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Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis of Barcelona

Maria Luisa Pedrosa Jiménez. Chiari I Syndrome

mluisa_Pedrosa Date of intervention: November 2006


Those that have past through this experience we want to say so many things that refer about the same thing, but we don´t know where to begin.. I am 48 years old and have been having headaches for almost 4 years, I don´t remember, a year and a half ago I went to the Social Security Neurologist and they did a Magnetic Resonance on me, of which they didn´t tell me the truth, they informed me of Musculoesquelética Malformation, which does not have anything to do with Chiari, I took medicines that didn´t work on me.

I returned to the private practise to more than 3 neurologists, either coincided, and I was getting worse and another time I went to Social Security to request for a Resonance and to know how it went. Then I had to go to archives for a previous inform (report), and it was when I noticed that I had cerboloasas decreased owing to a Arnold Chiari I Syndrome, and I asked myself. “Why didn´t the neurologist not call it by his name?”

Well, the story is that I arrived at home and I turned on the Internet, much to my surprise is when I saw what I was suffering, I was astonished, and clearly I started investigating until I found Doctor Royo Salvador, clearly, if he opens a door in your life, the hope of getting myself well without an aggressive and complicated intervention like how they open your head. The first thing that I did was got in contact with a female patient already operated and I felt good with everything that she explained to me, and then I called The Doctors Clinic and I prepared everything to go and be intervened.

We are enchanted with the treatment, the predisposition, the humanity, the peace that breathes when speaking with him, the tranquillity that he gives, that everything he says is little, in the morning I had tests, in the afternoon results, and the following morning he operated me, I entered operating theatre at 9am and at 10.30am I was -in the ward with a lot of appetite, without headaches, without stitches, with annoyances, and the day after they discharged, I went for a stroll around Barcelona like as if I hadn´t been recently operated on, I was fabulous, and continue to be, I haven´t had to take sedatives, because nothing has hurt. From when they operated the 13th of November 2006 until now I don´t know what pain is, they took off my back contractures, my vision is more centred, no longer do I choke, above all the itch I had in my throat didn´t return which was the most annoying because with a cough my head exploded, I am more upright, my face expresses health and well-being, everything is really good and I´m really happy. But also very indignant because if you don´t have Internet, how can you find out about these options, if nobody tells you, because S.S (social security) believes that it´s their right to make the people suffer knowing that there are other alternatives. I will spread the word, my next letter will be to the newspapers in my city which is GIJON, ASTURIAS, it is called THE COMMERCE and I will spread it in all places wherever that´s possible for me, and if they allow me, I have informed many competent physiotherapists that I know of which it interested them. Well, after treating me without results, due to that everything was for Chiari I and now I consider that many of my symptoms at the time just treated the problem, for example some request if you already have a Resonance report, and they have the information of the Filum Terminal and the Doctor Royo Salvador. My name is Marisa, my telephone is enclosed below for all whom would like to speak with me at whatever time. Regards. Many thanks to Dr Royo Salvador and his magnificent team. Tel: (+34) 659 571 139 E-mail: [email protected]