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Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis of Barcelona

Pepi Fernández Sola. Herniated cervical disk in C4-5.


Date of intervention: October 2006

My name is Pepi Fernández Sola, I am 41 years old, live in Almería and I am going to tell you about my experience about the details that took me to Dr. Royo Salvador´s hands so that he would practice surgery on my herniated cervical disk: Approximately two years ago when I was performing things relating my work I suffered from a lumbar myalgia. The treatment was done through my work insurance but after days and weeks went by, the pain that I felt did not get better.

I had many tests done and the last one was a lumbar MRI where they diagnosed me a lumbar hernia. The neurosurgeon from my medical insurance stated that I wasn´t in the right phase of going through surgery.

As time went by, I kept on going through a lot of pain in the bottom part of my back and at the top part occasionally, this pain went to the head, neck and arms. I got tired of going to the emergency room from these pains and the insurance did not offer me any solution, I then started to visit specialists in the social security:

– Traumatologist: without exploration, he sent me directly to the neurosurgeon (4 months waiting list). – Neurosurgeon: after the exploration and having seen my lumbar MRI, he said the pain I felt at the top of my back and head was not caused by the hernia, he sent me to the rheumatologist because he thought it was fibromyalgia (2 months waiting list). As I could not wait for 2 more months as I was worse with my headaches, neck and arms. I went to a private rheumatologist, where he tested me for rheumatic diseases and the result was that I did not have anything wrong. I was desperate and tired of taking anti-inflammatory medication. I am so grateful for the day that a family member mentioned to me the case of a colleague from his work. The colleague was seen by Dr. Royo and summing-up in two words: “got cured”. I immediately got in contact with the clinic and they gave me an appointment for an evaluation with Dr. Royo. Only with the physical exploration he diagnosed my problem (he detected that I had loss of reflexes and was losing strength in my right hand). He confirmed my problem with 3 MRIs. My diagnosis was: Herniated cervical disk in C4-C5, which was the cause of my pains and discomfort. I also have the lumbar hernia but he mentioned that if we first gave a solution to the cervical hernia, the lumbar hernia would possibly get better. Doctor Royo explained to me in detail the solution, and this solution consisted in going through surgery. In that moment I felt very scared of the surgery, but the doctor transmitted me a lot of confidence, since the surgery guaranteed improvement and I knew that this doctor is an eminence in his profession seeing that he has an expanded professional career. The next week I went through surgery, 17-10-06 and after 3 days in the hospital, I went home to recover. During my recovery I could contact Dr. Royo to consult any doubt as many times I wanted and needed. After a month I came back for the check up where the doctor confirmed what he had mentioned at the day of the surgery, that it had been a success as I gained back my strength in my arm and also my reflexes. I finally don´t have the pains I had in my neck, arms, head and top part of my back. My life quality has gotten much better, although still, according to Dr. Royo, I still have approximately one more month to be perfect. Lastly, I want to thank Ms. Mara Espino for the service and attention received and especially how Doctor Royo Salvador has treated me personally and professionally. His human quality made me feel safe and his big professionalism gave me an enormous safety, before, during and after the surgery. I encourage everyone who has these back pains to contact Dr. Royo. If you want to contact me or consult me any doubt, this is my e-mail address: [email protected]