exactly to the physicians, as well as their indications to the patients. Obviously, this task is not merely a language skill, but we progressively found our way in the professional world of health care mediation. This is how translation and clinical interpretation in different languages turned into an actual cultural mediation need between physicians and ICSEB patients.
Ensuring good conditions of comprehension, understanding and communication became essential, as they are a guarantee for the excellent patient care services as designed within the health method Filum System®, which is being applied exclusively at our highly specialized centre. This entailed the implementation of an internal technical training program typical for our Institut. The program prepares each foreign language contact person to be able to offer all the necessary clinical attention to the users of our services. I am proud to participate with these measures as the person in charge of Surgical Patient Care and the Internal Training Programs given to the mediation team to ensure its best possible quality.
I have attended to and accompanied many patients on their therapeutic journey at our centre throughout the years: from the first contact through the diagnostic, surgical and short-, medium- and long-term post-surgical phases.
In the professional practice of my tasks, I have always tried to provide a “bridge” between patients and healthcare professionals, transmitting constantly as much support as possible to both parts with the aim of establishing and maintaining the therapeutic alliance between them that is fundamental in the achievement of the best possible outcomes that we aim for at ICSEB. At the same time, my collaboration with the medical and neurosurgical staff has increasingly taken a direction towards research activities. I now hold the honours to be the coordinator of ICSEB’s Research and Development Department.
I am frankly very fond of being part of a work group made up of interdisciplinary professionals, almost all with different origins and language backgrounds. It is what I had always dreamed of and looked for in my career, and it would seem strange to work under different circumstances after so many years.
When you have spent some time living in an international environment, such as ours, on a daily basis, any differences move into the background. We all see each other for the individuals that we are: without the veils of preconceived ideas that could condition the relationships between members of different cultures. On one side we have tolerance, respect and openness; on the other, the efficiency and effectiveness that comes together with our daily activities at ICSEB. These values are rarely found and are precious, and I am grateful for this experience and also for having been able to learn so much about the differences in health care in the cultures of origin of our mediators.
On this 10th anniversary of being part of the team, I remember the many patients that I have had the pleasure of accompanying on their neurosurgical course. I always treasure what these patients have taught me and I am very grateful for it: the courage of facing their suffering, the capacity to live with a little known and still poorly understood condition such as the Filum Disease, the intelligence of finding a unique and hard to reach solution, the trust they place in the physicians, the great efforts to overcome the surgical and post-surgical difficulties, and finally, the big hope they keep on carrying forward with regards to the sequelae following the treatment that halts the progression of the condition, but sometimes cannot cure its consequences retroactively.
With the occasion of this celebration, I would also like to express to the whole team how lucky I feel to be able to work with them every day. I would like the physicians to know how much I appreciate everything that our co-operation has taught me, my fellow contact persons how much I value their professionalism, which in our intercultural collaboration is always an original and esteemed exchange.
I want to thank ICSEB’s General Coordinator, Mrs Mara Espino, very specially. Thanks to the intelligence, attention, competence and generosity in her management of ICSEB, I have always felt very comfortable at my workplace. She has extremely high professional ethics that I am able to share on a daily basis at extraordinary Care and Administrative levels.
What I would like to underline most in this round of thanks for these 10 years of enriching professional experience, is my gratitude towards Dr M.B. Royo-Salvador who had trusted me to get involved in his important project of applying and promoting the method. He has always lent me his support and contributed to my post-graduate training and has taught me in the clinical field as well as at a human level which of course to me is a great honour and privilege coming from such a renowned figure in the field of neurosurgery as is our Director.
Without further ado, I would like to mention that my hopes for the future are to be able to continue cooperating with the Filum System® project and its patients, in the hope that I will continue to live up to the involved high levels of professionalism and responsibility.
With warm regards, Gioia Luè

The Chiari & Scoliosis & Syringomyelia Foundation is now available in English!

Publicado por ICSEB el 7 Dec, 2017

At the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona (ICSEB) we are happy to announce the website of the Chiari & Scoliosis & Syringomyelia Foundation (CSSf) is now also available in English.
With the purpose of reaching out to a ever growing number of patients, the CSSf website in Spanish, and now English, offers a modern and dynamic design that allows fast and simple browsing and that accompanies the user through the sites and contents.
Every section of the web conveys the spirit of solidarity, and simultaneously scientific, that is the CSSf’s motor: starting with the objectives that define the Foundation’s mission (research, teaching and social aid) to the personal projects in support of the cause of the Filum Disease, as well as events, meetings and the compilation of publications.
As the President of the Board of the Foundation, Dr. Miguel B. Salvador, reminds us: “We set out to continue with our mission through the CSSf, firmly focused on the patients’ wellbeing and scientific progress. Therefore we will support every individual, society or initiative that helps patients affected by these conditions, as long as our human, ethical and scientific values are being respected.”
In the hope that the CSSf website will contribute even more to patients diagnosed with the Arnold-Chiari Syndrome Type I, idiopathic Syringomyelia and idiopathic Scoliosis and all the conditions related to the Filum Disease, we would like to invite you to discover it and support its mission if you wish.

Six plastic artists show their work in Rome

Publicado por ICSEB el 16 Nov, 2017

Italy, Spain and Brazil were represented by plastic artists at the 2nd Cultural Event organized by the Chiari & Scoliosis & Syringomyelia Foundation, which took place at the San Luigi Guanella Theatre in Rome (Italy) in October 2017. A total of six artists wanted to collaborate personally or from the distance. One was prize-winning Italian painter Francesco Mauro, an ICSEB patient, who showed some of his paintings.

  Click here to learn more about his career.

Another artist who displayed his work was the Ferrán Pérez Vivancos, who counts with hundreds of finished paintings, some of them in private collections in Barcelona, Germany and South America, where his work is especially appreciated./p>  

  Click here to learn more about his career.

Three patients from Brazil chose to contribute to this cultural solidarity event. The first one was Christina Apovian with “Da Vinci: the birth of Brazil”:.

  Click here to learn more about his career.

José Mario Amaral sent us his paintings The Sand Mermaid and The Seven Serpents from a town on Brazil’s coast.

  Click here to learn more about his career.

The Brazilian Jonas Ribeiro afor his part sent a drawing with the title “Hope” to the Chiari &Scoliosis & Syringomyelia Foundation

  Click here to learn more about his career.

Other types of plastic art had their space at the event in Rome. Italian patient Maria Pia Ambrosio’s decoupage and the different decoration techniques she uses for the home and events were exhibited in a videoo.

  Click here to learn more about his career.

Great reception of the first artistic event with patients in Rome

Publicado por ICSEB el 9 Oct, 2017

On the afternoon of past Saturday, 7 October, at the Theatre San Luigi Guanella in Rome, the cultural solidarity event in support of patients with the diagnoses of the Arnold-Chiari Syndrome Type I, idiopathic Syringomyelia and Scoliosis and other conditions related to the Filum Disease.
The event, that has been organized by the Chiari & Scoliosis & Syringomyelia Foundation (CSSf), in cooperation with the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona (ICSEB) and the association AI.SAC.SI.SCO Onlus, was a great success; different artists from several countries participated, each showing their work and so encouraging others to also express their art.
Among the those participating were Dr. Miguel B. Royo-Salvador, CSSf founder and president of the board, the Italian actress Rita Capobianco with her play All because of Arnold, writer Marisa Toscano, dancer Annalisa Caicci and singer Laura Ierano. Furthermore, there was a display of dance, music, plastic art and literature; creations by patients from Italy, France, Spain, Brazil, Belgium, Russia and Romania.
“We are very happy with the outcome of our first artistic solidarity event with the certainty that the event has helped to encourage a creative attitude among patients, their relatives and well-wishers”, stated Dr. Royo-Salvador after the event. “It has been a pleasure to see so many patients again and to have the opportunity to discover the talent and great humanity of all the people who directly or indirectly live with the Filum Disease and are struggling for a better life.”
Enjoy our photo gallery with the event’s best moments.

Pier Luigi Nicoletti, Director of San Luigi Guanella theater.


Elena De’ Michieli Vitturi, Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona.


Paintings of Ferrán Pérez Vivancos.


Interview of Dr. Miguel B. Royo Salvador, with Gioia Luè, Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona.


Paintings of Dr. Horia C. Salca.


Covers of the best sellers from Natalia Kalinina.


Drawing sheets of Dr. Miguel B. Royo Salvador “Evolution of the descent of the cerebellar tonsils”.


Drawing sheets of Dr. Miguel B. Royo Salvador “Posterior cervical arthrodesis C1-C2 with bone graft and steel wire”.


Drawing sheets of Dr. Miguel B. Royo Salvador “Sequence of the intervention of Sectioning of the Filum terminale”.


Rosanna Biagiotti, presenter.


Marisa Toscano, writer.


Francesca Ghisio Erba, dancer and choreographer.


Francesca Ghisio Erba, dancer and choreographer, y Marisa Toscano, writer.


Rita Capobianco, author, actress and director.


Dr. Miguel B. Royo Salvador y Rita Capobianco, author, actress and director.


Dr. Miguel B. Royo Salvador y Rita Capobianco, author, actress and director.


Dr. Giacomo Caruso.


Testimonials of the patients of Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona.


Painting of Francesco Mauro, painter and poet.


Paintings and poems of Francesco Mauro, painter and poet.


San Luigi Guanella Theatre, before the event.


Annalisa Caicci, dancer and choreographer.


Laura Ierano, singer.


Francesco Mauro, painter and poet.


Marie-Thérése Ierano, poem of Anthony Ierano.


Closing ceremony of the event.


Publicado por ICSEB el 14 Sep, 2017

Ladies and Gentlemen,
We are pleased to announce that the Chiari & Scoliosis & Syringomyelia Foundation (CSSf), in cooperation with the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona (ICSEB) and the association AI.SAC.SI.SCO Onlus, is organizing a cultural solidarity event in support of patients with the diagnoses of the Arnold-Chiari Syndrome Type I, idiopathic Syringomyelia and Scoliosis and other conditions related to the Filum Disease.
The artistic event will take place in Rome, Italy, in the afternoon of Saturday 7 October 2017, at the Don Luigi Guanella Theatre.
You are all invited to attend and enjoy the show offered by the artists who honour us with their contribution.
We look forward to meet you or see you again on this special occasion where Science and Art will be united.


Credits and Bios

Rita Capobianco, Italy

Rita Capobianco is an actress, dancer, presenter and author of theatrical works. Her career as an artist started in 1978, when she joined the Camomilla,band, a product of Bottega dell’Arte, connected to the Italian record company Ricordi. In 1980 she started her adventure with the Bagaglino theatre, which lasted 9 years and was marked by participations in shows at Salone Margherita, TV programmes like Per chi suona la campanella and Biberon, written by Pier Francesco Pingitore and Mario Castellacci and directed by Pingitore. When her experience with the Bagaglino got to an end, she continued working in theatres, directed by Vito Molinari, Edmo Fenoglio, Franco Molè, Gianni Leonetti, Vincenzo Zingaro, Cinzia Berni and many more. Between tours, she presented various theatre festivals and “Miss Italia 1996” province selections in Sicily.
In the movies, she played the role of Salomé in Secondo Ponzio Pilato (According to Pontius Pilate) by Luigi Magni; she was Ada, Giannino’s sister in the film Gian Burrasca and Licio Belli’s secretary in Attenti a quei P2 (Beware those P2) by Pier Francesco Pingitore. As a dancer she participated in Sergio Leone’s C’era una volta in America (Once upon a time in America), in Fred e Ginger directed by Federico Fellini and Un uomo innamorato (A man in love) directed by Diane Kurys. She was part of the dance teams in Drive In, Piccolo Slam (Little slam), La luna nel pozzo (The moon in the well), Viva le donne (Long live women), as well as in the permanent cast of Fantastico (1984). As a guest, she took part in Italian TV programmes like Sereno Variabile, Domenica in, Cocco, Dieci Herz, Pronto è la Rai, Ieri, Goggi e domani, Buona domenica, I fatti vostri, Stasera Lino, Telegatto and I Siculissimi. In television, she played Rosaura in the kids’ movie Pinocchio, a secretary in the “Laziness” episode of the film Di che peccato sei (Which is your sin) by P.F. Pingitore, a psychologist in the fiction Una madre detective (A detective mother), directed by Fabrizio Costa. Amongst her multiple artistic experiences, there’s a collaboration with the magician Silvan and participations in TV selling and TV ads. After her graduation in Modern Literatures, she tests herself as author and director of a couple of theatre works, which she directed and interpreted: La rima ti fa bella, a piece with puppets that she built, and Tutta colpa di Arnold (All because of Arnold), a grotesque monologue with music by Angelo Donzelli, in which she goes through her experience with the rare disease called Arnold-Chiari I Syndrome .
Synopsis of Tutta colpa di Arnold (All because of Arnold)
The perception of time going by and the grotesque tones are key elements in the unfolding monologue. The protagonist and author describes the private drama of each person affected by Arnold-Chiari I Syndrome. The story develops through various steps, that show how the protagonist is gradually and seamlessly swept away by an alienating reality, unaware victim of a journey to herself. In this monologue, the reconstruction of symbols employed by the author come together in a masterpiece, split between an oppressive reality and a struggle for rebirth. (Alessia Capobianco) [email protected] Tutta colpa di Arnold

Marisa Toscano, Italy

Marisa Toscano, a Sicilian writer from Mistretta, is the author o “Simintì”, a collection of prose and poetry. It was published in 2012 under the seal “Centro Stórico”, “the Mistretta’s exemplary symbol and also symbol of a present culture that knows how to resist and suggest without allowing itself to get hung up in the apathy that let’s people fall asleep”, as written by “journalist and writer” Melo Freni un the La Gazzetta del Sud newpaper.
Rosa Grazia Cascio comments on her poems in Sicilian dialect that “they are rich in musicality and sentiment, virtues that can be perceived even without reading the translation”. Her tales are “irresistible because of their style and storyline, wonderful photographs in a big family album, an inexhaustible source of the joy of having a past, of belonging lovingly to a society, a world that is still alive in the memory and in the heart”.
Francesco Maria Di Bernardo Amato remarks about her and her “Simintì”: “She knows how to speak of suffering, that has lifted and been cured; she knows how to speak of death, not as a taboo that should be hidden away, but as an essential part of life itself and the spirit that it holds.”

Annalisa Caicci, Italy

Annalisa Caicci is born in Camposampiero on 21 October 1984. She starts studying dance at the age of three. First a course in classical ballet and professional training, then modern dance, at difference schools in the Padua and Treviso provinces, Il Balletto in Castelfranco V. To amongst others; she achieved special mentions for her success in the classes from the Royal Academy Of Dance of London and the Imperial Society of Teaching of Dance.
She has taken part in numerous classic and modern dance shows, with the best international maestros, such as: Gianni Rosaci, Michael Croydon Fowler, Miss Herida May, Margarita Smirnova, amongst others.
She honed her skills in Italy and abroad, for example at the Off Jazz Centre in Nice, France, studying with maestros such as: Gianin Loringet, Angelo Monaco, Huge Salgas, Martine Kasserlein and at the Summer Dance Campus in Arta Terme, Udine, Italy. She attended the Intensive Master Course Only Parsons with Mia McSwain from the Parsons Dance Company.
She often takes part in festivals, shows, collaborations, exhibitions and performances as an instructor and dancer, as for example recently in Villa Ca’ Marcello in Levada di Piombino Dese, Padua.
She is a Physical Education teacher in high school, in the Musical group, and participates in music and dance fusion shows. Since 2007, she is the artistic director and instructor at the dance studio Pas de Chat gym & dance, with branches in Piombino Dese and Camposampiero where beginners’ courses for dance, classic and modern ballet, and aero-step and tone-up lessons are taught.
Her students regularly take part in show and collaborations with entities and groups with the goal of encouraging a correct dissemination of dance and transmitting a positive message of what dance has to offer.
Annalisa offers an educational type of dance where she puts emphasis on the importance of harmony and corporeality to encourage an adequate development of the individual through movement.

Laura Ierano, France

Laura is a singer since she was thirteen years old. Her first album, Eclectic, appeared in 2011 and on it she speaks of love, strength, but also illness. With the help of her brother Anthony and his friend Gianni, she writes her songs in Italian, French and English. Laura loves the stage, for her it is a means of feeling well, she wrote: “The applause, the emotions, the audience’s response, those are the things that make me feel in love with music.”


Francesco Mauro, Italy

Mr. Mauro is a renowned painter who lives and works in Cerenzia, Crotone province. He has won different prizes; these stand out especially: Milan’s “Primavera 2001” and the “Mid-summer exhibition” in Mariano Comense, prompting praise from many experts in the sector. As defined in the Antologia dei Pittori, in 2002: “ Every artist refers to a craving determination of expression so that those who view their painting may also deduce the signs of profoundness of spirit and especially the poetic symbiosis of the artist”. (Scultori Aspetti dell’Arte) Mauro’s art nevertheless, as told by Antonello Talerici in the article ‘The Realism of Francesco Mauro’: “it is not just a mere painting. But also poetry….His tones are tangible culture, a deep understanding that is born from a lengthy observation of the natural truth, taking part in the commotion of the clarity of reflexes….expressing enthusiastically his fondness of life.”

[email protected]
Anthony Ierano, France

Anthony is a very active poet 34-year-old poet, who lives near Nice. He underwent surgery with Dr. Royo-Salvador for a Arnold-Chiari I Syndrome in Barclona on 8 March 2012. He has a painting business, works with a Foundation and founded his own garment brand KATZO.
Writing down what he is feeling, his experience and sentiments, is a way of feeling good; it helps him to express what he cannot say out loud. His verses are often directed at members of family, at his father Rocco, his mother Marie-Thérèse, especially at his brother CriCri with trisomy 21, at his sister Laura, who is a singer and for whom he authored a song published on her album in Novmber 2013. In his verses, he speaks of himself and his human and social relationships.
The poem “Malformation de Chiari” represents everything his body went through when he was diagnosed with the condition, up to the surgery. It was chosen out of five competing pieces and later published in the book “Dedicace a Saint’Agnese”, a collection by Mille Plumes in January 2015.
Facebook: Pour la poèsie de Ierano Anthony

Natalia Kalinina, Russia

Natalia Kalinina is a 38-year-old Russian writer, she has authored 20 novels that mix esoteric mystery, romance novel and detective fiction. All of her works have been published in Russian by “Eksmo”, the main publisher of the country who she has been working with exclusively for nine years now. The books are for sale in shops, newsstands, department stores and over the Internet. They are also available electronically through “Litres”, the biggest Russian website specialized in E-Books.
Having had a great passion for books since her childhood, Natalia always dreamt of writing her own book one day. Her studies nevertheless took her to a degree in biology and chemistry and she then worked with big companies in the sector, where a promising future was expecting her. One day she realized that this was not what she really wanted, and Natalie decided to leave her work to write her first novel. She sent the manuscript to several publishers, and while she was awaiting a response, se travelled to Spain to spend a few days there. There a series of events started to take place that would change her life forever. In Barcelona, she would meet her future husband and upon returning to Russia, she signed her first contract with a publishing house.
Natalia is currently living in Barcelona, true to her motto “follow your dream and never give up”, of which her own life is the best example.
The author is donating two copies of her novel “The Secret of the Black Book” exclusively for this event, with a special dedication: “With affection and gratitude, to the ICSEB team”.
To contact with Natalia Kalinina: [email protected]

To purchase her books:

Ferran Pérez Vivancos

FFerran Pérez Vivancos, born in Barcelona in 1946, earned his degree in Applied Art and Graphic Design in 1968. He taught Graphic Design between 1968 and 1979 at the Barcelona’s Massana School where he had himself studied beforehand. He combined this activity with that of a graphic artist at different studios in Barcelona. He set up his own design studio in 1982 where his combines his work with his painting activity.
Currently, after several decades dedicated to creativity, he accumulates hundreds of finished works, some of them in private collections in Barcelona, Germany and South America, where is work is especially well received.
Between 1972 and present day, he has participated in numerous collective expositions. The rest of his oeuvre is carefully stowed away. All this has been possible thanks to his perseverance, enthusiasm and the unconditional support of his family which has allowed him to develop this activity during so many years.
[email protected]

Christina Apovian, Brazil

The Brazilian artist Chris Apovian works with video, painting and performance since 18 years. His work moves between references of the History of Art and politico-conceptual perspectives. In 2006, she participates in the 26th International Biennale of São Paulo, with a piece that included the participation of 30 homeless persons.
At this event, Apovian presents Da Vinci: el nacimiento de Brasil which according to the author is an approximation to Leonardo da Vinci’s work“.

[email protected]
Jonas Ribeiro, Brazil

For Brazilian Jonas Ribeiro art is a hobby through which he expresses his thoughts and expectations.
Ribeiro shows a drawing created especially for this event, with the title Hope. In the drawing we can see “a pilgrim travelling on the road of life, here represented by the colour green”. This pilgrim “is searching for the summit of the world, represented in the dark and celeste blue, the light of HOPE, yellow as a sun held by a heavenly arm, symbolizing the synchrony between the hand of God and the surgical skill of the physician”, as the artist explains.

[email protected]
José Mario Amaral, Brasil

José Mario Amaral is a versatile artist. He develops his creativity in abstract works with plastic art; he draws with pencil, works with pastels and acrylic paint, and also works with other materials, such as stone and wood. He is also a composer and music producer and is about to release his fourth independently produced record, with songs written by himself. Another of his passions is writing, he currently writing his first book.
The two pieces presented by Mr. Amaral are titled The Sand Siren and The seven snakes. The first one is about the magic of the sea, with its healing powers. “I am an example for that magic, I live in a city on Brazil’s coast and I have come to heal to another coast town, in Europe, I mean Barcelona.”
The seven snakes on the other hand expresses the balance between the material and the spiritual. “The material aspect manifests through money, healthy money, whilst the healing of the physical body comes from the snake”, he explains. “The manifestation of the spiritual comes from the spiritual entities that work for us and with us for the balance between the material and the spiritual. The seven snakes has seven, which is the number that represent the balance between the material and the spiritual”.

[email protected] Instagram: @joz11eh_amaral
Maria Pia Ambrosio, Italy

Mrs. Maria Pia Ambrosio is a creative entrepreneur who has been dedicating herself to decoupage and many other home and event decor techniques. The patient has very kindly shared some images of her hand painted work for this event.
[email protected]

Francesca Ghisio Erba, Italy

Francesca Ghisio Erba had such a a great passion for dance since her childhood that followed through on achieving the Tersicorea diploma at the Autonomous Theatre Entity of the Opera of Rome. In the following years, she built a professional career as a dance soloist and she took part in many television programs and shows in the most important Italian theatres. Subsequently, after having worked as an choreography aid with Gino Landi and Evelyn Hanack, she engaged in teaching dance.
After a few years, she started to become more and more interested in the oriental field until she decided to embark on a new path that led her to earning a diploma as a professional therapist in Keiraku Shiatsu in 2004, and in Essene therapies in 2008. Later on, completing her studies and always searching for a focus related to aid, she obtained a diploma as a social worker from the Via Asmara Higher Education Institute in Rome as well as a diploma a psycho-synthetic counsellor at SIPT (Italian School of Psycho-Synthesis). At the same time, she went through a personal training experience with Yoga. More and more convinced that the individual’s well being derives, other than from a balanced mental state, from constant physical training. She oriented herself through a path that led her to being a postural fitness instructor and cardiac coherence and resonance trainer, which is a specific breathing routine.
Currently, with the basis of her personal experiences and studies, she is devoted to shiatsu treatments, essene therapies and counselling meetings, she organizes seminars for the dissemination of cardiac coherence and resonance and teaches hypopressive abdominal exercises, focusing on Postural Fitness.

[email protected]

Three very young patients are participating in the event:
Lilou Van Dyck, Belgium

Lilou, nine years old, expresses her creativity through drawing and painting since young age of three years… for her it is a real passion that brings colour to life!

[email protected]  
Aurora Negrini, Italy

Aurora, nine years old, will be reading a poem that she wrote herself especially for this event; she wants to share her experience with other ill children.

[email protected]  
Alice Negrini, Italy

Alice, eleven years old, is Aurora’s older sister and she will delight us with two guitar pieces of classical and traditional music.

[email protected]

CSSf, ICSEB and AI.SAC.SI.SCO want to express their heartfelt gratitude to the parents of these young girls for allowing the valuable participation of their daughters in this event.

CSSf Thank you note to the ICSEB team.

Among the work on display at the San Luigi Guanella theatre, the audience will be able to enjoy various prints and paintings by the centre’s director, Dr. Miguel Royo-Salvador, and by Dr. Horia Salca, member of ICSEB’s neurosurgical team.

Miguel B. Royo Salvador

Dr. Miguel Royo-Salvador, apart from his studies at the School of Medicine that would lead him to earning his PhD in Neurosurgery, as a young man studied at the Arts and Crafts School of Tarragona, Spain, during three years. He won three prizes in 1967 in that province: painting, speed drawing and décor.
On this occasion he presents, among others, two series of acrylic drawings, elaborated for medical publications, which illustrate one of the conditions featuring this event, as well as the surgical technique applied to treat it:
“Sequence of the formation of a Arnold-Chiari I Syndrome, with a decent of the cerebellum, 4th ventricle and the cerebellar tonsils.” Designed for a medical publication in 1996. “Sequence of the minimally invasive surgical technique of the Sectioning of the Filum Terminale.” Designed for a medical publication in 1997.

Horia Calin Salca

Dr. Salca takes part in this event by exhibiting his paintings “Cadaqués”, “Church of Siurana” and “Last Supper”, executed in pencil, wax crayon and Indian ink.
As a Neurosurgeon and Researcher at the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona, the physician cultivates a passion for drawing and painting since young age when he studied at the School of Fine Arts on Targu-Mures in Romania (1975-78). Later on he had to interrupt these studies to start the preparation courses to enter the School of Medicine.


CSSf, ICSEB and AI.SAC.SI.SCO want to express their gratitude to the doctors for sharing this artistic side along with the professionalism that defines them so much.

The New Chiari & Scoliosis & Syringomyelia Foundation Website is Online.

Publicado por ICSEB el 21 Jun, 2017
Chiari Foundation Barcelona

The Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona (ICSEB) is happy to announce the publication of the new Chiari & Scoliosis & Syringomyelia Foundation (CSSf) website.

With a totally renewed and more dynamic design, the website allows to navigate in a faster and more simple manner and takes the user through its pages and contents.

You will find the three objectives that defines the Foundation’s mission on the front page: Research, Teaching and Social Aid that translate into support for any person, society or initiative that assists patients affected by the Filum Disease and into the respect of its human, ethical and scientific values.

Hoping that this new website will contribute to the support of patients diagnosed with the Arnold-Chiari Syndrome Type I, idiopathic Syringomyelia and idiopathic Scoliosis and all conditions related to the Filum Disease, we want to invite you to discover it and to support the Foundation in its mission if you wish.

Letter from the President of the Chiari & Scoliosis & Syringomyelia Foundation

My research quest initiated in the mid-seventies, it focused mainly on the cause of idiopathic Syringomyelia, followed by that of the Arnold-Chiari Syndrome Type I and later, on that of idiopathic Scoliosis. I reached the conclusion that the origin of these conditions, and that of many other associated ones, was an abnormal traction of the spinal cord brought about by a congenitally tenser than usual filum terminale.
I laid the theoretical foundations for a new treatment for these pathologies by means of the surgical sectioning of the Filum Terminale with my doctoral thesis “Contribution to the Etiology of Syringomyelia” (1992). The outcome was the constitution of the health method Filum System®, a protocolised system designed for the diagnosis and the treatment of a new concept of disease, the Filum Disease. The Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona (ICSEB) is in charge of its application and dissemination.
This new Filum Disease exists since the beginnings of mankind and is present in a good part of the world population, possibly being the most frequent disease, but at the same time, the most unknown one to patients given that the majority of manifestations are not taken into account or are considered to be of little importance by patients as well as by health care professionals.
Once the Filum Disease and its treatment had been described, I asked myself: “What has been the point of discovering a new disease and its treatment if it is only going to be recorded as a scientific curiosity in a doctoral thesis or medical publication?”
I had to take on a new task: that of diagnosing all those affected by the Filum Disease and offering them the best solution.
Furthermore, research projects to find other guidelines and treatments remained unresolved; amongst them: the genetic research proposal, the improvements of the surgical techniques and the new neuro-rehabilitative guidelines. I also had to save energy for the dissemination on all levels: as much on the scientific as on the social level and without leaving aside neither the support of patients’ personal instabilities nor those of their environment.
I deemed that setting up the Chiari & Scoliosis & Syringomyelia Foundation (CSSf) in 2008 was the best instrument to further these objectives. With its support, the ICSEB achieved the accomplishment of being the first neurosurgical institute with the maximum RD & I accreditation. It has contributed to the constitution of the Filum Academy Barcelona® where medical and health care training on the Filum Disease has taken place, completely free of charge. It has promoted and met the expenses of meetings for patients and health care professionals in four European countries. It has helped patients without financial resources and defrayed their treatment costs. It has created a transparent and honest social structure with board members of the highest scientific and human level that have tutored the fulfilment of the CSSf’s three objectives: research, teaching and social aid.
We set out to continue with our mission through the CSSf, firmly focused on the patients’ wellbeing and scientific progress.
Therefore we will support every individual, society or initiative that helps patients affected by these conditions, as long as our human, ethical and scientific values are being respected.

Dr. Miguel B. Royo Salvador Founder and President of the Chiari & Scoliosis & Syringomyelia Foundation

Samantha Meir: ICSEB’s versatile contact person

Publicado por ICSEB el 9 Jun, 2017

Samantha Meir has been collaborating with the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona (ICSEB) since 2008, she has the ability to navigate different domains and languages in order to meet the needs of patients from different parts of the world.
Even tough she was in charge of looking after English-speaking patients in her first years, she would later go on to take care of Spanish and French-speaking patients.
One of the reasons for her ability to adapt is the multicultural context she grew up in. Her mother is North American and her father is of German origin. She was born in Barcelona, but raised in Ibiza, where she attended the Lycée Français (where she learned French) and later on she went to an English school.
Her experience of living abroad has also helped to develop her versatility. She finished her last year of high school in the United States (Florida) and went to college for two years there to study business administration. Later, when she returned to Barcelona, she got a degree in photography.
Photography continues to be one of Samantha’s passion, but nowadays in her spare time. Her priority is spending time with her family. Whenever she can, she also enjoys other hobbies: handicrafts, cooking and travelling.
After these years at ICSEB, Samantha continues to value the human aspect of her work. “I know that I work for a good cause, helping patients who are suffering and feeling alone because nobody takes them seriously or knows what to do with their disease”, she tells us.
Her job is very gratifying for Samantha; she learns something knew almost every day, thanks to working with physicians.
Another aspect she is fond of is being able to meet new people, new stories and experiences. “When the patients come here for the operation, they spend at least three days and we end up establishing a special relationship of trust and understanding.”
Samantha explains that during the long time she is already at ICSEB, she has grown as a person, that she has become “stronger and more responsible”, and it makes her feel proud of her work. To finish, she would like to leave a message for the patients: “I am very happy to have been able to help in everything possible so that they can have a better quality of life, which is the most important thing.”
At ICSEB, we are also very happy with Samantha’s work during all these years, due to her dedication, effort and personal growth.

Call: share your art and support Filum Disease patients

Publicado por ICSEB el 15 May, 2017

Call to participate by the Chiari & Scoliosis & Syringomyelia Foundation (CSSf)

Artistic expressions by patients, relatives and well-wishers affected by the Filum Disease

Share your art and support Filum Disease patients

The Chiari & Scoliosis & Syringomyelia Foundation (CSSf), in cooperation with the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona (ICSEB) and the association AI.SAC.SI.SCO Onlus is organizing an artistic solidarity event for patients diagnosed with the Arnold-Chiari Syndrome Type I, idiopathic Syringomyelia, idiopathic Scoliosis and other conditions related to the Filum Disease.
The even will take place in Rome, Italy, on Saturday, 7th of October 2017, with the presence and participation of Dr. Miguel B. Royo Salvador, CSSf founder and president of the board.
If you are a visual or non-visual artist or are involved in the world of entertainment and you would like to join us, send us a brief presentation of your work by email by 9th of June 2017 to [email protected].
The artists able to present their work personally will have the chance to so during an exhibit or live show. Those unable to travel for the date have the possibility to send their pieces (original or copy) and to partake in form of visual installations together with contributions from different parts of the world.
Additionally, all creations selected for the event will have exposure on the CSSf, ICSEB and AI.SAC.SI.SCO Onlus websites and respective social networks.

Use your art to give patients a voice and visibility!

CSSf and ICSEB Welcome the Rally Team Fighting against Chiari.

Publicado por ICSEB el 20 Mar, 2017

The members of the management teams of the Chiari & Scoliosis & Syringomyelia Foundation (CSSf) and the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona (ICSEB) were at the Barcelona harbour past Sunday, 19th of March, to welcome the rally drivers that make up “Gazelles against Chiari”. One of them is Emmanuelle Tarquini, a patient diagnosed with the Arnold Chiari Syndrome in 2012 and treated at ICSEB in 2013

Tarquini and her team partner, Cécilia Merló, were received by Dr. Miguel B. Royo Salvador, Founder and Director of the ICSEB and Founder and Board President of the Chiari & Scoliosis & Syringomyelia Foundation (CSSf); Mrs. Mara Linette Espino Hernandez, ICSEB Coordinator; Mr. Manuel M. Royo Salvador, CSSf Secretary, and by other members of the team.

The “Gazelles against Chiari” team set sails direction Morocco, leaving from Barcelona, where they will taking part until the 1st of April in the 27th edition of the Rallye Aïcha des Gazelles, the only off-road competition worldwide exclusively for female competitors. They will be carrying the Chiari & Scoliosis & Syringomyelia Foundation (CSSf) flag, an entity that promotes research, spreading knowledge and patient support throughout the world.

To participate in the rally, Tarquini has had to overcome difficulties caused by the Arnold-Chiari I Syndrome, which was leading her to have terrible headaches, also neck pain and paraesthesias in the right body half.

Tarquini approached the ICSEB four years ago and was treated by the medical team there and underwent surgery with the Filum System® method. She has recovered her ability to lead a normal life and can even participate in a rally alongside more than 300 competitors of 15 different nationalities.

“This was my dream for a long time, I have a passion for cars and I was dreaming of taking part in the Gazelles Rally. When I learned of my disease I thought that it would never come true. It was a co-worker I befriended who pushed me to believe in it. A week before my operation, she challenged me to go for it together if the operation was efficient. And it happened: after the operation in April 2013, we left for the rally in March 2015!”

Tarquini was not only able to make her dream come true, but now she also tries to bring hope to people suffering from the disease and do not know how to treat themselves apart from the conventional rather risky and expensive techniques.

You can read the full interview with Tarquini through the link below; she talks about her diagnosis, her recovery process and her routine as a rally driver.

Click here for full interview


Driver affected by the Arnold-Chiari Syndrome competes in International Rally

Publicado por ICSEB el 17 Mar, 2017

French patient Emmanuelle Tarquini has an important date in March, the “Women’s Month”. On the morning of the 19th, she and her teammate, Cécilia Merló, will weigh anchor and leave from harbour of Barcelona for Morocco, where they will take part in the 27th edition of the Rallye Aïcha des Gazelles, the only off-road competition worldwide exclusively for female competitors.

In order to participate, Tarquini has had to face a much bigger challenge than riding in a 4×4 jeep for 2500 kilometres through the Moroccan desert. Her great test has been to overcome the difficulties caused by the Arnold-Chiari I Syndrome, that was bringing about insufferable headaches, also neck pain and paresthesias in her right body half.

Tarquini approached the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona (ICSEB) for treatment. After she underwent surgery and the Filum System® method had been applied by ICSEB’s medical team, Tarquini recovered her capacity to lead a normal life and to even participate in a rally alongside more than 300 competitors of 15 different nationalities.

“This was my dream for a long time, I have a passion for cars and I was dreaming of taking part in the Gazelles Rally. When I learned of my disease I thought that it would never come true. It was a co-worker I befriended who pushed me to believe in it. A week before my operation, she challenged me to go for it together if the operation was efficient. And it happened: after the operation in April 2013, we left for the rally in March 2015!”

Tarquini was not only able to make her dream come true, but now she also tries to bring hope to people suffering from the disease and do not know how to treat themselves apart from the conventional rather risky and expensive techniques. For that reason her team “Gazelles against Chiari” carries the flag of the Chiari & Scoliosis & Syringomyelia Foundation (CSSf), an entity that promotes research, spreading knowledge and patient support throughout the world.

You can read the full interview with Tarquini through the link below; she talks about her diagnosis, her recovery process and her routine as a rally driver.

Click here for full interview

Institut Chiari counts on new representative for Polish speaking patients.

Publicado por ICSEB el 10 Feb, 2017

Polish speaking patients can count on their new contact person since July 2016 to look after them from the first email contact, to the first consultation in person, the surgical treatment and during all of the post-operative follow up process, acting as a bridge between the patients and the medical specialists of the Institut Chiari.

Nina, who is originally from Poland, holds a degree in Hispanic Studies. She moved to Spain for one semester in 2010 to study at the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature at Cáceres University. She tells us that it was then that she fell in love with our country, its culture, food and landscapes. In 2014 she decided to move to Spain to live in Cáceres for a year and a half and later moved to Barcelona, where she is currently at home.

Her education allows her to respond with agility to the need of a job that requires amongst other things proficiency in different languages and the capability to move in between very different cultures, on top of the translation of medical documentation.

Nina enjoys being able to help the patients and having the opportunity to learn something new every day. She sees herself as a empathetic, smiley, optimistic and close person, always trying to help our where she can. In her free time, she enjoys a good book, photography, the movies, long walks and travelling to discover new places and dreams with one day having a dog, a German shepherd.

She is well integrated in her adoptive home, without forgetting her roots. Nina is able to mediate between her fellow countrymen’s reserved character, for example they do not usually embrace with a kiss to say hello except for people they are very close to, and the extrovert Mediterranean type.

We wish Nina a record of growth and learning alongside the Polish patients, encouraging a better knowledge of the possible application of the treatment offered at the Institut Chiari.

New representative for Portuguese speaking patients

Publicado por ICSEB el 2 Sep, 2016

After attending dozens of Brazilian, Portuguese and Polish patients during over two and a half years, the Polish anthropologist Kasia Gorka ends her professional career in Barcelona to face another exciting challenge by going across the Atlantic to Brazil. From the Institut Chiari de Barcelona we thank her for her cooperation and wish her the best of luck in this new stage of her life.

To keep up the good care of Portuguese speaking patients, the Institut Chiari de Barcelona now, since July 2016, counts with the services of Marta Orsini. Marta is Brazilian and has a degree in Communication Sciences and PhD from the Department of Media, Communication and Culture of Autonomous University of Barcelona. Besides being a journalist she is also a researcher and translator.

Her education makes her job multifaceted in ICSEB. For example she acts as a link between the medical team and patients, in form of direct translations as well as the treatment and careful and close monitoring of patients before, during and after the surgery; and after their return to their country. She also provides patient care at distance to the people interested in the treatment with the Filum System® method, among other tasks.

Marta combines her work at the ICSEB with motherhood (she has a 3 year old son) and different academic activities. Her hobbies are writing, books, movies, hiking in the woods and vegetarian cuisine. Talking about her topics of interest we can highlight subjects regarding Communication Sciences, Gender Studies, Innovative Pedagogies and Meditation.

We are pleased to have her in our team and hope her work with us can help our Portuguese-speaking patients to get to know our treatment and benefit from it.

News in the French television network France3 about our patients who are fighting for the reimbursement of their SFT surgery done at ICSEB

Publicado por ICSEB el 26 Feb, 2016
Noticia_France_TV3_ChiariLink of the news: News summary: Laurence Guillois. Arnold Chiari I syndrome. Idiopathic scoliosis, Multiple discopathy. Françoise Simon. Syringomyelia and idiopathic scoliosis. Multiple discopathy. Emmanuelle Tarquini, Arnold Chiari I syndrome, Idiopathic scoliosis. The patients Laurence Guillois, Françoise Simon and Emmanuelle Tarquini are fighting to be reimbursed by the French social security and to get the surgical procedure recognized, which as per their comments, saved t heir lives. The patient Laurence Guillois said that she started to have several symptoms that limited her physical activity and consequently had to quit her job as a company director. Very desperate, and after being rated as inoperable by the neurosurgery department in France, she began to seek new horizons to solve her problem. One day she found online information about the surgery of the sectioning of the filum terminale, a surgical treatment that is exclusively applied at the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona in the case of her diagnosis. Laurence did not hesitate and decided to go to Barcelona for the surgery and as a result she noted significant improvements immediately after the surgery. Currently, she is trying to get her expenses of the surgical process reimbursed by the French social security. However, to achieve this, the high level health authorities in France need to recognize the process of diagnosis and treatment according to the protocol of the Filum System®, which so far has not been achieved despite being questioned by thirteen members of the Assemblée Nationale at different occasions for five years.  

ICSEB’s comments:

Dr Parker, according to his publications, has a mortality rate of 0,6% in somewhat more than 300 patients. Whereas, the Filum System® with the sectioning of the filum terminale does not have any mortality in more than 1000 patients. Dr Parker lacks information and the scientific knowledge applied in the Filum System®. Neither has he bothered to learn it as it is taught for free nowadays and since years at the Filum Academy Barcelona®.

Cultural mediation in the activities at ICSEB

Publicado por ICSEB el 29 Jan, 2016

mediacion_ICESBThe Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona (ICSEB) works with patients from all over the world. Since its foundation, a team of international patient care was built in order to support our medical team in communicating with patients of any language or nationality.

With the developments in the last 50 years in the field of Medical Anthropology, a sub-field of Cultural and Social Anthropology, a theory has been developed at international level. This theory deals with the social processes and the cultural representations of health, illness and healthcare or assistance practices related to it.

Thanks to this, we know how important the attention to these aspects is, especially in the healthcare sector, as well as the presence of a professional figure to mediate between the physician and the patient from a different culture in the work ambit.

The main function of the intercultural socio-sanitary mediation is to help with the direct and indirect communication between patients and the healthcare professionals of two different languages and cultures and, thus, facilitating the patient – provider relationship. (I)

The mediators ease the communication between the professional and the users of the healthcare services, which not only speak different languages, but also may have different ways of understanding the the world. In this sense, it is often pointed out that the translation refers only to the writing process, while the oral part is defined as interpretation. Linguistic interpretation always involves cultural aspects, since the meaning of words in any language goes far beyond than what is reflected in a dictionary. (II)

The work of the intercultural mediator thus involves very delicate ethical elements, given that the figure is a third presence within the care relationship. (II)

At our Institute, we have always given a special importance to the professional figure of the interpreter/mediator by giving continuous training regarding these aspects to the translators, so that they can meet the necessities of comprehension on both sides, starting from the patient’s first information inquiry to the post-operative follow-up procedure.

Currently ICESB employs 11 translators, who can cover patient care in 14 languages. In our institution, they have received and accompanied patients from 45 different countries from the 5 continents.

In light of our professional trajectory and our experience of working in an international group, we are convinced that one of the factors contributing to the excellent results characterizing our patient care is our ability to metaphorically ” bridge the gap” between patient expectations and provided healthcare, despite the cultural interferences in their relationship.

In this way, we favour the coexistence and the tolerance among the beliefs, habits and different interpretations of the world, both within our team in the daily activities as in the getting together of doctor-patient “therapeutic alliance”, facilitating therapy and the patient’s healing process through the bio-psycho-social attention, ever so necessary for helping him in his disease during the application of the treatments offered by us.



(I)“La mediación en el ámbito de la salud/ The mediation in health.” Immaculada Armadans, Assumpta Aneas, Miguel Angel Soria y Lluís Bosch. Medicina Clinica, 2009.

(II)“La mediación intercultural sociosanitaria: implicaciones y retos.”

Adil Qureshi Burckhardt, Hilda–Wara Revollo, Francisco Collazos,Cristina Visiers Würth, Jannat El Harrak. NORTE DE SALUD MENTAL nº 35 • 2009 • PAG 56–66.

Research an Development (R&D) accreditation

Publicado por ICSEB el 14 Jul, 2015

The Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona (ICSEB) is happy to announce that during the past month of May 2015, the Spanish Innovation Certification Agency (ACIE) and ENAC have certified our project “Research, development and application of the diagnosis and treatment of the new Filum Disease” as Research and Development (R&D).

This certification represents a sign of excellence that recognizes deservedly the efforts made by our professionals over the years, with the many research lines about the disease and the treatment that we pursue on a daily basis in our clinical activity.

Due to the fact that developments in any medical area require research to build their growth and evolution on, the research and development activity is very necessary in biomedicine for the success of any strategy that proposes an improvement of the citizens’ health and to increase the number of potential beneficiaries of such treatments.

It is for this reason that the ICSEB is focussing heavily on integrating R&D in its organization, with the aim of increasing the effectiveness of treatments and the knowledge of factors related to the treatment of the diseases associated with the filum terminale, and to so increment the success rates and minimize the risk of surgical procedures.

The R&D seal strengthens our mission, it re-asserts informing the public about the Filum Disease and gives credit to the health method Filum System®The health method is employed to treat the disease and has closely been assessed technically and in every aspect of the overall clinical project by leading experts during this accreditation procedure.


IX Chiari & Scoliosis & Syringomyelia Foundation meeting. Filum System. Outcomes in diagnosing and treating the Filum Disease: the Arnold Chiari I Syndrome, idiopathic Syringomyelia and idiopathic Scoliosis

Publicado por ICSEB el 30 Jun, 2015

Last Saturday, on the 27th of June, the 9th meeting for physicians and patients organised by the Chiari & Scoliosis & Syringomyelia Foundation (CSSf) took place on Lublin, Poland. The event counted with the collaboration of the Delegation of the Polish Neurosurgical Society and the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona.

The event was accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education” (EACCME) for specialised medical activities, and was honoured by the presence of the renowned professor in Neurosurgery Krzysztof Turowski, as the symposium’s host and presenter.

The distinguished neurosurgeon and neurologist Dr Miguel Bautista Royo Salvador presented most recent advances regarding research, diagnosis and treatment of the Filum Disease introducing the Filum System® method, its application and excellent outcomes for the conditions Arnold Chiari I Syndrome, idiopathic Syringomyelia and idiopathic Scoliosis.

Clinical psychologist Mrs Gioia Luè presented a qualitative analysis of the outcomes of the application of the mentioned method in the patients’ quality of life. Patients with these diagnoses were operated according to the Filum System®.

In the afternoon, the meeting ended with a clinical session that was open to discussion and had been prepared by the resident doctor Paweł Szmygin.

We would like to thank the Delegation of the Polish Neurosurgery Society, and especially Professor Turowski, for the invaluable hospitality and availability to welcome the members of the Chiari & Scoliosis & Syringomyelia Foundation with such charm. We also would like to acknowledge Ms Barbara Wróblewska in a special way for the impeccable organization of the event.

We hope that this was just the start of an intensive collaboration that we would like to continue with the same success as much on the level of professional cooperation as regarding the benefit for Polish patients suffering from the Filum Disease.

chiari-ix-reunion_001 Lublin, Poland.
chiari-ix-reunion_002 Site of the IX CSSf meeting.
chiari-ix-reunion_003 Reception of participants.
chiari-ix-reunion_004 Mrs. Mara Espino, Mrs. Katarzyna Górka, Mrs. Gioia Luè.
chiari-ix-reunion_005 Ms. Barbara Wróblewska,  collaborator with the CSSf in Poland, and Dr Miguel B.Royo Salvador.
chiari-ix-reunion_006 Introduction by Prof. Krzysztof Turowski.
chiari-ix-reunion_008 Presentation by Dr. Miguel B. Royo Salvador, neurosurgeon and neurologist.
chiari-ix-reunion_009 Presentation by Mrs Gioia Luè, clinical psycholgist.
chiari-ix-reunion_010 Session on clinical cases, Dr. Paweł Szmygin.
chiari-ix-reunion_011 Question time.
chiari-ix-reunion_012 Prof Krzysztof Turowski is presented with the CSSf’s honorary collaborator diploma.

An important quality award

Publicado por ICSEB el 23 Mar, 2015


Last March 13th 2015, at Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona (ICSEB)’s main offices, Ms. Eva Subirá JiménezDirector of AENOR Catalunya (Asociación Española de Normalización y Certificación), officially delivered the Quality Management System Certification based on the UNE-EN ISO 9001:2008 standard, for the following activities:

  • Research, diagnosis and treatment of Filum Disease
  • Diagnosis and treatment of neurosurgical diseases
Dr. Miguel B. Royo, Director of ICSEB said in the first place:

<<… despite what one could think, the process of accreditation can be quite complex to the scientific world: scientists often avoid those formalisms that apparently limit their freedom of research. However, in this past year, we’ve learnt that following the strict standards of AENOR helps us convey transparency and security in the application of our administrative and assistential processes… >> said the Spanish scientist.

Ms. Eva Subirá emphasized: <<… it’s clear that, without the daily commitment of each and every one of you, you wouldn’t have obtained this certification. We found a motivated and inspired team. AENOR certification demonstrates that ICSEB’s professional team commitment to excellence is firm and constant … >> said the Director of AENOR Catalunya.
From left to right: Dr. Miguel B. Royo Salvador (Director of ICSEB), Ms. Eva Subirá (Director of AENOR Catalunya) and Mr. Xavier Antón (Director of Management and Communication at ICSEB).

Thank you to the writer Natalia Kalinina.

Publicado por ICSEB el 15 Jan, 2015


At the Institut Chairi & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona (ICSEB) we are very happy to be able to thank the author Natalia Kalinina for her great gesture with Dr. Miguel B Royo Salvador and Marco V. Fiallos in dedicating her latest novel (already out in bookstores) to them, together with the entire team that forms part of this Neurosurgical Institut.

Natalia Kalinina is one of the internationally widest renowned Russian language authors. Passing through the world of science (she is chemistry and biology teacher) did not hinder her in discovering her bursting literary talent, which has brought her to publish 17 novels and a autobiographic series that enjoy great acceptance amongst the audience. She has sold more that 350 000 copies up to date.

The novel dedicated to Dr Miguel B. Royo Salvador and Dr Marco V. Fiallos, “The secret of the Black Book” is a mystery and passion thriller, but we are not allowed to reveal further details. If you are curious you can access the first pages of the book here:

It is real honour that the author contributes in making the work of the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona in the struggle against the Filum Disease more widely known. The Foundation would like to thank her again and let her know that we are hoping to read the translated novel soon. What might be the secret hidden in the Black Book?

  Communications Departement ICSEB


Publicado por ICSEB el 1 Dec, 2014

Guia Breve

Dear friends, I am very happy to join this presentation act today and will do my best to rise to the occasion. I promise to be brief.

Today, we hold in our hands a very special book. It is special for several reasons:

Firstly, because it is fruit of long working hours that have been condensed into 113 pages full of passion for science, of scientific rigour and nevertheless the result turns out to be enjoyable and educational.

Secondly, because there are several renowned faces of the Catalan neurosurgery and university sector present today amongst us.

And finally, because the author of the work presented here today, Dr. Miguel B. Royo Salvador, is with us.

The story behind this composition is rather curious. This book is born far away from the busy editorial world out of a petition. Those who have been involved closely in the making tell me that it was the pressure from patient organizations that sparked off, without them knowing it, the pretext that the book we hold in our hands today is based on.

With regards to today’s event, allow me to point out that surely as much because of the great number of pages dedicated to the Filum Disease, as due to the carefully selected and rich bibliographic references we are standing before one of the most important pieces about Dr Royo’s work.

The book Filum System® A short guide has become the main reference in the study of the diseases related to the Arnold Chiari I Syndrome, to idiopathic Syringomyelia and idiopathic Scoliosis and it will without a doubt inspire future generations of neurosurgeons to continue on the path that the author initiated already a good number of years ago now.

We are especially happy about Dr. Miguel B. Royo Salvador’s presence today; and we are sure that he will have his colleagues from the Hospital del Mar in his thoughts, as well as his doctoral thesis supervisors and of course his fellow travellers through this not always fruitful field of knowledge.

I promised to be brief, and so I was, without any further ado I give the floor to the author…


Photo gallery.
Dr. Miguel B. Royo Salvador
The author, Dr. Miguel B. Royo Salvador during a moment of the presentation.
Filum System® – A short guide (Spanish version)


Those interested in the book Filum System® – A short guide (Spanish version) please contact:
Ms. Nina Arutiounova
[email protected]
(34) 93 280 08 36
Clerk “Chiari & Scoliosis & Syringomyelia Foundation”
Paseo Manuel Girona, 32
08034 Barcelona, Spain.

The ICSEB’s Japanese division.

Publicado por ICSEB el 13 Nov, 2014

ICSEB_YukaHere at the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona (ICSEB), we would like to introduce our contact person for Japanese patients.

Yuka Takahashi was born not so many years ago in the Chiba Prefecture, very close to Tokyo. She graduated in Japanese philology and specialized later on in in teaching Japanese as a foreign language.

The ICSEB can be proud to count since 2012 with one of the best “receptionists” to be had. The concept of being a “receptionist” is a little different to how we perceive it in the Western world; for a Japanese it is something difficult to translate, there are many nuances to it.

It is only fair to admit that the first Japanese patient that we had the privilege to treat here at the ICSEB, came to us thanks to her.

Other than receiving Japanese patients, Yuka also translates all the documents that they provide and that are created in the aftermath of a consultation and accompanies her fellow countrymen and women in every step of the care process once they arrive to Barcelona.

She shares with us that she misses her food a great deal; that sometimes she feels irresistibly like having some real Japanese food, which is very hard to find in Barcelona.

The Japanese, even though the cliché might state otherwise, are also very passionate. Her two little dogs occupy the first place of her weaknesses, and she admits that it is when they run to meet her in the park that she feels absolutely happy.

Music is one of her interests we were not aware of – did you know she expert baritone horn player?

Yuka explains an expression that we had never heard before: kuuki ga yomenai, the literal translation would be “to not read the air”. For the Japanese harmony is very important, also respecting the elderly, behaving well educated with whom you are talking to, being able to listen. Of course it is unnecessary to say that Yuka Takahashi “reads the air” perfectly…

And yes, it is true: the Japanese do not touch each other!! Yuka however allows us, her colleagues from ICSEB, to give her a hug when she leaves for her holidays…

Russian division.

Publicado por ICSEB el 31 Oct, 2014

Nina Arutiounouva_Chiari_ICESBAt the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona (ICSEB), we soon realised that we could not live with our back to the Russian Federation. This is why Olga Lobanova, a contact person who left an important mark at the ICSEB and who would be an entrance gate for this great nation, so near as distant at the same time, joined the team in 2008.

The years went by and Russian speaking patients from different countries arrived at the ICSEB; Olga’s tireless commitment and talent were of great assisstence to all of them, as we are all aware, the tasks of a contact person are not limited to translating documents, but goes far beyond this.

Olga was very enthusiastic about becoming an English teacher for children one day, and soon her dreams would come true; this is why in 2011 she passed on her post to Nina Arutiounouva, a contact person who in spite of her youth showed great linguistic abilities: she speaks perfectly Russian, French, English, Catalan and Spanish, and even if she is shy to admit it, she also does very well with Italian.

Nina has a discrete and observing personality. Entering her world is not easy, but once you start to get to know her you start to see a passionate person that will leave nobody indifferent.

Which are her two well kept secretes? The first is dancing; more specifically tango…who would have thought?

She does not stop talking about her other great passion, and we can only reveal that it has to do with cats…

Let us share another little secret: Nina tells us that for Russian patients the direction in which they enter the surgery room on the stretcher is very important. They should never leave the induction room with their feet up front!! Do not worry, Nina, who knows her fellow-countrymen well, has already informed the doctors.

That’s all, we leave you with Nina, knowing that you might never need her, but in case you did, you can be sure that you will be in good hands.


Publicado por ICSEB el 17 Oct, 2014

The Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona (ICSEB)’s Italian division had the privilege to be the first of the Institut’s international care units.

Those who are aware of the story tell us that everything started due to Italian patients first who took interest in the treatment that a Catalan neurosurgeon was applying in Barcelona.

It was in 2006 when Dr. Miguel B. Royo Salvador noticed ayoung clinical psychologist, Gioia Luè, who was then doing international studies in Barcelona.

Thanks to the incorporation of Gioia Luè, BSc, communicating with Italian patients and their relatives became much easier and smoother and soon enough followed international patient meetings in Rome, Palermo, Trieste, Oristano and Bari.

Elena de’Michieli Vitturi, Bachelor of Arts in Languages and Literature (“Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore”, Milan) and marketing specialist, joined the project in February 2014 with the aim of adding more talent to an area that has not stopped growing since 2006.

The Italian division contributes greatly to the attention given to Italian- speaking patients, starting with the patients’ first contact with the ICSEB until the moment of discharge, thus strengthening interpersonal communication and the physician-patient relationship by offering their linguistic assistance.

It is also part of their duties to translate official medical reports, but let’s not forget the intense work they carry out in the management of relationships with different Italian representatives ad social entities.

All this thanks to a wise combination of passion and professionalism in the difficult world of transcultural medical mediation and with the determination to serve in the patients in the first place, as well as the ICSEB and society in a globalized word on a general basis.