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Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis of Barcelona

News / Announcement

Invitation to the lecture “The new neuro-craneo-vertebral syndrome, the most common illness. Includes Scoliosis, Syringomyelia and Arnold Chiari I Syndrome“ by Dr. Miguel B. Royo Salvador

Publicado por ICSEB el 19 Mar, 2012

We are pleased to invite you to attend the presentation of the director of the ICSEB “The new neuro-craneo-verebral syndrome, the most common illness. Includes Scoliosis, Syringomyelia and Arnold Chiari I Syndrome” organised by CIMA clinic in Barcelona for8th May 2012.

The program, further particulars and details will be announced shortly.


Note regarding the event:


Dr. Royo Salvador will be introducing the Neuro- Craneo- Vertebral Syndrome (SNCV), a new concept of disease described by himself since 1996 in medical publications.

The SNCV is a disease for which in the majority of cases the patient is not aware that he/she is suffering from it, given that its symptomatology is diffuse and latent, and in combination with almost imperceptible but manifest physical deterioration, it does not allow the patient nor the physician to consider it as a disease. For example, regarding one of the manfestations; the loss of strength: an adult has a grip strength of 25 to 70 kilos in the hands, and is not aware of its decrease until it reaches less than 8 kilos.

The SNCV is a consequence of the anormal traction of the “filum terminale”, (ligament that connects the spinal cord and the sacrum) and which shows primary manifestations of the entire nervous system, the brain, the spinal cord and nervous roots, of the Skull and the vertebral columna; and secondary consequences of ocular, oropharyngeal, circulatory, urinary, digestive, hormonal kind as well as of the entire organism.

The SNCV expresses itself in its maximum intensity in the form of known diseases like the Arnold Chiari I syndrome, idiopathic syringomyelia and scoliosis, basilar impression, platybasia, odontoid process, angulation of the brainstem, vertebral polydiscopathia, nocturnal enuresis, multiple cerebral infarctions, sphincter dysfunctions, hormonal dysfunctions and others.

The occurence of SNCV in the world population is of more than 10%, the proposed treatment is the “sectioning of the filum terminale” (SFT) with a minimally invasive surgery at the height of the sacrum; it is indicated for some 700 million people.

New italian Association for Arnold Chiari I, Sryrningomyelia and Idiopathic Scoliosis.

Publicado por ICSEB el 9 Mar, 2010

Barcelona, March 9th, 2010.

We are glad to announce that this year in Italy, a new Association is born:

Associazione AI.SAC.SI.SCO
“Associazione Italiana Síndrome Arnold Chiari-Siringomielia-Scoliosi Filum. Tomizzati odv.”

The idea of building an association comes from the large number of patients, who got together for the second time last year in October with dr. M. B. Royo Salvador for a reunion that the Chiari & Scoliosis & Syringomyelia Foundation organized in Rome, Italy.
It is a real honor for our institute and foundation to have our patients raise an entity whose purpose is on one hand to inform and help other patients on the road to recognition and treatment of these pathologies, and on the other hand, support the ICSEB as a European Reference Center for these.
The AISACSISCO has been a great example of effectiveness and efficiency, which already characterizes it several months since its constitution.
We want to highlight especially the wonderful participation of patients from all regions of Italy, who have given their availability as related to its territory, to provide information and help others with the difficult bureaucratic paths to the authorization of this surgery in foreign countries (see in web-page: “Contatti regionali”).

We wish President Mrs. Cristina Cattaruzza and all members that it all goes smoothly, hoping that the Association will be able to help a large number of patients to be able achieve the proposed objectives.


A letter to AI.SAC.SI.SCO. (Constitution Association)

Publicado por ICSEB el 22 Dec, 2009

Associazione Síndrome Arnold Chiari I – Siringomielia – Scoliosi – Filum Tomizzati 

December 22, 2009

Dear Sirs: I am writing to you upon learning about the constitution of the “Associazione Síndrome Arnold Chiari I -Siringomielia – Scoliosi – Filum Tomizzati” (AI.SAC.SI.SCO.) that for its name alone I feel very touched, as it expresses very clearly, emphatically and conclusively, the result of 35 years of my investigation. As a result of which, we now attribute the traction of the filum terminale as the cause of the three diseases; Arnold Chiari I, Syringomyelia and Idiopathic Scoliosis. And also, that the way to eliminate this cause is by the surgical section of the filum terminale, and thanks to the minimally invasive techniques, it can be performed with a minimum risk and almost as ambulatory surgery. I know the people who have constituted the AI.SAC.SI.SCO. Association, and I want to publically acknowledge their benevolence, dedication and altruism; always being at the disposition and in the interest of the other patients. As a person and as a doctor I am very satisfied that a group of my patients have made the firm and clear decision to support and help our Chiari & Scoliosis & Syringomyelia Foundation (CSSf) and with that, many other patients. The AI.SAC.SI.SCO. is the first non-professional health association that supports the work of our team publically, which makes us all feel an emotion and affection that we have not felt until now.

Now, at last, we know that a part of the association represented by the AI.SAC.SI.SCO. is entitled to us and justifies, with its existence and that of our patients, all the effort made until now. For this reason, I convey to them with all my affection, that we will continue investigating and working for them. On my behalf and that of my team, we would like to thank you. Dr. Miguel B. Royo Salvador

¡¡Latest news about the II Reunion for patients in Rome, Italy!!

Publicado por ICSEB el 4 Sep, 2009

Reunión para pacientes Roma Italia

The document is now available: II Reunión para pacientes. Roma. Italia

The reunion in Rome has been of great success in assistance. Dr. Gioia Luè presented the results of her investigations on the quality of life during the post-surgery after the section of the filum terminale, and Dr. Royo Salvador presented to the ones who did not now about it, his treatment to stop the diseases such as Arnold Chiari I, Syringomyelia and Scoliosis. He has also mentioned his new complementary medical treatment and physiotherapy treatment, which are resulting efficient. Between the conference novelties, the “Chiari & Scoliosis & Syringomyelia Foundation” must also be brought out. The foundation will continue contribute with all its effort for the investigation, public health and teaching for patients and doctors. It is important to mention the big demand for assistance to this event to the point of having to move to a bigger auditorium. After the reunion we have received many congratulations for the organization of the act through many messages and phone calls from patients. We are very glad that the conference has been of help to them and we hope to be able in the future to repeat these events in different countries. At the end of the reunion we have awarded patients and/or family members that help other petients with great enthusiasm and willingness. Sponsors: Rita Presbulgo y Angelo Donzelli Patroness: Elena Degl’Innocenti Collaborators: Estelle Lussiana Pietro Gigliola Cristiana Cattarruzza Francesco Crocè Monica Bacci Francesco Mauro Caterina Ravelli Angelo Sabatelli Athos Piccinini Sergio Maldini Fatima Giordano Rosalia Mocciaro Franceso Mazzieri Irene Mazzieri

Incidents in the Section of the filum terminale

Publicado por ICSEB el 14 May, 2009

I am very worried with the indications, comments and type of interventions that are being applied to patients with Syringomyelia in countries like Italy and France and which have started to apply the section of the filum terminale.

Here I have a part of the recent consultation done through e-mail of an Italian patient suffering from traumatic Syringomyelia where neither the section of the filum terminale nor the drainage of the Syringomyelic cavity are indicated, including the linguistic argot:

“dopo un peggioramento da circa 1 anno e mezzo, il dottore della mia città vorrebbe farmi altro drenaggio, un’altra eqipe di Firenze.. invece vuole farmi la resezione del filum! x via intradurale..senza però garantirmi nulla sul esito..e cmq un’operazione di certo invasiva..mah!”

“after a year and a half of worsening, the doctor from my city wanted to practice on me another drainage, meanwhile, the team in Florence wanted to practice the section of the filum terminale! through via intradural, without any guarantee of good results…and besides it would be an invasive intervention…gosh!”

The worsening in this case is due to the presence of an evident herniated disc in C3-4, which has not been taken in consideration by the different consulted specialists.

On the other hand there is a team in the Kremlin-Bicêter Hospital that practiced two interventions of the section of the filum terminale on two patients with Syringomyelia with no valid surgical criteria. The insults they uttered to us such as: “charlatan” came from this precise hospital some months ago according to a patient operated with the SFT.

What also worries me is the mercantilist aspect of a French professional inexperienced in these pathologies, which before operating the first case, they already have proposed economic offers to people who consider themselves legitimated to direct groups of patients with different interests in the correct medical praxis.

The saddest news we received was from Italy when the sectioning of a nerve at the intradural lumbar level was done when trying to practice the section of the filum terminale.

The proposed section of the filum terminale for the treatment of various neurological illnesses, which constitute the new NeuroCraneoVertebral Sindrome, is effective when a cautious selection of patients is made; in the presence of many factors, such as the correct indication or the contraindication for the intervention. Besides, it is precise to have a special post-operation control and the patient’s collaboration to understand the objectives of the operation and the future results. Since these successful interventions could end up with a negative result
without doing this Psycho neurological control when it is actually positive, especially with the complex clinical setting and the frequent disapprobation and insults uttered by some uninformed and malicious professionals.

The indications and contraindications of the NeuroCraneoVertebral Sindrome, which forms part of the Syringomyelia are reflected in the different publications and its fundamentals in the understanding of the whole explanation from the doctoral thesis up until the last publication (see the bibliography in the INB and ICSEB webpage). We are updating all this criteria from the discovering of new pathologies related with new signs and symptoms.
Confirming some in the form of a doctoral thesis and others in publications with investigative studies sponsored by the “Chiari & Scoliosis & Syringomyelia Foundation”.

Dr. Royo Salvador