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Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis of Barcelona

Mercedes Reverter Segarra. Chiari I Syndrome, Cervical Hernia Discal C4-5 and C5-6

mecedes_reverter Data of intervention: February 2007


I am Mercedes Reverter Segarra of 61 years, 35 years ago I suffered backaches, firstly it was only lumbar pain and even remaining myself in the bed. Later the thing was as well complicating itself also with cervical pain. I went to the doctors, whom which gave me medication for the pain and they said that I had to have patience and to acustom myself to the pain because it was artrosis and that there wasn´t a solution. I time was passing , every time i felt worse, with more pains, and they were a lot stronger everytime and I needed more time to recover. 5 years ago I could no longer hold the pain so I began to go to all doctors, who were saying to me either by insurance or by paying and nobody gave me a solution. By this stage i was desperate because the pain did not cease, it took away my desire to live, i didn´t have hope i only wanted to die , because of the way that I was living wasn´t the way to live.

Always with that pain, no matter what i took it didn´t have any effect on me. Until autumn of 2006, things started getting complicated, no longer could i move my neck, i was always nauseous and dizzy having to remain in bed for weeks ,i couldn´t hardly walk only to my rate and i did not have force in the right hand, I lost all sensitivity and to make matters worse I was depressed. I did not know that to do, i felt that my life didn´t have any solution and that i wouldn´t be able to move myself and end up in a wheelchair.

My brother had been operated on with cervical hernia in Barcelona by Dr. Royo and he said to me that why don´t i see what the Doctor has to say and without thinking twice i went. Dr. Royo kindly told me that we needed to undergo some tests and that later we will speak, much to my and my families surprise was when he told me that i had 4 problems. I had two cervical hernia discals very advanced and that it was pressing on the spinal cord. Also filum terminal disease from birth, a lumbar pinch and finally, a loss of mobility in the right arm. I was so shocked as well as my family but at the same time we were glad because we finally we knew what i had and that it had a solution, to operate.

On day 13.2.07 Dr. Royo operated on me at the Corachan Clinic in Barcelona, the operation consisted of a discectomy and cervical artrodesis C4-C5 and C5-C6 with titanium boxes and section of the filum terminale. The operation was long and delicate, when I woke up Dr. Royo told me that everything had gone very well. I was calm because i knew that i was in good hands. The following day I noticed that something had changed in my life ,that I HAD NO PAIN. Every day that went by i found myself better and continued having NO PAIN. Day 16.2.07 i was discharged from the hospital having already recovered 70% of force in my hand and could walk perfectly without pain in my leg. When arriving home i rested the maximum however i had so much joy because i felt so good without any pain and nor dizziness. I will never be able to thank him enough nor my family, for what Dr. Royo has done to me. Because it has given me back the desire to live. Now, I begin to be happy. THANKS. Telephone: (+34) 649 222 127 E-mail: [email protected]