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Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis of Barcelona

9 years after the Sectioning of the Filum terminale according to the Filym System®

San Giovanni in Fiore, 31th May 2019

31th May is a special day for me. I could say it is my ninth birthday because nine years ago I was born again. Today, I want to send a special thanks to those who improve people’s lives every day, as it has happened to me. After nine years, I can say that there are exceptional people in the world, such as Dr. Miguel B. Royo Salvador, Miss Gioia Luè, the entire team of the Institut Chiari de Barcelona (Spain) and the members of the association AI.SAC.SISCO Onlus (Italy). They brought me back to life, giving me the strength to be reborn and smile again.
Thank you with all of my heart because if today I can write my story, it is because I owe it all to my adored Dr. Miguel B. Royo Salvador. I will never stop thanking him for what he did for me because, without his help, I would not have been here for years.
Dear Doctor, I will always carry you in my heart and I will always thank you for what you did for me. Thank you for existing!
Maria Pia Ambrosio