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Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis of Barcelona

Vertebral Column Operated Patients

Carmen Reyes Barranco. Right cervicobrachialgia secondary to right cervical C5-C6 disc herniation

Publicado por ICSEB el 14 May, 2012

Surgery date: March 2012

Hello to everyone. My name is Carmen Reyes, I am 32 years old and I live in Cartagena, Murcia.
I have to tell you that I have undergone surgery for a Herniated Disc in the C5-C6 vertebrae with irradiation to the arm (right Cervicobrachialgia) and I have the need to tell all those people who suffers from this type of hernia that there is a very good solution.
In 2005 and 2010, I was hit in a traffic accident, since then, I had discomfort in my neck and shoulders, typical muscle contractures that used to appear once or twice a year, without having other major consequences than to suffering 15-20 days with pain in the neck and shoulder blade, which with anti-inflammatory treatment went well.
But, in October 2011, I woke up overnight with a terrible neck pain, at first I thought that I had been sleeping with a bad neck position, I spent three or four days like this; I also felt my right arm heavy, as if it had a weight tied on my forearm. My arm didn’t hurt but it was very annoying. I spent a week taking muscle relaxants, anti-inflammatories and acetaminophen, in addition to the occasional metamizol. As the pain did not stop, I went to the GP but he was on leave and there was a substitute who, without getting up from the chair, told me that it would be contractures and I had to take tetrazepam at night for a week, paracetamol and anti-inflammatories every 6 hours. I said I had already been taking that for a week because it was what I was prescribed when I had the accidents. So he told me to go to a physiotherapist, if possible private, because  through social security it would take me at least three months.
I went to a physiotherapist, I explained my story and, without asking me for a MRI or medical test, he began to massage and twist my neck in all directions. After an hour, I was told to put on ice and that was all. After five days, the pain in the arm intensified and I couldn’t move my neck so I went to a private clinic and I was told I had cervicobrachialgia just by telling my symptoms. He gave me an injection and prescribed me corticoides for a week. The next day, the pain was unbearable and I went back again for injections. The doctor who was there asked me “does it hurt so much? Let’s see what’s wrong”. I explained my symptoms and he said “come on . I am going to give you a cocktail” and he gave me two shots. After, he asked me how I was doing but I was not good. My arm was still aching and I even noticed the first electric currents that were going from my neck to my elbow. He sent me home and told me I had to come back the next day to get the corticoide injection. This was just the beginning.
I spent the whole afternoon with electric currents, pain and a lot of heaviness in my arm, in addition to a burning in the back of my neck. The pain was so strong that at 5 AM of 15 October 2011 I had to go to the Hospital. They immediately took care of me and started to give me intravenous serums. It was getting worse, throughout the morning, they gave me two injections of morphine in each arm but they only left me with pins and needles in the area of the puncture and a lot of sleepiness without being able to sleep because it continued to hurt. It was like I was wearing a tourniquet that continuously pressed me, having pressure intervals and when I pressed hard my arm, it was horrible and I didn’t know how to position my head.
My doctor told us that I had to be hospitalized because they have to discover where the focused pain was coming from, and they couldn’t do anything else so they brought me to Santa Lucía Hospital. I was hospitalized for 45 days with all kinds of medication, specially dexketoprofen, morphine, and more morphine in addition to the dexamethasone to be able to calm these pains. The 15th day, the neurosurgeon of Murcia, Dr. Alarcón did a medical examination, he asked me how old I was, I told him 31 and he made me squeeze my fingers. My husband asked him if it was mandatory to undergo surgery and his words literally were: “look, this surgery is very delicate and to give you an idea it is like going on a trip. You know the day you leave but not if you are going to arrive. What does this mean? You can stay in a wheelchair or paralyzed from the neck down. She is very young. We are going to wait another week to see if the medication is working”. He did not give me another option to choose, on the one hand I was glad, I am quite fearful of the surgery theatre, but on the other hand that much pain was not normal. That week turned into another month of suffering terrible pain, cramps, spasms, elelctric currents without being able to stand up from the bed until 43 days later. It was a neverending spiral and after I was another month and a half at home with medication (the shopping list, like my GP said). I had withdrawal syndrome, a week with sweats, chills, body pain, anguish, nausea, etc.
After two months only needing Ibuprofen, Paracetamol and Lyrica, in March, the nightmare of the first 14 days returned. It was a back and forth of pills that were not working anymore. I went to Santa Lucía Hospital and they put me on a tramadol infusion with anti-inflammatory and metoclopramide. The doctor asked me how it was going and I said my neck seems ok but not the arm and he prescribed me tramadol pills and voltaren and if in three days things had not calmed down, I would had to go back to the hospital. That night was not good at all and the next day, I had to go to the emergency room again. They gave me another infusion and nothing, just when they were putting me to bed, Dr. Victoria came and told me that they were going to start with soft medication and increasing the dose. He was paying attention all night but it was still the same, so he told us about Dr. Royo (an excellent neurosurgeon) and he was sure that if Dr. Royo were to perform surgery, I could be calm and fine in a month.
Immediately, on the early Sunday morning, Dr. Victoria contacted Dr. Royo and that same Sunday we went to Barcelona. Early on the Monday, and just with a physical check-up, Dr. Royo told me that it was mandatory to undergo surgery because, in addition to the herniated disc, the nerve of the arm was pressing on the spinal cord. He said that undergoing surgery would solve my problem. I have a lot of respect for the surgery rooms but Dr. Royo gave us the security and calm we needed and he spoke really well about Dr. Victoria. I will never be tired of thanking Dr. Victoria, because he threw himself totally into my case and without him I would not know Dr. Royo. I had to tell you that I underwent surgery on 20 March 2012 and now, 7 weeks later, I am like new. You cannot even imagine. It is incredible how good is to live without any pain.
I sincerely hope that all the people who suffer from what I had, can meet Dr. Miguel B. Royo.
Thank you very much Dr. Royo, I send you my warmest regards.

David Mirete. Herniated disk in left L5-S1.

Publicado por ICSEB el 7 Jul, 2009


Date of the intervention: July 2009

Hi, my name is David Mirete, I am 43 years old (42 when I was operated on), I live in Barcelona and I hope my experience will help you.

Approximately, a year ago before the surgery, I had pain in my back, which affected my left leg. As I belong to a mutual benefit society, I went and visited a traumathologist thinking it was a posture problem, since I work sitting down all day, or an overcharged muscle. The doctor told me then to have an MRI done to see what showed up. With the results in his hands…SURPRISE… you have a herniated disc in L5-S1, but still not ready to be operated on, just like a peace of fruit that needs to ripen, ha ha … According to the doctor the treatment I needed were physiotherapy sessions and that´s it, going through surgery is always the last option.

During the whole year I attended physiotherapy sessions, but the pain persisted. I had many tests done and the painkillers, tranquilizers and physiotherapy was always the ideal treatment.

In June; seeing that this did not work, desperate by the pain, always thinking that it was a simple hernia without importance, they recommend me an Osteopath. The Osteopath made me do a series of movements that made my pain disappear right after the appointment. I thought; this is great! At last, I have no pain! Two days later I almost couldn´t walk, I had to lay on my bed because of the pain and was so strong, I couldn´ t even go to the bathroom. I had a feeling that I would not be able to walk anymore. Three doctors had to come with urgency, each one with their correspondent treatment. I lost count of how many injections I had to calm my pain.

I told my father to make an appointment with Dr. Royo for me because this could not be normal. Curiously, Dr. Royo had already operated on my father three times, also my wife´s aunt and my cousin. One thing I was sure of, if someone had to operate on me, it had to be him, since he was like my family´s doctor.

I arrived with crutches and my curved back to the appointment, just as an 80-year old man, with incredible pain. The doctor told me this could be fixed only one way and this is what happened. I went through surgery on the 7th of July. I entered the surgery room with a lot of pain, but when I woke up from the anesthesia, the pain was gone, my suffering had disappeared; I could not believe it. The doctor told me I had been in such terrible pain because I did not just have a simple hernia. Two months later, I am feeling great, I go swimming, I can drive my car and soon I will be riding my motorcycle and living a normal life.

I only have words of gratitude for Doctor Royo and his kind, pleasant and professional team. I wish I had attended him much earlier but sometimes the surgery room frightens us, which should not happen with such team.

I only want this story to encourage people to really take in consideration their quality of life. As you can see, I had been suffering during the whole year I met Dr. Royo. Don´t make the same mistake, if you suffer from similar symptoms or if your doctor diagnoses you a back lesion, you should make an appointment with Dr. Royo, for sure you won´t regret it.

If you have any questions you can reach me on this number: (+34) 617 219 998 or send me and email at this address: [email protected]

Ramón Borras Iserta. Discal Protrusion in left L5-S1, discal Protrusion in C5-6 and D12-L1, Scoliosis.

Publicado por ICSEB el 13 Oct, 2007


Date of intervention: October 2007

Hi my name is Ramon, a 42-year-old patient living in Botarell situated in the province of Tarragona, Spain.

During all my life I have practiced different sports (mountain motorbike, bicycle, etc) and in the year 2005 I suddenly started having trouble with my lumbar and strong pain in the sciatic nerve of my left leg.

The doctors from the province where I come from in the social security did not find a solution to my problem, since I still had pain and was totally impossible to practice any sport and since the medicines I was prescribed did not have any effect.

17/09/2007 Ligera Escoliosis
Light Scoliosis 17/09/2007
Radiografía postoperatoria 22/12/2008. Se aprecia una mejoría en la columna vertebral.
Post-surgery X-ray 22/12/2008. A clear improvement is considered in the vertebral column

They recommended me Doctor Miguel B. Royo and without a doubt I went to the first visit in September 2007. They did a physical exploration on my whole column and detected a discal Protrusion on the left L5-S1, a discal Protrusion in C5-6 and D12-L1 and Scoliosis.

In October 2007 I went through the surgery for my Herniated disc in L5-S1 and Scoliosis and after being three days in the hospital I arrived home and my left leg was not bothering me anymore at all as well as my lumbar. I am not a doctor but I consider this operation totally successful, since my life has changed radically. A month after the operation I started swimming everyday and after six months I went back to practicing mountain sports and I live now a normal life without any troubles. I want to congratulate Dr. Royo´s team for their professionalism and the exceptional treat maintained. If you have any questions, do not hesitate in contacting me. Teléfono: (+34) 667 690 019 E-mail: [email protected]

Sandra Lucas. Disk herniation Lumbar L5-S1.

Publicado por ICSEB el 15 Jun, 2007


Date of intervention: June 2007

Hello, my name is Sandra and I’m 39 years old. I work as a truck driver and that is how my spinal cord became damaged.

I went to the insurance company and they didn’t pay any attention to me. They told me that it was from a wearing away of the spinal cord and that I shouldn’t work if I was in pain. Not being satisfied with this, I went to see my family doctor. They gave me infiltrations and many pills for the pain, but nothing worked. A year later I was told that I would be operated on through Social Security, and I’m still waiting for the phone call. And as they told me that I would be operated on by an orthopedist, I wasn’t convinced and decided to look for another solution.

The pain was very strong, it went from my back to my feet. Especially on my left side, which stopped me from doing many things. and neither did I have any strength in that foot. The simple tasks of putting on my shoes or getting up off the sofa or out of bed were unbearable.

This went on for 2 ½ years. IT WAS HELL! Through the internet I found Dr. Miguel B. Royo Salvador, who explained everything to me very clearly. After giving him all of my tests, we decided to operate. At last on the 26 of June 2007, Dr. Royo operated on me. The surgery went very well, the next day I already had strength in my foot. Day after day the pain in my waist and legs started going away. It has been 3 months since my surgery and I’m feeling great, at the point of going back to work. I can’t believe how well I feel. I can do tons of things that were impossible for me to do before. I recommend Dr. Royo and his team to everyone who has this problem or something similar. He has changed my life. From here, I thank him. Sandra

E-mail: [email protected]

Oriol Royo Obregón. Luxation and Listesis C6-C7

Publicado por ICSEB el 27 Mar, 2007


Date of intervention: March 2007

My name is Oriol Royo Obregon, I’m 21 years old and I live in Altafulla (Tarragona). I’ll tell you my experience which will hopefully be of help to you.

The 6th of August 2006, I had a traffic accident and was admitted to the Hospital of Mora d’ Ebre, where they performed different tests in which they found an abnormality in the spinal area (among other things). They thought that it was a fissure in the vertebra but as it wasn’t the case, they didn’t give it much importance. Once I was discharged, I had strong pains in my back but I thought it was normal because of my accident. With time, the pain decreased but was still there so my family doctor recommended that I see an orthopedist. The orthopedist had a magnetic resonance and various x-rays done and realized that something was wrong in the cervical area. This was out of his field so he recommended that I see a neurologist. With all of this, a little bit more than three months had gone by since my accident.  
Radiografía lateral de la columna cervical con Luxación y Lístesis C6-C7
Lateral X-ray of the Cervical column with Luxation and Listhesis in C6-C7.
Radiografía postoperatoria anteroposterior de la reducción quirúrgica de la luxación con Artrodesis C6-C7
Post-operatory X-ray antero-posterior of the surgical reduction of the Luxation with Arthrodesis in C6-C7
Radiografía postoperatoria lateral de la reducción quirúrgica de la luxación con Artrodesis C6-C7
Lateral post-operatory X-ray of the surgical reduction of the Luxation with Arthrodesis in C6-C7

Once I had found a neurologist, he did different tests to check my reflexes and feeling… he told me that in most probability, I would have to operate but that I should see a specialist, he mentioned two neurosurgeons, one of them was Dr. Royo.

The day that I went to see Dr. Royo, six months had already gone by since my accident. When he saw my different test results, he realized that I had to have surgery. I had a luxation, we quickly set up a day for the surgery. On the 27th of February he operated, there were no complications, a few hours after leaving the operating room, I was totally fine, without any pain. Three days later I was discharged and I could go home, I rested for fifteen days and now I have already started leading a normal life but with tranquility and without strain. When a month has gone by I will be able to take off my surgical collar and if all goes as planned, the middle of April I will be discharged. The purpose of this account is, in the first place, to give you advice, don’t delay if you find yourself in a situation like mine, I thought I was going as quickly as possible but between one thing and another, more than six months went by, which put me in a high risk situation and not only that, could’ve meant complications in the operation. Secondly, to give encouragement to those who have to have this kind surgery as there are no problems, it’s painless, there are no after-effects (except wearing a surgical collar and resting for a month, not much), thanks to the delicate work of the doctor, you can’t even see a scar… Thanks to all the doctors, nurses, stretcher-bearers, assistants… who took care of me from the moment of my accident to the present day and especially to Dr. Royo for his speed, sincerity and professionalism.

Email: [email protected]

Dolores Castillo. Bilateral Lumbo Sciatica, paresis of the right dorsal foot flexion. Bilateral Radicular compression in L4-L5.

Publicado por ICSEB el 18 Oct, 2006


Date of intervention: October 2006

I am 58 years old, I live in the outskirts of Barcelona and since I had surgery done on the 18th of October 2006 I started to be a new person.

It all happened at the end of the year 2005, the back pains happened periodically, medical visits and diagnosis of artrosis, backalgia etc, anti inflammatory prescriptions and painkillers. Nothing worked, the visits with the bone specialists and the same, all this with the social security, that I had no solution and I should get ready to live with it for the rest of my life¿? I was desperate, I visited private traumatologists, after many tests and taking medicines, the diagnosis was almost identical to the social security. I was just about to give up but one day a good friend of mine gave me a Dr´s phone number and convinced me to call Dr. Miguel Royo Salvador. I thank god for this day, when I followed my friend´s advice and went to this doctor´s office! He checked me and told me that my problem came from my back and “it had a solution”. At that moment I saw the sky opening and I put myself in his hands and god bless his hands. The operation was a success and the post-operation went very well and fast.

My back does not hurt almost anymore and I have recovered 100% of my leg movement since the day of the surgery.

With these lines I want to thank Dr. Miguel B. Royo Salvador and to his work team for their good work, their big experience in their work, their charisma and the affection they give to people who need it. If you have any problem related to what I had, do not hesitate in asking him for help.

Pepi Fernández Sola. Herniated cervical disk in C4-5.

Publicado por ICSEB el 17 Oct, 2006


Date of intervention: October 2006

My name is Pepi Fernández Sola, I am 41 years old, live in Almería and I am going to tell you about my experience about the details that took me to Dr. Royo Salvador´s hands so that he would practice surgery on my herniated cervical disk: Approximately two years ago when I was performing things relating my work I suffered from a lumbar myalgia. The treatment was done through my work insurance but after days and weeks went by, the pain that I felt did not get better.

I had many tests done and the last one was a lumbar MRI where they diagnosed me a lumbar hernia. The neurosurgeon from my medical insurance stated that I wasn´t in the right phase of going through surgery.

As time went by, I kept on going through a lot of pain in the bottom part of my back and at the top part occasionally, this pain went to the head, neck and arms. I got tired of going to the emergency room from these pains and the insurance did not offer me any solution, I then started to visit specialists in the social security:

– Traumatologist: without exploration, he sent me directly to the neurosurgeon (4 months waiting list). – Neurosurgeon: after the exploration and having seen my lumbar MRI, he said the pain I felt at the top of my back and head was not caused by the hernia, he sent me to the rheumatologist because he thought it was fibromyalgia (2 months waiting list). As I could not wait for 2 more months as I was worse with my headaches, neck and arms. I went to a private rheumatologist, where he tested me for rheumatic diseases and the result was that I did not have anything wrong. I was desperate and tired of taking anti-inflammatory medication. I am so grateful for the day that a family member mentioned to me the case of a colleague from his work. The colleague was seen by Dr. Royo and summing-up in two words: “got cured”. I immediately got in contact with the clinic and they gave me an appointment for an evaluation with Dr. Royo. Only with the physical exploration he diagnosed my problem (he detected that I had loss of reflexes and was losing strength in my right hand). He confirmed my problem with 3 MRIs. My diagnosis was: Herniated cervical disk in C4-C5, which was the cause of my pains and discomfort. I also have the lumbar hernia but he mentioned that if we first gave a solution to the cervical hernia, the lumbar hernia would possibly get better. Doctor Royo explained to me in detail the solution, and this solution consisted in going through surgery. In that moment I felt very scared of the surgery, but the doctor transmitted me a lot of confidence, since the surgery guaranteed improvement and I knew that this doctor is an eminence in his profession seeing that he has an expanded professional career. The next week I went through surgery, 17-10-06 and after 3 days in the hospital, I went home to recover. During my recovery I could contact Dr. Royo to consult any doubt as many times I wanted and needed. After a month I came back for the check up where the doctor confirmed what he had mentioned at the day of the surgery, that it had been a success as I gained back my strength in my arm and also my reflexes. I finally don´t have the pains I had in my neck, arms, head and top part of my back. My life quality has gotten much better, although still, according to Dr. Royo, I still have approximately one more month to be perfect. Lastly, I want to thank Ms. Mara Espino for the service and attention received and especially how Doctor Royo Salvador has treated me personally and professionally. His human quality made me feel safe and his big professionalism gave me an enormous safety, before, during and after the surgery. I encourage everyone who has these back pains to contact Dr. Royo. If you want to contact me or consult me any doubt, this is my e-mail address: [email protected]

Carmen Becerra Barranco. Stenosis of the vertebral lumbar canal and Lumbosciatica

Publicado por ICSEB el 19 Sep, 2006


Date of intervention: September 2006

We have taken some time before writing our experience to the forum about the intervention. As she does not know how to use the Internet, she asked me if I could write it for her, I am her daughter Maria del Mar.

You cannot imagine how happy we are and the whole family. My mother has recovered her life, since you performed surgery on her, you have brought her back the desire to live and dance, now more than ever she is enjoying life second by second. We will never now how to thank enough for all you have done. You have marked a before and an after because my mother was very bad and no one gave her hope of curing herself. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Now we want to tell our story from the beginning so that you publish it in the forum and if anyone reads it, will have some hope for a new life just like I have had. Probably what creates more credibility is seeing the results of the other patients. People have to know that what is written in the forums is exactly the truth.

This patient started 18 years ago to feel many symptoms and pains in her back, mainly in the lumbar zone. Maybe it could be normal, since she is the mother of 5 children and works in the agriculture field and has realized many efforts during all her life. All along these 18 years she attended centers where they pinched her needles or gave her massages, which at first gave her rest and some recovery, she also visited traumatologists that treated her with physiotherapy. She took all kinds of medicines trying to relieve the pain; even a year before the operation they injected her Ozone in the column. The traumatologists had recommended her to have surgery done in a way that they would introduce plates and screws that would make her feel better, but with a high risk of staying in a wheel chair and with some luck, after staying in bed for three months, she could live an almost normal life. They also told her if she did not have the surgery done, she would anyway have to stay in a wheel chair. We have many stories to tell from many doctors, but they all basically come to this same conclusion, “you must go though surgery or you will be in a wheel chair”. My mother did not feel very safe to go through this surgery here, so she decided to wait and be operated when she could not walk anymore.

Time went by until they told us the story about a lady who had gone though surgery on her column in the clinic Corachán in Barcelona by Dr. Miguel B. Royo Salvador. Thanks to her testimonial, my father made an appointment and went to the clinic. She brought all the tests she had and the Dr. saw them and said she had to be operated, but it would not be a complicated operation and the recovery would be also fast.

To tell you the truth, it all happened just as the Doctor told us it would be.

My mother went through the surgery on September 19th, from Lumbosciatic and Stenosis. The duration of the operation took three hours and it all went very well, she felt very relaxed and awake when they took her back to the room. On the 22nd of September she was given the discharge, we took a plane to Almería and with no problems.

Nowadays she is perfectly well, the pain she had before stayed in the surgery room.

The operation consisted in filing the bones in the column canal in various levels that were choking the nerves in the column; this is why she was losing sensibility in her legs.

We recommend to everyone who identifies himself or herself like my mother to attend Dr. Royo, for sure he will find a solution to your problem.

Thank you to all his team.

E-mail: [email protected]

José Juan Jiménez Torres. Laminectomy at L5, partial at L4 and bilateral foraminotomy

Publicado por ICSEB el 24 Mar, 2001


Date of intervention: March 2001

Hello everybody, my name is Jose Juan Jimenez Torres and I live in Cartagena, Spain. Dr. Royo (whom I call affectionately Mister Miguel), operated on me in two occasions.

I would like to thank Dr. Royo and his team for their professionalism and their way of treating me. I think that when someone is ill; 50 % of the help received comes in general from humanity, hope, the security that one gives you and of course the hands of Dr. Royo. And I ask myself, being this my own thought: if the hands of the goalkeeper from the Real Madrid soccer team are insured for so many thousands of euros… For how much could the hands of Dr. Royo who has solved many people’s problems be insured for. Sorry if I extend myself too much on compliments towards Dr. Royo but as I say to him; he is “my” god and I thank god for having met him.

Ok, I´ll start telling you my story and I would like it to be beneficiary to people who have back problems and like in my own case, all doors closed on him/her. I would like them to know, there is a door that can open and they should contact Dr. Royo because he has the key to this door that unfortunately others do not know how to open.

I started with back problems in the year 1998. I went to the social security, I had tests done and a disc protrusion was found at level L4-L5, Spondylolisthesis I-II grade, well to make a story short, I went to a neurosurgeon in Murcia and surprisingly was rejected by him and sent me to a Orthopedic traumatologist proposing me to have an instrumented arthrodesis done on me. If I would have had it done, I would possibly be today in a wheelchair. Even with medication my pain did not minimize or anything; the only luck I had was during one of my painful moments I went to the emergency ward of Cartagena, and was lucky to meet Dr. Victoria, who was the reason for how I met Dr. Royo. This doctor said to me; José you are only 28 years old and have a whole life ahead of you, I now a neurosurgeon in Barcelona who is a very good specialist. The truth was, I won´t lie to you, I went to Barcelona being a little skeptical, since I continued having strong pain in my back and legs since two years and no one gave me any solutions whatsoever. As soon as I arrived to Dr. Royo´s office, he sent me to get an MRIs done and as a matter of fact I had everything they had told me I had in Murcia but, Doctor Royo said to me that the problem did not come from the disc protrusions nor the Spondylolisthesis, “you have a Spina Bifida malformation and this is really your problem.” Logically I was surprised and asked him if it had any solution. Dr. Royo told me straight away with absolute certainty, “you have to have surgery and we can calm this pain you have”, I couldn´t believe what I was hearing, I went from seeing everything black to seeing the light again. And in the year 2001 I was operated on from: a Laminectomy L5, partial L4 and Foraminotomy bilateral. The operation came out quite complex and laborious, but the result came out really good. I regained a normal life but of course being careful and had to forget about lifting up any heavy objects. This year I started to feel discomfort in my thorax, loss of strength in my hands, and a stronger pain than before, this pain was stronger and more intense. As usual, I went to the doctor and told me it was a muscular contracture, so they started to give me massages and punctures (so as usual). I still didn’t get better and worsened every time, and thought it was all related to a lumbar problem. Logically, I didn´t think twice about it and went with my wife to see Doctor Royo. Already in the physical exploration, I was told that I had a cervical problem and sent me to have MRIs done and obviously confirmed it. My diagnosis was a herniated disc C6-C7 left medial-par medial that conditioned compression on the medullary cone and left root C7. In that moment the clock came again to a stop. My wife started crying, I was speechless, and the doctor calmed us down with his incredible patience, since this situation was little tense. Because this operation was of high risk for the medulla, he started to calm my wife commenting on how he knew everything was going to come out well, and I tell you with all my heart, I looked at him and said: Mister Miguel, I entirely trust you. Two weeks later he operated on me. On March 24th, 2009 I had a cervical C6-C7 disectomy surgery done with a titanium box. The surgery came out to be a success; thank god I decided to have the surgery since the doctor told me when he came out of the surgery room that the disc was totally broken. I don´t even want to think about the possibility of becoming stiff from the neck and downwards. I am actually still recovering little by little, but doing well. The last thing I would like to tell you is about my daughter, which is the most painful thing for my wife and I. My 13 year old daughter, Omara, suffers back pain, cannot stand up for too long and has urinary incontinence during the night. We have had MRIs done and the traumatologist from Cartagena (Spain) tells us she has nothing and besides she didn´t even want to write certificate to avoid her doing physical exercise at school. Well, it seems like the little girl has a tense filum terminale syndrome and must be operated on. Anyone who has children will understand me and of course soon Dr. Royo will operate on her because we fully trust him and we assume he will treat her like if she were his own child. The intention of telling about my case is to encourage you and that you do not have to be afraid. I wish we had 100 doctors Royo in Spain! If anyone wants to ask me something or simply talk about this, my email address is: [email protected] Best regards to everyone and cheer up.